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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Wow, that's ambitious! Also, I didn't realize that Ikea sold fabric. (I've never gone to Ikea; it's not all that close by so I don't bother.)

The drapes sound very attractive. What a nice project for mother and daughter! :)
Thank you.

Everyone should visit ikea even just once. It is a very unique place on a mega scale. There are two in northern Illinois that I can be at in an hour. I fond of many of their departments.


Premium Member
Our little dog Freddy did something similar, after dinner I went to get a clean dish towel, and by the time I got back he was standing in the middle of the table helping himself to my next day's lunch, fried pork chop.

Well in the case of my dog, he can't ever be trusted! You see, he was upstairs when I briefly went into the back room on the first floor; but by the time I came out of there (no longer than maybe 90 seconds) with the plates from the dishwasher, he had managed to sneak down the steps and devour my pie and ice cream off the table! I didn't hear a thing while he stole my dessert! :in pain:


Premium Member
The villas at Poly if he's paying!

Meh, Poly villas . . . Why not go for the gusto. Since @MR FERRET is paying (quite sporting of you, MR FERRET), I would like the Cinderella Suite at Cinderella Castle. And oh, MR FERRET, while you're at it, could you also please arrange for Cinderella's Gold Coach, white horses, and footmen, to drive me from the Orlando Airport to Disney in style! :joyfull:


Premium Member
I won't have a car unfortunately

I never have a car down there anymore; haven't for probably17 years or so. It just got so busy and congested with so many cars, that it made me nervous to drive down there. That's when I made the decision to always stay on property if I could swing it, so that I could just use all the Disney transportation. It's worked out great for me.


Well-Known Member
But not lethal like cats. I recently read that cats are responsible for some animals becoming extinct. I can't cite my source but I swear I read it somewhere.
I think they are talking about "big" cats and as such it's called survival of the fittest or sometimes the way of nature. If it's the little cats then mostly mice and such. As far as I am concerned, they have no other practical use (other then Mickey) for existence, other then being a food supply.


Premium Member
I think they are talking about "big" cats and as such it's called survival of the fittest or sometimes the way of nature. If it's the little cats then mostly mice and such. As far as I am concerned, they have no other practical use (other then Mickey) for existence, other then being a food supply.

Food supply?



Well-Known Member
As a kid, I hated Geography. Was not good at it, asking me to recall details from a map was like asking me to speak Chinese, and I worked very hard at it only to not do very well in it.

Well, for my Spanish class this semester. our first unit is the geography of Spain. And ya know what? I still hate geography! It's nice to know that there are thing you stunk at as a kid that you stink at as an adult as well.:banghead:


Well-Known Member
My dog Arnie did that to me. Bassent hound and fox hound mix - think basset hound with longer legs. Can even reach things in the sink. I was having breakfast and the doorbell rang. I'm talking to the solicitor (even though I have a no solicitors sign on the door), when he says your dog is eating your food. Yep, he was sitting on the kitchen chair, calmly lapping up my cereal.....

What the heck kinda' solicitor was that, getting off their sales pitch so easily...?! :confused:
Oh, never mind, that kinda' solicitor...they'd already ignored your "No solicitors" sign. They might need to find another line of work. ;)

Side note: my grandparents on my moms side always had a "No solicitors" sign on their farm gate.
My grandparents on my pops side never had a farm gate. :)

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