Premium Member
Glad Kylie is doing better.Hi, all. Just touching base since the WDWMAGIC app is no longer working on my phone, and I'm not in the habit of using it so much on the laptop anymore (plus I just have too much work to do!)
Steve was working on it, but I haven't heard from him in a few days. He says the issue is on their end. I'm just thinking maybe I should uninstall/reinstall(?)
Kylie is on the upswing, she had a skin infection for a few weeks. (The allergies turn into a skin infection sometimes.) When her food runs out, we're going to try a no-chicken diet, but I'm fairly certain her allergies are mostly from the environment outdoors more so than food. She's on antibiotics and anti-fungal meds, but her coat is much better and the licking/scratching have greatly decreased.
I am going to collect over 8,000 CDs from a local house in a little while (from a gay guy named Ken, after getting 4,000 CDs on Friday from a different gay guy named Ken LOL.)
Brian is in nursing school heck. Technically, classes are over. The school is a freaking mess. Over half the class failed the final, there was all kinds of drama about them switching out the format of the test - and even the folks in the other classes were all having issues. One student is suing (and got suspended.)
He's in two classes. One of them, he went into the final with a high B average. On the first try, he failed it with a score in the 50's. It takes a 65 to pass. The following week, he took a different version of it and passed with an 80. But - they said the test was broken into 15 sections, and if you failed any one section, you failed. So there was one section (6 questions) where he got 3 wrong and that was considered failing.
Since that was not prearranged, they threw that rule out "for this semester" and he passed the class with an 87. (They were actually going to fail someone with an 87 average for the entire semester over 3 questions on a passing final, I don't get it.) OK so that part is resolved.
The second class: he failed a test that isn't even required by the State. There is so much more to this story but I don't have time at the moment. All he does is study around the clock. He was passing that class as well, but has to retake two failed tests in order to pass. Again, class is over, so it's too late to enroll in the next class which is starting in a week. So if he doesn't pass, there will be a long break before he can try again. He'll have to find a job, etc. and this is definitely stressing the household. (We're not fighting or anything, it's just been a tough 18 months in this regard with him not working full-time for most of it. Fortunately the stores are doing well!)

Congratulations on the CD haul !! Really happy to hear that your business is still on an upward trajectory. Kudos to you for being such a successful businessman/business owner.

As for Brian's school, the mgmt. there sounds really disorganized, and sorry to hear that it's affecting the students. Wishing him the best to get through the various obstacles. I have no doubt that he would make an excellent nurse, and goodness knows that medical people are in very high demand.