Actually, those aren’t railroad ties, they’re rough-hewn 8”x8” wood columns. Not sure if they’re reclaimed lumber or not, but, we’ve done several projects that used such.
Yea, the door house sounds cool, in theory, but, I couldn’t deal with that every day either.
Wonder if it was inspired by “Monsters, Inc.”…?!!!!!
I appreciate stone and glass, as well. Makes for a nice combo.
We’ve also done many homes with bay windows, although, not many these days in the traditional angled bay. Mostly square/rectangular bays/boxouts these days…window seats, day beds, reading nooks.
And, yes, there are many houses I drive by every day that I wonder what they look like inside…also many I drive by each day that I know what they look like inside, ‘cause we designed ’em…!!!!!

Bottom line, architecture is fun to me, any way you slice it…darn you again, Mike Brady…!!!!!!!