The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
There is no 100 days all year, but we not done for 70 degree days. Sunday has a chance to be 80 degrees.

Right now it looks like no highs in the 50s. It doesn't look like any highs in the 50s not till past October 22nd. That is a bit odd compared to the last couple years.

Our lows overnight lately have typically been in the high 60’s-low 70’s. Odd for us too, as it’s usually cooler than that here by now.

And, our A/C is running right now…!!!!! :hilarious:

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Hate coffee. Chai is the best thing ever.
Im Sorry I Apologize GIF by ALLBLK (formerly known as UMC)


Premium Member
I have the K-cups you can put your own coffee in. Seeing we have 3 coffee drinkers the single use would be rather expensive not to mention the amount of plastic that would wind up in the landfill. I have a rather old Mr Coffee that needs to get upgraded at some point but it hasn't died yet so that can wait. I also like the coffee from the french press but that's a bit of a pita to clean
I had a few of the refillable cups, but it was a pain to keep removing the regular cup (clicked inside the Keurig), to then swap it out with the refillable cup. The regular cup fit tightly, and didn't remove easily. (Much easier for me to use the premade Kcups, as I use those blends about 90% of the time.) Wasn't the best option for me to use the refillables, but if you always drink one kind of coffee, then the refillable cups would make more sense.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
@Mr Ferret 88 , What are petrol prices like there? Ours shot up this week and suddenly we're paying more than $8 per gallon. There was a news article that said this past week, it was more than 2 euros per liter. I was wondering if your prices are increasing, too.
Just had our yearly increase in the latest budget. Overall I'm not sure. Will have a look and let you know.


Well-Known Member
So I bought a kindle paperwhite back in like....June? and E set it up for me, but I still hadn't ever bought any e-books....I wasn't sure exactly how it works. Went to order books Wednesday night and I really hate that you can't just pick out e-books and add them to your cart and pay for them all in one transaction. You have to buy each book separately. But anyway, I went to the Dutch Amazon, because we have a payment option that uses our bank cards and an app on your phone to keep it secure. But when I went to buy the first book, it wouldn't let me, because my Amazon account is from the US site, so it wouldn't let me order via the site. But if I use the American site, I can't use that payment option with my phone. I finally gave up and decided to just use my American credit card, which I try not to do in case I forget to pay the bill then because I use it so rarely. So yesterday, I get my wallet out and go to the American site and find that they also accept debit cards. So I link my debit card, and make my first purchase. Super easy, but it sucked having to do every one separately. After a couple of books, I got an email that they couldn't process my payment. So I knew they must have flagged it for fraud. So I go to the bank website to see if I can just confirm it was me, and my phone's the fraud department from the bank and they noticed unusual activity and here are the suspicious transactions. But one of the transactions was an ATM withdrawl for less than 1 dollar at the National Bank of Detroit. Obviously, I am not in Detroit and I know scammers try small amounts first so it doesn't get flagged. So now I had to shut that card down....which I had JUST gotten the new card 2 weeks ago because my old one was expired. So 2 weeks after getting my new card, I had to shut it down and ask for another new one, which who knows how long that will take! Meanwhile I only got 2 or 3 books before my card was blocked, so now I still have a whole bunch of books to order. The Dutch payment system uses a secure thing so your information won't be prevents fraud like this. WHY doesn't the US have this?? It never asked any security questions, didn't ask for a pin number or anything.


Well-Known Member
Cheapest on island is 131.9 per ltr
So about 1.54 Euro
I think that's about what ours was before it skyrocketed. Maybe a little more. So, like $6.60 per gallon, but last night it was 1.87 euro per liter. 1.59 pounds per liter, $8.19 per gallon
We're going to go to Germany tonight to tank up. There's a station just a couple of miles from my work across the border, so it's only 5 minutes out of our way to get gas there, and Germany is always way cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Here in the states our gas prices have increased dramatically since Jan up 1.15 per gallon and rising. The inevitable result of a government who has cut the domestic production of crud oil on some miss guided narrative which I won't get into (political)
Are you paying more than $8 per gallon though? The prices @Mr Ferret 88 quoted are in multiply that by 3.78541 to get the price per gallon. It's massively expensive here.

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
How much per gallon ?
Depends on what State you are in, here in SC 3.15/gallon CA can be 4.50-5.00 Federal government has a fixed tax per gallon and each State can and do add a State tax varies from State to State. Natural gas has sky rocketed in cost as well, the sad thing is the US is energy rich beyond belief in natural gas, coal and crud oil. The industry has been hamstrung by government global warming narrative. sorry for the minor rant
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