The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Such nice memories! :happy:

Oh yes! I remember the old hand cranked ice cream makers, with rock salt and all that fun!
We used to make it on the porch of the farmhouses of both my grandparents, a lot...! :hungry: :)
You can still see these guys around in Mexico.
if you see someone with a sign saying "Nieve de Garrafa".
They are using shaved ice and the old "crank and twist" technique to make ice cream.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
My daughter and I have been known to have ONE Monopoly game last a few days.
Kids had a new game to me. We had to turn over a card and draw, what it said. Then pass to the next person. They looked at the pic, and wrote in their guess of pic. Went around the table until the card returned to it's owner. We started with different things to draw. It was pretty crazy when it got to the end somehow we went from French fries. To an apple pie! Or a bull to a rabbit. funny game, lots of laughs...both the drawings and guesses! They give you really big markers so it's hard to do a detailed pic. That's the fun!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
know the feeling. I still remember when after my first trip to WDW.. I had 17 SIT DOWN RESTAURANT remaining points. D:
A few years ago you could give your dining credits to another family at the restaurant at the same time. So fun, loved giving what was a total surprise to other people. That was a win win for both giver and receiver. Bad Disney for doing away with this, joyful for everyone.


Well-Known Member
OK. All caught up! now to catch up with my day...:oops:.

and don't knock this cooler weather! Last time I remember it being this cool around July 4th, the next thing I knew Chicago was having its historical deadly heat wave. Just moved into an apartment in Chicago, no a/c of course. You don't need it with that lake breeze.
Careful what you wish for!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
dont forget this important addon:

I'll go to the Sea's to get that!:D

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Oh, here's something interesting. In the city I'm staying at, Netanya, you have a mix of all kinds of people - white, black, Jews, Muslims, religious Jews, non-religious Jews, religious Muslims, and non-religious Muslims - all living together in the same neighborhoods - totally different than what I was told how the situation is in other parts of the country. The thing is, though, there's a drastic sharp contrast is what the religious people wear and what the non-religious people wear. Woman who are religious (Jewish or Muslim) are fully covered in clothing in this very hot weather. Woman who aren't religious wear clothes that are skimpy even by South Beach Miami standards!
So interesting to hear, maybe their examples of living peacefully together could spread to the other areas! At least one can hope!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I was hopin' to sneak outta' the office a little early this afternoon myself, but, it looks like a deadline is gonna' carry me 'til about the usual time.
Oh well, I have tomorrow off, so no biggie. :)
So sorry, hubby had the same experience every year. Sometimes I thought they would think of things to keep all employee's at their desks. They were a very controlling company. That's over now. Yea! Freedom from the day to day is a wonderful thing. :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Now I feel like a jerk. I've never met the girl who invited me here. She never actually told me she was going - just invited me. But we've been chating with each other online on Facebook messenger for like months. I do see at least a few here who look like her. I looked at her Facebook pictures and there are at least two people here who have the same face. I do not even know how to pronounce her name, so I can't ask the people who I think are her "Are you ..." Her name is Yahav... How do you pronounce that? Ugh

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Now I feel like a jerk. I've never met the girl who invited me here. She never actually told me she was going - just invited me. But we've been chating with each other online on Facebook messenger for like months. I do see at least a few here who look like her. I looked at her Facebook pictures and there are at least two people here who have the same face. I do not even know how to pronounce her name, so I can't ask the people who I think are her "Are you ..." Her name is Yahav... How do you pronounce that? Ugh
Sorry for that. :(

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
OK. All caught up! now to catch up with my day...:oops:.

and don't knock this cooler weather! Last time I remember it being this cool around July 4th, the next thing I knew Chicago was having its historical deadly heat wave. Just moved into an apartment in Chicago, no a/c of course. You don't need it with that lake breeze.
Careful what you wish for!
catching up is relative..
remember this famous image:

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