The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The cat is waiting the moment.. for the tender spot..
then RIP @StarWarsGirl95 :hilarious:

like that Killer tomatoes movie, but with cats.


Well-Known Member
Our morning in Aruba started out great, mid 80s and sunshine and room service arrived on time. We had just sat down to eat breakfast when "Medical crew to Deck 11, medical crew to deck 11." went out over the P.A. I assured my daughter that perhaps someone had fallen because it had been foggy and the floor may have been slick. :( (I found it amazing the amount of people that didn't pay attention to "floor may be slippery when wet". )

A short time later we went to the elevators to leave for our day. The ship's captain and a few crew were forming a blockade around the nearby stairwell and telling everyone to clear the area. :confused: Not more than a minute later they brought down a lady strapped to a backboard with oxygen and an IV. :eek: Another passenger had mentioned she had a heart attack. Unfortunately the only way they could get her to the medical area on deck zero was to carry her down the stairs, eleven floors.

Our shore excursion was a motorcoach tour of the island (Aruba is only 20 miles long, 6 miles wide) and a swim. It was a fun time but a three hour bus ride that had us thinking much of the island looks the same. Our first stop was Casibari Rock Formations where you could climb these giant boulders and see most of the island. Being 9 a.m. and 90* already, we passed. :D The next stop was the Aruba Natural Bridge....or former bridge. It collapsed in 2005 but we could walk up to the barrier and see where it had been.

Before And After Postcard Of The Natural Bridge.jpeg

220px-CaliforniaLight.jpeg Our next stop was the California Lighthouse. o_O California? In 1891 the steamship California didn't know Aruba was there and ran aground. As our driver told us, the people of his country like to take their time with everything and the lighthouse was built in....1916 and took them three years to build it. :cyclops: Near the base of the lighthouse were local vendors selling fresh cut coconut drinks and assorted trinkets and snacks.

Our final stop was Eagle Beach, a public beach not far from the cruise port. It was a pretty place with trees for shade except.....during Holy Week in Aruba, families come out in droves and pitch tents and minicampers on the beach. It was very crowded with natives. We still had a good time and everyone was nice. I must admit though with so many people I was ready to head back to the ship. :)


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Our morning in Aruba started out great, mid 80s and sunshine and room service arrived on time. We had just sat down to eat breakfast when "Medical crew to Deck 11, medical crew to deck 11." went out over the P.A. I assured my daughter that perhaps someone had fallen because it had been foggy and the floor may have been slick. :( (I found it amazing the amount of people that didn't pay attention to "floor may be slippery when wet". )

A short time later we went to the elevators to leave for our day. The ship's captain and a few crew were forming a blockade around the nearby stairwell and telling everyone to clear the area. :confused: Not more than a minute later they brought down a lady strapped to a backboard with oxygen and an IV. :eek: Another passenger had mentioned she had a heart attack. Unfortunately the only way they could get her to the medical area on deck zero was to carry her down the stairs, eleven floors.

Our shore excursion was a motorcoach tour of the island (Aruba is only 20 miles long, 6 miles wide) and a swim. It was a fun time but a three hour bus ride that had us thinking much of the island looks the same. Our first stop was Casibari Rock Formations where you could climb these giant boulders and see most of the island. Being 9 a.m. and 90* already, we passed. :D The next stop was the Aruba Natural Bridge....or former bridge. It collapsed in 2005 but we could walk up to the barrier and see where it had been.

View attachment 90026

View attachment 90029 Our next stop was the California Lighthouse. o_O California? In 1891 the steamship California didn't know Aruba was there and ran aground. As our driver told us, the people of his country like to take their time with everything and the lighthouse was built in....1916 and took them three years to build it. :cyclops: Near the base of the lighthouse were local vendors selling fresh cut coconut drinks and assorted trinkets and snacks.

Our final stop was Eagle Beach, a public beach not far from the cruise port. It was a pretty place with trees for shade except.....during Holy Week in Aruba, families come out in droves and pitch tents and minicampers on the beach. It was very crowded with natives. We still had a good time and everyone was nice. I must admit though with so many people I was ready to head back to the ship. :)
I'm thinking this cruising thing sounds awesome.
Sadly, Hubby is still attached to the one week/one resort/all inclusive gig.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yep, my grandparents on both sides used to call what I call lunch dinner, and what I mostly call dinner supper. :)
From now on.. all people should follow the Hobbit naming style for food!

As per google (how useful)

  1. If you wanted to eat like a hobbit you would have these meals:
    • Breakfast - 7am.
    • Second breakfast - 9 am.
    • Elevenses - 11 am.
    • Lunch - 1 pm.
    • Afternoon tea - 3pm.
    • Dinner - 6 pm.
    • Supper - 9 pm.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
And, just for grins, a shot of this mornings traffic... ;) :)

View attachment 90028
time to expand the road to a 4 lane per side?

Thing I love about my school:
Girl was using flashcards at the table next to mine, and they blew away on her. About three people rushed over to help her, even though they clearly didn't know her.

Love how people here just help random strangers.
is the girl cute? are the people who rushed to help her male?

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