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Of course I blame you

Of course I blame you
Well that was fun! Not! So sorry you all deal with jerks. My DH has a good IT team that helps quickly and efficiently, thank goodness.Oh the genius level of IT people where I work. @StarWarsGirl and @Cesar R M should get a kick out of this.
Background: Tomorrow is 14 years that I have worked at this company. About a year ago, we were taken over by another company and they started making massive changes. All the work we previously did has now been sent to the bigger company and they sent 2 of their tasks to us, so we've been learning those things. In July, when I had JUST started my vacation in Wyoming, I got an email from our HR with no context and no preperation saying "Your account has been made! Here's your new work email address, here's your username, your password will be in a separate email. Step 1: Change your password using the instructions in the attachment. To log into the intranet, you will need to....." bla bla bla. I was jetlagged and had no idea what was going on, there were no instructions as to where to go to log into the email. It literally said step 1 was to change the password they sent you. There was no description of what the intranet was or why we needed an account and why we couldn't just use our personal email. I was confused and figured I'd worry about it later when I had time. I promptly forgot about it. No reminders were sent, so I just completely forgot an email had ever been sent.
A couple of days ago, I got an email from HR saying that they had sent this mail on July 14th with my account information and sadly I hadn't done anything about logging in, but I really need to do that ASAP because they aren't going to be sending anything to personal emails anymore and if I don't have the work account set up, I will miss important information like when meetings are set, and I won't be able to sign contract renewals and get yearly wage raises, etc. If I didn't do this by October 1st, no more info would be sent to my personal email and I wouldn't be able to access the new one. I didn't even remember the mail from the summer, so I go back in my email until I find it, and I realized why I had ignored was so confusing and unclear what it even was. So I tried to figure out how to log in, but it didn't tell me WHERE this new email was. It gave me my email address, so I started there....if you have a hotmail email, you go to outlook I think? Anyway, so I went to the company website....there was nothing there for email. Well, the email said the first step is to change the password, and there was a link to do so. So I clicked that link and clicked on "Change password" and it asked me for my username and password. I filled them in. It said they weren't correct. I had copy pasted everything, so I checked to make sure there wasn't a space after it or something. Nope....I was filling it all in correctly. It just didn't work. So at the bottom of the email, it says if you can't figure it out, contact the bigger company's IT team. So I sent an email to them saying I was trying to log in to my email and change the password on my new work email as directed in the email, but it was telling me that either the username or password was invalid. I heard nothing back. With the clock ticking, I sent an email to HR at OUR company (we still retain our name and premesis, but under the umbrella of the bigger company) and explained that I was TRYING to log in, but it wasn't working, and their IT people had not responded. I also sent a second email to IT in case they missed the first one. I got no reply from either.
So last night, I was really frustrated and E came in and asked what I was doing. I explained it and she asked to take a look. She read the original email and said "Oh!! first we need to do such and such.....I think." She's clicking on links and opening new windows, and she can't figure it out either....she says that they set it up through gmail, so let's open up gmail and see if the password works there. It did not. She tried resetting the password just like I did. It said it was invalid. After about a half hour she said the only thing left to try was to tell it we forgot my password and see if we could set a new one. So we did. And Huzzah! It worked. So she helped me get it set up and showed me how to toggle between the new work email and my existing personal gmail, and she helped me set up the 2 step verification and get onto the Intranet, which is apparently kind of like a webpage for the company, but not open to the public. It's kind of like this forum, posts company news items and whatnot. So I've got it all figured out, but it was late last night.
I wake up this morning to 3 emails....2 from IT and 1 from HR. The one from HR says "I forwarded your email to IT and asked them to get in contact with you ASAP!" The first one from IT was the original email they sent with the instructions, and the 2nd from them was just to say "We sent you the email again." Um....yeah....helpful. Now, I noticed when E got me logged in last night, I had several emails in the work email inbox that said "Your password will expire in 5 days." "Your password will expire in 4 days" etc, and one final one "Your password has expired" sent the day that HR sent me the notification that I hadn't signed up for this email keep in mind, I had not been able to log into this address to get these emails...I didn't even know the email account existed until 2 days ago. So these emails saying I needed to sign up for this email were in the inbox that I had no access to. And there was a reply from IT there that said "Incident resolved. Email sent." So, their "resolution" to my saying I can't get into my email because my password is invalid was to send me an email to the address I could not get into to tell me how to get into the email.
