Yea, those of us associated with the snow belt tend to not be happy no matter what is happening. Rightfully so, we complain about the cold, because if it is cold enough you could lose body parts and even without that it is uncomfortable to say the least. That's not to mention dangerous and expensive. It ain't cheap to keep roads clear, which is a general expense to all or to heat your house. It used to cost me about 2K a year in heating oil. The beauty of a fresh snowfall goes away quickly. Then comes the other side of the coin. Heat! In the far northern areas the hot weather lasts, on average, about 4 months so houses are not generally equipt with central AC, so it is uncomfortable and as my father used to say... "you can't take enough off to stay cool". Myself, a 6 decade resident of the north, you will never hear me complain about heat now that I live in NC because AC is everywhere and the cost to use AC and short term heat pumps do not even equal what it cost to just have electric lights in the north. So northerners tend to be more hardy physically and a mess mentally dealing with the extremes. In southern areas the temperature range is about 40F to 105F. In the northern reaches of the US it has a range of -35F to 100+F in any given year.