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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
It really has not been a good few weeks in our circle.

First off, instead of being told I need PT for my thumb or a bit more healing time, I'm told I need surgery plus several weeks in a cast.
Last weekend, my brother's best friend, who is like another little brother for me, broke both bones in his ankle playing soccer and can't even go back to school for a few weeks because of it.
And now my step-grandfather breaks his hip, which is the worst out of all of these.

This has not been a few good weeks.:(


Did they replace his hip?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

Did they replace his hip?
No, he's too old for that. They're putting a pin in it and said he should be able to walk again. Thinking this will finally get him to see that he's getting too old for many things. He used to not let my grandmother park in spots that were for the elderly. He'd say, "That's for old people." He was 90 at the time.

The surgery got delayed, so he's in the operating room right now. I hate this not-knowing stuff.


Well-Known Member
Not a bad time right now, for once the dollar is stronger.

That's the only reason why I didn't do a masters in London. I had a college in Regents Park picked out and everything. The pound was 2 plus to 1 vs the dollar back then. Unfortunately while university was a lot cheaper (11,000 pounds for a year), it was up to 22,000 plus USD and more for you do have to live in London. In the end it was too much money for just one year and no guarantee of a job. I did the math and what the website said that what a year would was some crazy number like 50K, could have been more. For only 8 months and I wouldn't want to come back to the states either.

Which obviously people don't understand when it comes to college loans.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
He's having surgery as we speak right now so that he can walk again. Apparently, they did this procedure on a 104-year-old woman and it was successful. Keeping our hopes up.

Oh I hope this all turns out well. My Dad was in his early 80s when he had his hip replaced. That surgery has come a long way. There is some rough PT that goes with it the first couple weeks, my Dad was in a rehab center. Me, I think the recovery has as much to do with a positive attitude as it does outcome of surgery.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
No, he's too old for that. They're putting a pin in it and said he should be able to walk again. Thinking this will finally get him to see that he's getting too old for many things. He used to not let my grandmother park in spots that were for the elderly. He'd say, "That's for old people." He was 90 at the time.

The surgery got delayed, so he's in the operating room right now. I hate this not-knowing stuff.

Oy. I know that waiting feeling all too well, sucidoodles. *Pixie Dust* and sending good karma.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That's the only reason why I didn't do a masters in London. I had a college in Regents Park picked out and everything. The pound was 2 plus to 1 vs the dollar back then. Unfortunately while university was a lot cheaper (11,000 pounds for a year), it was up to 22,000 plus USD and more for you do have to live in London. In the end it was too much money for just one year and no guarantee of a job. I did the math and what the website said that what a year would was some crazy number like 50K, could have been more. For only 8 months and I wouldn't want to come back to the states either.

Which obviously people don't understand when it comes to college loans.

I get that. I watched my DD as she was entertaining offers from schools. You really have to pay close attention to the overall costs.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well, everyone worried about something, watching tv and relaxing.. or like me.. napping :D

We actually hit a Septemberfest in the NW Suburbs of Chicago today. It was fun but hot. Then we polished off the 3 rooms of my DD apartment, it is a home now. Still lots to go including a dozen or so Rubbermaid totes in her closet and more here at home to unload but they are out of sight and the apartment looks wondrous.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
It's amazing how much work you can get done when stressed, huh? ;)
I always joke that when my mom is anxious or mad about something, she starts cleaning. She was on a rant once (not directed at us) and as she's ranting about it to me, cleaned the entire kitchen. Like, thoroughly. I let her do it and then pointed it out to her. She looked around, realized that I was right...and then vacuumed the entire house. Apparently, I'm exactly the same. I couldn't focus to do any reading, which is a more immediate concern, but writing a paper I had laser-focus. Of course, I'd rather write papers than study for a test, so...not terribly unusual in my case.

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