Well-Known Member
This is the story of Mr. Toad.
Mr. Toad invited himself into my house this evening, and then he perched himself high upon a door due to a kitten who thought this was her new toy.
The kitten then meowed at her mommy when her mommy came downstairs. Which was the first time her mommy noticed Mr. Road's prescence.
Since Mr. Toad was out of reach of her mommy, her mommy attempted to get Mr. Toad to hop down into a box. Instead, Mr. Toad hopped off his door, where the kitten proceeded to chase him under a couch.
The kitten's mommy then moved the couch, but Mr. Toad could not be found. The kitten, however, spotted Mr. Toad a few minutes later, and chased him around the room while her mommy attempted to get both of them to stop.
Finally, the mommy yanked the kitten away from Mr. Toad, got Mr. Toad into the box, and escorted Mr. Toad back outside, where there are plenty of nice mosquitoes to have for dinner.
Since then, the kitten has been searching for her new, "toy", and not being able to find it, instead has gone to bother her big sister. Her mommy lives in fear that there might be a Mrs. Toad somewhere in the house.
This is Mr. Toad.
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For the record, I do not remember Mr. Toad or even if I went on it.