The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

betty rose

Well-Known Member
What do you put in your fruit salad?
Fresh pineapple, cherries for the kids, orange segments, white grapes (I can have those and kids love) another bowl of blueberries, I can't have but they can add to the salad, No one but me likes the melon kind of fruit, so I chop that up for me. In another bowl. Picky family! ha Just a lot of restrictions . We do okay, a lot of prep work, but everyone gets something they can have. I like to add a little fresh orange juice....

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Agree with both sentiments! I usually avoid watching the news, but just had the TV on last night to help muffle some of the fireworks sounds. Guess I should have put a Disney movie on instead. :cat:
Hubby and I used to get in bed with our doggies, turn on the TV loud, weather channel or music channel, and snuggle under the covers, with a small gap for breathing. That seemed to help a lot. I think we had them close to our chests, so they could hear our hear beat. We do love our pets, our daughter was out of the house by then she was married. We didn't do much celebrating, as they went to Kansas for the other grandparents.
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betty rose

Well-Known Member
Hee-hee. You said butt.

Our youngest grandson went around saying butt, for the longest time.:rolleyes:;)

betty rose

Well-Known Member
So very sorry to hear about the macular degeneration. I hope they can find a way to slow it down and fend it off for as long as possible.
5 pounds was indeed a tiny premie back in the 40's. You are definitely a fighter.
Continued prayers and blessings to you.

Our middle child (DS, born in '92 - now 22 yrs. old) was a super premie. He came into the world at 1 lb. 4 oz., and spent 4.5 mos. in the NICU, before we were able to bring him home on a heart/apnea monitor that he was on for the first year. Lots of meds, and many other issues. Fortunately, he has been physically healthy for many years now. Although, he is on both the autism and Asperger's spectrums. He has issues with time/space, routines, etc..
I'm very familiar with premie eye issues, as well. While he was still in the NICU, he was diagnosed with premature retinopathy, and they did laser surgery to save his vision. Only about 5% of his peripheral vision was lost, and he has to have corrective lenses, but, other than that his eyes don't give him much trouble.
All that being said, we are very grateful. Awesome Dr.'s and nurses. Things could have been so much worse for him. There were so many other children, many born much larger than him, that never made it home.
He too, is a fighter.
I 'm so glad your son is a fighter. My son-in law always says what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. I agree, and God says he won't give you anything you can't handle. I appreciate the prayers, we all have been given challenges in life, some have financial, some have other's, mine seem to be on the physical realm....we all try to do our best. I will keep your son in my prayers, new discovery's are made every day in medicine. If daughter had stones like this, she would have not made it.....she is currently on an experimental drug to cut the stones. So far she is down to about 10 a month, instead of thirty. Only one lithotripsy , in the last three months. I'm very hopeful going forward. I don't know about your situation, but I'm so glad that kids with autism and Asperger's get to participate, with the others kids in school. Of course, they have one on one time in special education, but so do the advanced kids, everyone has been taught that we all have different strengths. I love the type of elementary education out here. God bless you for thinking about me, when you have your own challenge's. You and family will be in my prayer's each day donaldtoo.


Well-Known Member
Hubby and I used to get in bed with our doggies, turn on the TV loud, weather channel or music channel, and snuggle under the covers, with a small gap for breathing. That seemed to help a lot. I think we had them close to our chests, so they could hear our hear beat. We do love our pets, our daughter was out of the house by then she was married. We didn't do much celebrating, as they went to Kansas for the other grandparents.

We don't get the weather channel anymore :cry: Not that I watched it a lot but it was nice to look at the radar so you could see whats happening before runs and stuff. Now I have to turn on my computer, wait for it to come on and go to the website.

For a month or so we had some horrible accrue weather station and now we don't have any.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Ok gang, here's the start of a mini-trip report for you and pictures of our first day!

We left Minneapolis at 7:30pm and we landed in Iceland and changed planes. Then we got into the Paris airport at a little after 1 pm. We took the train to our hotel in the Latin Quarter of Paris (about a 5 minute walk from Notre Dame). Our hotel room was teeny tiny and we had a double bed, the shower was super small too basically enough room to walk in to it. But the room had a nice little balcony to sit out on and enjoy the view.

Us on the plane ready to go!
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Our little balcony
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And the view
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The cool metro stop near us.
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Our first view of the Eiffel Tower and the River Seine. The bridge in the picture is the "love lock" bridge that recently had the locks taken off and these decorative panels are up for now as they make repairs. Unfortunately, people are putting locks on other bridges, I wish they would realize that they aren't pretty on the bridge and they cause destruction.
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My first food in Paris, chocolate Berthillion ice cream. It was the best ice cream I've ever had, and that says a lot coming from a girl from the Dairy State!
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At the Louvre!
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I keep scrolling up to see your pictures over and over. Paris looks so pretty, and your ice cream looks really chocolaty. I love the balcony, it's what I have always imagined since taking high school French class. Sharing your pictures is so kind for all of us! I loved the pic on the air plane, you looked so excited....I would be too. Have the most wonderful trip ever.
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betty rose

Well-Known Member
More of the Louvre
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It was funny the amount of people gathered in front of the Mona Lisa....
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Hubby being a goof!
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Venus de Milo
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Souvenirs for sale outside the Louvre, we learned later that these vendors often store their wares in the sewers of Paris! I'm glad I didn't buy from them!
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It's so amazing how small the Mona Lisa is. I've never gone to Paris, but our Kansas City, art museum had a display of French art. I loved that display, thank you for sharing.

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