When I got the emails on my personal email account this morning, I thought....oh no....what if they decided to reset my password that I JUST reset last night?? So I went to log in....that's exactly what they did. But they didn't send me the new password. Well, that's not true....they DID, but they sent it to.....
the email I couldn't get into! They sent the original email with instructions on how to get into the email and with the username and email address, but NOT the password, to my personal email. So I call them up, and I say "Hey, I tried to log in, but it was telling me my password wasn't right, and I sent a couple of emails, but got no response" and he says "Oh, I've responded now." I said "Yes, I saw. The problem is that my daughter figured it out late last night and I had JUST changed the password, and now I can't access it again, because you changed the password and I don't have it." He says "Well, I sent it to your email" I said I didn't have it. He asked me to check my junkmail, and double check that it hadn't just come in. I told him exactly what the two emails I got from him were, and he says "Oh, no I sent the password to the company email." I said "Yes....the one I can't get into because I don't have the password. Doesn't help much to send the password there when I can't access it."![]()
So he says "No problem, I'll just give you the password and you can sign in. So he gave me the password. I thank him, hang up, and go to log in. "Invalid username or password" How can it be invalid? He LITERALLY just gave it to me. In order to change your password, you have to fill in the old one. So I call him back and tell him it's not working. He tried didn't work. So apparently he filled it in incorrectly, so the new password he made for me won't work because it wasn't what he meant to type and he didn't know what he HAD typed. So we had to use the forgot my password function for him to set it to what he had MEANT to type, and then I had to change it again to what I wanted, but I couldn't use the one I had chosen last night because I had already used that one.
But what kind of a genius do you have to be to send the login info to the address that the person doesn't have the login info for? That was the whole problem in the first place. "I don't have valid log in info." "Ok, I'll send it. You just need to log in to get it."
We hit 38 night before last. Come to the cool!Omg it went down below 70 degrees for the first time this year last night.![]()
Well the guy was really nice....just....not very bright I guess. I don't know how he didn't think that one through. But I had a similar problem when E started high school. They work with an app that has their schedule, their teacher can put the homework in there, post their grades, etc and the parents can access it to see their kids' grades and they can see if their kid has any absences or anything. We don't get report cards for her anymore because we can log in any time to look at her grades. At the information evening, they sent around a paper so we could write down our email addresses so they could make the parent accounts, but they must have typed mine in wrong or something, because I never got the email with the login info. I didn't worry about it because my husband's worked fine. All the school letters also came from that program, so if there was a meeting, or something going on at the school, he'd get the email and I wouldn't. So at the first parent teacher conference, I asked her mentor to have them correct my email. She had given us a paper with out contact info and asked us to confirm it was correct, and I said my email wasn't, so I wrote the correct one in...I think they missed a character? Anyway, so then a few days later I got an email that said "Ok we've corrected your email, please let us know if you get this." So I wrote back that yes, it works now, so can I please have the Magister login info so I can log into the app. They send a message back saying I could use the login info I was sent at the beginning of the year. I was mean the one you sent to the wrong address and therefore I did not get?? I mean, I don't understand how people can make this mistake, but it's happened to me twice now, so it can't be that uncommon. I just don't GET it. How does one think "Oh, they can't access it because they don't have the correct login info....we'll send it again to the address they can't access!"? How does that not register? Oh well, I've got access now, so it's all worked out. But I am terrible with technology and still know better than to do would think people in IT would be smarter than that.Well that was fun! Not! So sorry you all deal with jerks. My DH has a good IT team that helps quickly and efficiently, thank goodness.
It's currently 57 and raining here...Omg it went down below 70 degrees for the first time this year last night.![]()
Omg it went down below 70 degrees for the first time this year last night.![]()
^^^^This. My heat is cranked upWe hit 38 night before last. Come to the cool!![]()
Sending warm {{HUGS}}It's currently 57 and raining here...
It's 58 here and also raining. It isn't raining particularly hard, but steady. I don't know how long it has been raining, it was raining when I got up and hasn't stopped all day. I only remember two days of steady rain since I moved here in 2011 and both of those days were this year.It's currently 57 and raining here...
Heard some of the hurricane follows (somewhat) a loose track in proximity of Charlotte. Not sure how wide the storm will be, but make sure you have food, etc. and gas in your car. Hoping by the time it hits N.C. a lot of the storm will have died down considerably.It's 58 here and also raining. It isn't raining particularly hard, but steady. I don't know how long it has been raining, it was raining when I got up and hasn't stopped all day. I only remember two days of steady rain since I moved here in 2011 and both of those days were this year.
