Right, but exactly what you said....even people who live there aren't used to that level of heat. Florida gets hot and it's humid, but even in the hottest parts, it's not usually THAT hot...not the level it was when E and I were there. People can die from those temps if they don't take adequate precautions. I don't know what the temps are right now, but if it's higher than the usual time for the year, I understand the complaints. And I don't know where all the vloggers are from...if they come from a place that doesn't usually get really hot, that can be awful. For the first 10 years I lived here, even in the summer, the normal temp was under 80 degrees and we'd only have a few days each summer that went above that. The last 5 or 6 years, it's been getting progressively warmer in the summer where we get heat waves over 100 that last for more than a week, where 20 years ago we never would have even reached 100 at all. So then to go to Disney, and not only is the real feel 112 degrees and high humidity, but you are also expected to walk all day and there's no shade to speak of. It can literally kill you. And if you've been planning this ONE trip for a long time and now the heat makes it impossible to ride that ride you've been looking forward to for ages, I would be complaining too. Now instead of going on seven dwarfs mine train, you have to sit through Hall of Presidents so you don't get heat stroke, or you spend hours every day in QS lines to get another drink so you don't dehydrate and you lose those hours of riding attractions...it's hardly worth the money you paid. I was lucky....I had 2 weeks at Disney, so I had plenty of time to take breaks and hope to catch an attraction later. And I also don't do must of the most popular rides, so the lines for the things I do aren't usually as long. And even I had to massively adjust my plans to be safe in that heat. My body also doesn't handle heat very well...some people can handle it, but some have medical conditions that can make it really dangerous. I'm certainly not going to judge anyone for complaining about heat, because I'd be complaining right along with them. There are limits to anything.