Horror Movie Guru
Trying not to get too political here, but basically, Baltimore County and Baltimore City are the odd men out in this situation. There's only two other counties that aren't reopening hair salons, PG County and Frederick County. Frederick County just said they want to give it another two weeks and make sure the cases go down; they're otherwise following the governor's plan. PG County is down near DC and was the hardest hit, so it kind of makes sense. Every place else in the state is basically following the governor's plan...and then there's Baltimore. Which is basically Maryland in a nutshell... there's the rest of Maryland...and then there's Baltimore, that one sibling that no one wants to talk about...
They're also not opening to full capacity. Appointment only and 50%, masks required.
As for me, I've been leaving my house. I got bloodwork done, been to the liquor store (because those are essential businesses here...), been going for walks on a local trail, and I have an appointment with my endocrinologist in two weeks that I'm planning on going to. If Hershey Park reopens in June, I'm planning on going. Just taking precautions. I wear a mask, keep hand sanitizer on me and in the car, and social distance as much as possible. I'm not going to grocery stores; Mom does that. I do curbside pickup when I can (like for Target, as much as @Dead2009 would like me to stop).
I don't care how many times you go to Target, i'm just messin with ya