Your IT department seems impressively inept and lazy.Oh the genius level of IT people where I work. @StarWarsGirl and @Cesar R M should get a kick out of this.
Background: Tomorrow is 14 years that I have worked at this company. About a year ago, we were taken over by another company and they started making massive changes. All the work we previously did has now been sent to the bigger company and they sent 2 of their tasks to us, so we've been learning those things. In July, when I had JUST started my vacation in Wyoming, I got an email from our HR with no context and no preperation saying "Your account has been made! Here's your new work email address, here's your username, your password will be in a separate email. Step 1: Change your password using the instructions in the attachment. To log into the intranet, you will need to....." bla bla bla. I was jetlagged and had no idea what was going on, there were no instructions as to where to go to log into the email. It literally said step 1 was to change the password they sent you. There was no description of what the intranet was or why we needed an account and why we couldn't just use our personal email. I was confused and figured I'd worry about it later when I had time. I promptly forgot about it. No reminders were sent, so I just completely forgot an email had ever been sent.
A couple of days ago, I got an email from HR saying that they had sent this mail on July 14th with my account information and sadly I hadn't done anything about logging in, but I really need to do that ASAP because they aren't going to be sending anything to personal emails anymore and if I don't have the work account set up, I will miss important information like when meetings are set, and I won't be able to sign contract renewals and get yearly wage raises, etc. If I didn't do this by October 1st, no more info would be sent to my personal email and I wouldn't be able to access the new one. I didn't even remember the mail from the summer, so I go back in my email until I find it, and I realized why I had ignored was so confusing and unclear what it even was. So I tried to figure out how to log in, but it didn't tell me WHERE this new email was. It gave me my email address, so I started there....if you have a hotmail email, you go to outlook I think? Anyway, so I went to the company website....there was nothing there for email. Well, the email said the first step is to change the password, and there was a link to do so. So I clicked that link and clicked on "Change password" and it asked me for my username and password. I filled them in. It said they weren't correct. I had copy pasted everything, so I checked to make sure there wasn't a space after it or something. Nope....I was filling it all in correctly. It just didn't work. So at the bottom of the email, it says if you can't figure it out, contact the bigger company's IT team. So I sent an email to them saying I was trying to log in to my email and change the password on my new work email as directed in the email, but it was telling me that either the username or password was invalid. I heard nothing back. With the clock ticking, I sent an email to HR at OUR company (we still retain our name and premesis, but under the umbrella of the bigger company) and explained that I was TRYING to log in, but it wasn't working, and their IT people had not responded. I also sent a second email to IT in case they missed the first one. I got no reply from either.
So last night, I was really frustrated and E came in and asked what I was doing. I explained it and she asked to take a look. She read the original email and said "Oh!! first we need to do such and such.....I think." She's clicking on links and opening new windows, and she can't figure it out either....she says that they set it up through gmail, so let's open up gmail and see if the password works there. It did not. She tried resetting the password just like I did. It said it was invalid. After about a half hour she said the only thing left to try was to tell it we forgot my password and see if we could set a new one. So we did. And Huzzah! It worked. So she helped me get it set up and showed me how to toggle between the new work email and my existing personal gmail, and she helped me set up the 2 step verification and get onto the Intranet, which is apparently kind of like a webpage for the company, but not open to the public. It's kind of like this forum, posts company news items and whatnot. So I've got it all figured out, but it was late last night.
I wake up this morning to 3 emails....2 from IT and 1 from HR. The one from HR says "I forwarded your email to IT and asked them to get in contact with you ASAP!" The first one from IT was the original email they sent with the instructions, and the 2nd from them was just to say "We sent you the email again." Um....yeah....helpful. Now, I noticed when E got me logged in last night, I had several emails in the work email inbox that said "Your password will expire in 5 days." "Your password will expire in 4 days" etc, and one final one "Your password has expired" sent the day that HR sent me the notification that I hadn't signed up for this email keep in mind, I had not been able to log into this address to get these emails...I didn't even know the email account existed until 2 days ago. So these emails saying I needed to sign up for this email were in the inbox that I had no access to. And there was a reply from IT there that said "Incident resolved. Email sent." So, their "resolution" to my saying I can't get into my email because my password is invalid was to send me an email to the address I could not get into to tell me how to get into the email.
