Well-Known Member
What lots of peeps fail to realize when they are ordering SUVs they all don't come with 4x4 and then wonder why they are sucidoodles in the snow. 4x4 doesn't come cheap as an add on and the trucks and SUVs that they come standard in are more pricey, so they go to a different model. I'd risk it in Texas, here not so much.
Last winter we had a good chunk of new snow every 3 days. It was pretty rare when I was the one driving my SUV, it was normally my DD going to work, plus I didn't really want to be out in it anyhow. Last year DH moved from the towncar to a SUV too. In her younger days the towncar handled pretty well in the snow, later years not so much. But dang during good weather that car was so comfy to ride in.
Myself, I can't even imagine buying a vehicle and NOT being aware of it's drive system/capabilities.

Even though we don't get much snow and ice down here, there are still plenty of 4X4s. Plenty of hills for sport, and ranchers/farmers like them.
Also familiar with the cost difference and the basics of the system: two differentials, a transfer case, etc.. Plus, there are many AWD cars on the road, these days.
I remember before there was 4X4 on the fly and ya' had to get out and manually lock the hubs.