Well-Known Member
How does it work? I don't remember ever having that option to pay for camp! Do you pick the camp? Or is there one camp that kids from all over the US go to? I went to GS camp in Wyoming, but it wasn't paid for by cookie sales that I remember. I was the top seller in my troop every year and I think I maxed at something like 475 boxes, which was really good considering there were only 1000 people in our town. Most of the girls were lucky to sell 50 boxes....I'm pretty sure I was the only one who ever broke 100. I worked my tail off selling cookies, but I was the only one who seemed motivated.
They never personally got money for the sales, the council got that. But, they earned “cookie credits” which could be put towards paying for summer camp, items at the council store, etc.
The camp was at a local GS camp called Camp Texlake down on Lake Travis.
Carolyn was not only the leader of both Megan and Sarah’s separate (age difference) troops, but, she was also the district Cookie Coordinator. And I was actually a delegate to the council for 2 years…so, I was also a Girl Scout…!!!!!

Carolyn would work a booth with girls from Sarah’s troop and I would work a booth with girls from Megan’s troop, or vice-versa.
Walmart, Shoe Carnival, Blockbuster Video, etc.
Megan and Sarah got several awards for their sales, and we went to many council award ceremonies. But, even Megan’s 1,500+ boxes didn’t come close to one Girl Scout in the council that consistently sold 3,500+ boxes every year…!!!!!

Along with the GS cookie booths, and all those University of Texas concession stands we worked, at everything from football, to basketball, to concerts, both Megan and Sarah learned some amazing work ethic, and life lessons…!!!!!