When I got the emails on my personal email account this morning, I thought....oh no....what if they decided to reset my password that I JUST reset last night?? So I went to log in....that's exactly what they did. But they didn't send me the new password. Well, that's not true....they DID, but they sent it to.....
the email I couldn't get into! They sent the original email with instructions on how to get into the email and with the username and email address, but NOT the password, to my personal email. So I call them up, and I say "Hey, I tried to log in, but it was telling me my password wasn't right, and I sent a couple of emails, but got no response" and he says "Oh, I've responded now." I said "Yes, I saw. The problem is that my daughter figured it out late last night and I had JUST changed the password, and now I can't access it again, because you changed the password and I don't have it." He says "Well, I sent it to your email" I said I didn't have it. He asked me to check my junkmail, and double check that it hadn't just come in. I told him exactly what the two emails I got from him were, and he says "Oh, no I sent the password to the company email." I said "Yes....the one I can't get into because I don't have the password. Doesn't help much to send the password there when I can't access it."![]()
So he says "No problem, I'll just give you the password and you can sign in. So he gave me the password. I thank him, hang up, and go to log in. "Invalid username or password" How can it be invalid? He LITERALLY just gave it to me. In order to change your password, you have to fill in the old one. So I call him back and tell him it's not working. He tried didn't work. So apparently he filled it in incorrectly, so the new password he made for me won't work because it wasn't what he meant to type and he didn't know what he HAD typed. So we had to use the forgot my password function for him to set it to what he had MEANT to type, and then I had to change it again to what I wanted, but I couldn't use the one I had chosen last night because I had already used that one.
But what kind of a genius do you have to be to send the login info to the address that the person doesn't have the login info for? That was the whole problem in the first place. "I don't have valid log in info." "Ok, I'll send it. You just need to log in to get it."
Should I send my IT resume to your company? XDWell the guy was really nice....just....not very bright I guess. I don't know how he didn't think that one through. But I had a similar problem when E started high school. They work with an app that has their schedule, their teacher can put the homework in there, post their grades, etc and the parents can access it to see their kids' grades and they can see if their kid has any absences or anything. We don't get report cards for her anymore because we can log in any time to look at her grades. At the information evening, they sent around a paper so we could write down our email addresses so they could make the parent accounts, but they must have typed mine in wrong or something, because I never got the email with the login info. I didn't worry about it because my husband's worked fine. All the school letters also came from that program, so if there was a meeting, or something going on at the school, he'd get the email and I wouldn't. So at the first parent teacher conference, I asked her mentor to have them correct my email. She had given us a paper with out contact info and asked us to confirm it was correct, and I said my email wasn't, so I wrote the correct one in...I think they missed a character? Anyway, so then a few days later I got an email that said "Ok we've corrected your email, please let us know if you get this." So I wrote back that yes, it works now, so can I please have the Magister login info so I can log into the app. They send a message back saying I could use the login info I was sent at the beginning of the year. I was mean the one you sent to the wrong address and therefore I did not get?? I mean, I don't understand how people can make this mistake, but it's happened to me twice now, so it can't be that uncommon. I just don't GET it. How does one think "Oh, they can't access it because they don't have the correct login info....we'll send it again to the address they can't access!"? How does that not register? Oh well, I've got access now, so it's all worked out. But I am terrible with technology and still know better than to do would think people in IT would be smarter than that.
That would be one of the least surprising things about the stormWatching a live news report in one of the flooded, residential neighborhoods (somewhere near Orlando area). An alligator is swimming up the street . .. .![]()
@donaldtoo -- is this a half-day Friday for you, or are you guys backed up with projects at work?
This. @Songbird76 this is immediately what I thought. So many companies try to outsource their IT in hopes of saving money. It does nothing besides cause more problems like the ones you experienced. The company I'm with now actually had outsourced their IT, but now we have primarily internal people located either remote in the US or in our offices. The company I left had started to do that with their IT department (which was the company where I worked in IT). My team and I no longer had jobs after that with them, but we were all kind of like, "lol, good luck" and we all found other jobs pretty quickly.As for the IT Department.. you had mentioned changes. I suspect the local IT department got fired/laid off and they are now using an external overworked service that pays very little.
These kind of "support services for companies" are poping up everywhere now in job sites.. and the pay is very low with very silly "you must resolve 1 problem every 3 minutes" demands.
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