Mr Ferret 75
Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
We have been on quite a strict lockdown for about a month. No restaurants,bars etc. No takeaways. Only essential businesses open. 2 hours a day outside exercise. We are on the downside of the curve now so things are very slowly starting to relax. There is a lot of businesses ( mine included ) that remain closed to the public but are offering a delivery service ( phone and order/pay. Driver delivers to your house but with no actual contact).@Mr Ferret 88 , how are things going on the island? Is it about the same as here, with most businesses temporarily closed up? How are you and Mrs. Ferret doing?
Today is very nice out (at 5:15 AM, it's 32. Just heavenly. Wish I could send you some cool breezes from here.)
As of this coming weekend some work will be allowed to resume trading as long as they satisfy strict protocols. So Gardeners and some tradespeople etc. Non essential retail etc to remain closed for at least another two weeks.
Any business that has had to close can apply to the government for wage assistance. The gov pays 80% of minimum wage as long as the employer agrees to pay the other 20% .
So i am on minimum wage atm . Mrs Ferret works in a supermarket so is still full time.
Thankfully the weather turned nice jist as the lockdown arrived , so it is a lot easier on everyone.
We have no passenger ferry service on or off island until at least sometime in May and limited flights off the island for at least that long. Those are mainly for emergency and essential things.
Overall it's not too bad here we have only had 10 deaths (most from care homes and all elderly). Still not nice for those involved.
Hope you and yours are safe and well and i will try and magic some snow your way