The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Happy Monday! It's the first day of school so once all the little er um angels are gone us moms are going out to celebrate!

School starts for us tomorrow. Wisconsin has a law that school for the students can't start until September 1st or Labor Day, whichever comes first. I had inservice all last week but I don't have to go in today, so I am enjoying my last gasp day of summer. We are going to be in the mid 80's today so that will be nice. But tomorrow it is supposed to get up to 88 which will not be enjoyable with no AC in the classroom and all those little bodies giving off body heat, and only one window that opens directly onto baking pavement. Not looking forward to tomorrow's heat. I find it ironic that the last two weeks it has been in the 60-70's and the week we go back to school it is predicted to be high 80's to 90's!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
That's all we can do, my friend. I'm still torn over the loss of my last dog; we had her for many years, and she was like my soul partner. I was borderline devastated for quite some time afterwards and wouldn't even consider getting a new dog for well beyond a year later. It was only at the insistence of hubby that we finally got a new dog, after a year without a pet at home. I agreed, but it was mostly to make him happy, as I didn't want him to miss out. Our present dog (been with us about 6 years now) is very different from the previous one, and I think that's best; otherwise, the new dog would remind me too much of the one I lost.
I haven't been able to think seriously about another doggie right now. My last was a "Mommy's" girl.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
School starts for us tomorrow. Wisconsin has a law that school for the students can't start until September 1st or Labor Day, whichever comes first. I had inservice all last week but I don't have to go in today, so I am enjoying my last gasp day of summer. We are going to be in the mid 80's today so that will be nice. But tomorrow it is supposed to get up to 88 which will not be enjoyable with no AC in the classroom and all those little bodies giving off body heat, and only one window that opens directly onto baking pavement. Not looking forward to tomorrow's heat. I find it ironic that the last two weeks it has been in the 60-70's and the week we go back to school it is predicted to be high 80's to 90's!
Murphy's law. Sorry about the heat, it makes it so hard for kids to concentrate. Could you do some of your classes outside? We used to do that when the school was so hot inside.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
It will be 3 years between trips for us so we're going to splurge a bit with a longer vacation. it looks like just my dh and I are going May 2017 and that will be a short trip. Not sure if we'll be doing Disney and UNI or just UNI.
If you have never gone to the flower and garden show it's really nice in Epcot. Through the week it's not very busy, and the flowers are beautiful. What ever you decide have the best trip. Good morning, missed everyone yesterday. I was still under the weather, good today. Yea!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Growing up with my parents and siblings, there were 6 of us in one house, and one bathroom. During the school year only, my parents set up a morning time schedule for each of us to use the bathroom to get ready for school. We each had 20 minutes, and somehow it worked. Years later, they added a small lavatory on the first floor, but even before that, we all somehow managed. By the way, if we missed our time in the morning, we had to wait until everyone else was done getting ready, and that meant that you'd be running to school to make it on time! ;)
We had a schedule too, and we only had three kids. My sister was "always" hogging the bathroom, :rolleyes::D


Premium Member
If you have never gone to the flower and garden show it's really nice in Epcot. Through the week it's not very busy, and the flowers are beautiful. What ever you decide have the best trip. Good morning, missed everyone yesterday. I was still under the weather, good today. Yea!

I was really impressed with all the flowers when I went in March, the Flower and Garden Festival was more beautiful than I thought it would be. I just LOVE Epcot!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I was really impressed with all the flowers when I went in March, the Flower and Garden Festival was more beautiful than I thought it would be. I just LOVE Epcot!
Epcot has always been my favorite park. I love the "different" country's with different food selections. And except for Food and Wine, it's usually less crowded, or maybe it just feels that way with the lake. :happy:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Big scary dads come in handy, sometimes! ;)

Sad to hear, though, that your daughter was harassed by the idiot student on the school bus. Some kids are mean; I'm glad this was dealt with swiftly. Your daughter sounds like such a sweet girl from everything you've shared about her.
I had boys bothering me and my friend during middle school (sexual harassment), it got so bad and the bus driver did nothing. So Mom organized a car pool, for us girls. Angry Mom's come in handy too.;)

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Happy to hear that you consider the Monorail another (attraction) ride, and that @betty rose considers the boats a ride, too.

In addition to agreeing with all of the above, I also think the buses are more rides, too! (In other words, to me, anything that MOVES is another fun ride! :joyfull: :joyfull: ) I like it when people take me places. :)
I want to like this a million times over. Hubby loves that he gets a real vacation, with no worries about driving. :happy:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I've had teachers like that. I had a teacher in high school who gave me a zero on a piece of homework because SHE gave me the wrong assignment. I had a speech tournament on the weekend, so I got all my assignments before I left, turned it in and she said I did the wrong assignment. I had the sticky note she wrote with the assignment on it and she said even though it was her writing, it was still the wrong assignment and she wouldn't accept it, nor would she give me extra time to complete the correct one. My mom went in to talk to her and she wouldn't back down. It was disrespectful of me to argue with her. I had 100% in that class anyway, so it didn't even affect my grade, but it was the principle of the thing.
Then I had a GA in college for a math class who didn't even know that .15 is a decimal presentation of 15% and therefore the same.
.15 =15%. He argued with the entire class insisting it wasn't the same. And he gave me a zero on a bar graph because he wanted the bars to go vertical, but he wanted the x-axis values across the bottom. I told him that's impossible, it won't work that way, that if he wanted the x-axis values across the bottom, the bars had to go left to right. I asked math and science teachers and everyone I knew and they all said he was nuts. He was a social work grad student who wanted a GA position and the only thing they had available was a math class. He wasn't qualified to teach. My husband and I were dating at the time, but he was in the Netherlands and I was in the US...he was studying to be an engineer, so obviously a strong mathematical background. He tutored me in that class over the phone every night or I'd never have passed it. I don't think I learned a single thing from that teacher.
When you pay so much for classes, I would be pretty upset that I didn't get anything out of it.

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