The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


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Monsters Inc Hug GIF
tinker bell disney GIF


Well-Known Member
Did they get prizes for selling cookies? I don't remember anything about cookie credits, but the more you sold, the cooler prizes you got. Like, if you sold 50 boxes, you got a little pouch with a brush and comb set, and if you sold 75 boxes, you got that and a heart-shaped lock, and if you sold 150 boxes, you got something else, and if you sold 250, you got a beach towel, I always got a ton of prizes. They were different every year, but I remember getting a hand puppet of a rabbit in a top hat one year when the theme was "cookie magic". I remember getting a beach towel, the lock, the brush and comb set, and I don't remember what all. And of course, the money goes to the troop. I eventually quit girl scouts because I was the only one my age who wanted to continue on to Cadets, and my mom and another lady were co-leaders of the Junior troop. I was the top seller in cookies and calendars. I think probably about 75% of the money our troop got was from my sales alone. But the other leader had 2 girls, one of whom was a year younger than me. You needed $25 to start a troop, and there was no cadet troop, so we'd have had to start one, and that leader refused to put $25 that -I- earned for the troop, towards starting a cadet troop. She graciously ( :rolleyes: yeah, right) offered to let me demote myself to junior again to stay in her troop until her girls were ready to move on to cadets, and THEN they could have the money to start a troop. So I quit. My choices were either quit, or be a junior again, working on badges I'd already done, and getting nothing out of it. Kind of a shame that people are like that in the organization.

I don’t remember any prizes, just cookie credits.
But, as I posted, they could use the cookie credits for camp, stuff from the shop at the council headquarters, stuff from the store at Camp Texlake, etc.
Both Megan and Sarah moved up (bridged) every time they were supposed to. I don’t remember any drama regarding such.
I remember attending the bridging ceremonies.
The Service Unit had this cute little wooden foot bridge built that they had on stage that the girls walked across to “bridge”…!!! :)


Well-Known Member
A number of years ago a young girl on the West Coast set up a table by a marijuana dispensary store that had the customers lined up outside to buy product. The Girl Scout sold all of her sweets and cookies to the nearby customers. That's one smart girl! It was an unidentified 9 year old in San Diego who sold 300 boxes in 6 hours.

I’ve heard that story before.
Kinda’ a no-brainer…go where the munchies are…!!!!! :hilarious:

Diamond Dot

Well-Known Member
My cat hugs me like Sully hugs Boo in that meme, so how I refuse him anything. He's a smart one, he does it for the ladies at the cattery he stays at too, they just melt, he's a real ladies man.

I would love to have a photo to post, but, I'm useless at selfies, I know one of the ladies took a video of him doing it, but, I was so jet lagged when I picked him up I forgot to ask them to send it to me. When I turn up with him at the cattery they all know him and love having him, he's really the loveliest cat ever, not a mean bone in his body
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Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Yours?!! NEW?!!! Wow!! Nice sled!! :happy:

Congratulations. :)

Cool ride sir!
Thanks! It’s a Honda (👀) Passport. All this time I thought I was getting a CR-V. This is bigger, holds more records, has more features I like (but worse gas mileage V6.)

First drive 2 hours after buying was an hour+ trip to Miami to look at a warehouse of records…driving at 55mph because it’s brand new 😂 took 90 minutes!


Well-Known Member
Watchin’ a live stream of ResortTV1 from MK.
First he says Jack Wagner was the original SSE narrator…nope, that was Vic Perrin. I felt It was my duty to correct him on the live stream…!!!!! 🤣
Then he says you enter EPCOT from the south when you enter from SSE…wasn’t able to correct him on that one before another poster did…?!!!!! :hilarious:
You’d think a streaming Disney “expert” that’s been to WDW at least twice a week (excluding Covid shutdown) for umpteen years would know this stuff…!!!!! 🤪:D

Jack Wagner (not the soap opera/Hallmark actor), but, a voice actor from back in the day, did do voice work for Disney. One of the more notable being the “Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor Mantenganse alejado de las puertas.” monorail spiel.
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