Well-Known Member
It's been a LONG week. I started my new job Wednesday, then E's theater performance was Thursday night, after which we had to get her packed for Italy. So she got home around 11 from theater, we stayed up until 1 or so packing, then I had to get up at 6 to shower and get everything ready for the kids for school and me for my 2nd day of work. Got home at 7 and E had another performance for theater, though she'd lost her voice, so they had to teach her solo to Lotte, but she was able to sing it for the performance by resting her voice a la Sheldon (Yes, she used a voice app) until the performance. Then they had the after party for the theater kids and she got home at 1am (DH picked her up.) and we finished the rest of the packing that we hadn't been able to do before because I didn't have the laundry done. COPIOUS amounts of laundry in the last 2 days!! And then she had to be at the school ready to go at 6:45 this morning, so we had to get up at 5:45 so she could shower and we could pack all the last minute stuff like her brush, toothbrush, etc. So it's been not a lot of sleep and a lot of rushing around. But, this morning, she is off to Italy and I'm stuck here at home.