The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I might come across sounding like a hick from the sticks and I'm sure that to some degree that is true, however one thing that I have never taken part in is valet parking. Never found the need to use it, so I am going to ask you traveled and probably more cultured folks what the etiquette is for that. I'm pretty sure that tipping and payment is called for, but when does that happen? When you arrive or when you leave or both? What is a common tip amount? As I've gotten older I am anticipating a need and don't want to short change anyone or overpay out of ignorance. Your help is needed!


Well-Known Member
I might come across sounding like a hick from the sticks and I'm sure that to some degree that is true, however one thing that I have never taken part in is valet parking. Never found the need to use it, so I am going to ask you traveled and probably more cultured folks what the etiquette is for that. I'm pretty sure that tipping and payment is called for, but when does that happen? When you arrive or when you leave or both? What is a common tip amount? As I've gotten older I am anticipating a need and don't want to short change anyone or overpay out of ignorance. Your help is needed!
You're going to a place with valet parking?


Well-Known Member
I have so many direct ancestors who fought in the revolution that I would just be like,'s another one. I could technically join Daughters of the American Revolution. You only need one direct ancestor and I'm like, well, here's six... 😂 But then I think of Gilmore Girls and go...nah. The saddest one was a direct ancestor who was killed in the War of 1812. He was younger than I am now and left a wife and young child behind. Such a pointless war. And then on Mom's side I've got ancestors who fought in on the Confederacy side of the Civil War on her mother's side, and the Union side on her father's side. But strangely, the plantation owners on her mom's side just flat out stayed out of it. I don't get that one.

The latest relative to come to the US was my grandmother's grandmother from England, and the rest of her family came from Germany about a decade before the Civil War. Her family was never weird about being German, though. What's kind of cool is that her family settled a few miles from where I live now; one of my ancestors is even buried about two miles away from where we live. The earliest I could trace back was Mom's line to 1400s England.
I only know of the one anscestor who fought in the revolutionary war, but he's as far back as I could trace, so there might be more that I just couldn't find. And I can't find anything on the women. Most of the info I have came from a cousin who did the research to join Sons of the American Revolution, which I didn't even know was a thing....I had heard about the DAR, but not SAR. And I'm kind of like you....Gilmore Girls ruined any desire I might have had to join. It's not really a thing in Wyoming anyway....I think it's mostly active in the East, especially New England area. But census records prior to the one anscestor didn't list wives names, and I have such a popular last name that it's impossible to tell which one of the many men with that last name is my anscestor. Even my anscestor...there are 3 people with the same first and last name, born in the same county within a couple of years of each other. I HOPE I have the right one...I'm trusting that the research that was done by the DAR and SAR for my cousin is correct. The only thing I know is that he originally went into service in the place of his half-brother, and I know where he was born. My dad said that supposedly, he was a drummer boy and his drums are in a museum in Philadelphia, but then the information from the pension records doesn't mention that at all. So it could be mixed up with someone else. I'm sure they are all related somehow....cousins probably. They probably all came over together and that's why they all use the same names for their kids, naming them after their parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles. Without the wives' names, you can't really tell which family was which and which kids belonged with which person. One of my cousins has the family bible of my G-G-G-Grandfather, with all the births and deaths recorded in it, but that's as far back as I have documentation of, and his father is the one that fought in the revolution, but so did 2 other men with the same name, etc. It's so frustrating trying to get any further back.

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
Traced my ancestors on my father side via records and cemetery burials and have an GGGG grandfather who fought in the Revolution can't go back any further . Originally family are English moved to county cork and left for America. Mothers side is German came turn of the century


Well-Known Member
I might come across sounding like a hick from the sticks and I'm sure that to some degree that is true, however one thing that I have never taken part in is valet parking. Never found the need to use it, so I am going to ask you traveled and probably more cultured folks what the etiquette is for that. I'm pretty sure that tipping and payment is called for, but when does that happen? When you arrive or when you leave or both? What is a common tip amount? As I've gotten older I am anticipating a need and don't want to short change anyone or overpay out of ignorance. Your help is needed!
I will park and walk . I drive a 6 speed manual and I don't trust a stranger to row through the gears.


Well-Known Member
You're going to a place with valet parking?
Excuse me! That is a question, not an answer! 😉 Yup, I have a medical problem that is taking massive number of Doctor's appointments in the process of figuring out what it might be. I am having difficulty walking. Unintentional gate as well as unsure balance along with partially numb hands. I can still drive but I need valet parking at procedure hospitals because otherwise I have to attempt to walk to far. This has come on suddenly and without time to get a parking permit. The current guess is spinal stenosis in multiple locations in my spine. That may be fixable, but there are some other things that it might be and those do not have a rosy prognosis.

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