Today is E's last day of actual classes. Tomorrow is the beginning of exam week, so she'll have 2 tests each day through next Thursday (except for the weekend, of course) instead of regular classes. Then they have "broom days", which are days for make up assignments or tests that you missed or didn't complete, to "sweep up" the rest of the work and get it turned in, but she has nothing incomplete, so those are basically days off for her. So she's introducing her best friend to Mac N Cheese today for lunch. For some reason, they were only scheduled for 4 hours today and one of their lessons had been canceled earlier, so they had a "between hour" before their last class. They checked that teacher's schedule and he had the hour before free, too, so they went and asked if they could just move that class up an hour and he said yes, so she got out at noon today! She does have to go back for a presentation later, but that was not mandatory. They did their O&O presentation already a couple of days ago, but this project didn't have a business expert to give feedback because they got to choose their own project this time. (Projects are set by actual businesses and they give the kids feedback about how well they met the criteria, etc. But next year, only a few students are going to take the class and it gets much more serious starting in the 4th year, so the teacher put all the kids who are taking it next year into one group and set it up more like it will be next year, when they get to make their own projects and such.) But they happened to choose a project idea for which there was already a business who set a similar project to another class, to the teacher asked if that business would mind also looking at E's team's project and giving them feedback, and they said sure, and they are there to see presentations for the other class today, so E's team is giving their presentation to them today, just for extra experience. It's not part of their grade or anything, since none of the other groups had a professional to look at their projects. She's really excited about it, though, so she doesn't mind going back to school to do that.
A's school doesn't do test week, so he just still has several weeks left of classes and he has tests on some of those days.