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Homemade spaghetti sauce is simmering for dinner tonight.
View attachment 462360
We had pasta last night. My sauce took about 2 minutes to "cook".

Homemade spaghetti sauce is simmering for dinner tonight.
View attachment 462360
I wipe everything down with bleach so I don't use up my wipes
I'm afraid that I have weighed my options and found out that living has a definite effort ceiling. That would all be way to much effort and since it is such a strong virus and tiny missed spot could be as deadly and the entire thing being affected. I'm taking what I consider to be reasonable steps to avoid contact, but I don't remember anyone, be it wanna be medical experts or actual doctors, say anything about washing every item we come in contact with. If you did, well why wouldn't our favorite actual WH doctor have mentioned it. He's into OCD hand washing, which makes sense, but handling every item to clean them, to me, seems like way more exposure then necessary. I don't own rubber cloves or face masks, nor do I know how to make them and have never owned hand sanitizer. Besides isn't hand sanitizer for bacteria and not effective on a virus?Same here, only because I've seen a few reports with doctors advising to do this. It's a nuisance, though.
Me I use hamburger in lieu of crumbled sausage as my DD doesn't like. I add spinach if son isn’t here.
I add onion and bell pepper to sauce and diced tomato at the end. To the ricotta I add garlic and onion powder, chive and parsley before I beat in egg.
@StarWarsGirl where did you land on the vegetable argument?
Good points. We are surrounded by germs and viruses all the time. My rules are don't touch your face, and wash your hands when you get home. The products in the stores have been touched by numerous hands as it is. Like you said, we cannot live in a bubble.And then you get home and grab the container they were placed in. You check the list of how long the virus can survive on objects made of plastic, paper or cloth and you have to leave them in your car for about a week before you can even remotely feel that it is safe to touch. And what if that nice person that just brought out your stuff and put it in your trunk, tested positive for the virus. We don't know, because thanks to our useless government the only people that can get tested are the rich, the famous and tigers. Those of us that we have constant contact with are so far down on the concern list that there is nothing we can do to prevent contact at some point or the other. The only thing we can do is wash our hands and stay in a bubble. Don't eat or breath.
If you still go into nearly empty stores, like I do, you will see worker after worker stocking shelves and perhaps, preparing your order for curb service, doing what they do without a mask or gloves. We are indeed incredibly foolish when it comes to stuff like this. If it keeps people employed, then that is good, but otherwise it is a waste of time.
They are rude in Les Halles from my experience.HA! That's incorrect... I got yelled at by a CM in the France Pavillion. Apparently I was suppose to wait for her to tell me when it was my turn to look at the case in Les Hal, but how was I suppose to know? They're were no signs and she didn't say anything to that effect.
I had a great uncle and aunt who lived in Montreal. When I went to visit them once, my aunt told me not to speak English on a bus. She said they didn't like English spoken there.That amazes me. I never encountered that the two times I have been to Paris. Once in the late 60's and 4 years ago. However, I lived for 63 years no more then 20 miles from the Quebec border and never did I find a more rude and arrogant group of people then the French Canadian. I can tell you stories about the typical Quebec tourist that would curl your hair. I can say that because at least 75% of my family tree consisted of French Canadian. I will admit that the majority of my negative memories happened in the late 50's and through the mid 70's.
Speaking of other languages. I also had to take French for one year when I was in High School. If I had passed it I would have had to do a second year. I purposely failed my final so I could take English Lit. instead. What I did learn I have since forgotten. My Grandmothers (both sides) always spoke in French in the household. My parents didn't speak French so none of us Kids did either.
Now I am surrounded by Spanish and I was thinking that since I have a lot of time to kill now that I am retired, I might try to learn some Spanish. I started looking into Babbel based on ads I saw on TV. Has anyone either used the program or know someone that did and if it delivered on all it promised.
Yeah there are some Americans who don't present themselves properly, but if you go there and say you are American then the people in the foreign country will know that there are plenty of decent ones. My mom was a travel agent so I was able to travel the world at a young age. I remember we rented a condo one year in Italy for 3 weeks. Everyone in the complex was from Europe. There were Germans, Swedes, Swiss, Dutch, etc. They were all families. My family had no problem getting along with the others. We spent every afternoon in the pool with the other families, and I enjoyed hanging out with the kids. They could all speak English and I felt like a star when they found out we were American. I felt like a magnet to the other kids. They all wanted to talk to me about life here. I thought it was so cool. I think it was my favorite summer as a teen. I will never forget it. I would never go anywhere and never say I am not an American.Agreed,
We are so embarrassed by some Americans and the way they act, that sometimes we just say we are Canadian if asked, when we are in a foreign country!
It came to my house instead.@Mr Ferret 88 DHL screwed up big time!!!!! This was supposed to go to your house View attachment 462362
I never had any problems with Brazilian groups at Disney either, but my friend was a CM for a while and she said they are horrible about line cutting, and table stealing. Like, someone will be sitting at a table at a counter service restaurant, and she said a Brazilian group will just come over and sit down at the table with you and take all the chairs, and then not understand (or pretend not to) when you try to tell them those seats are taken. (That did happen to us in 2010 at Universal, but I don't remember if it was a Brazilian group. And if I remember correctly, there was a Brazilian family who cut in front of us to get a picture with the Hogwarts express on that same day. We waited patiently for our turn and then a family walked up as the group before us was finishing, and they just went right up and ignored the line.) CMs will just go with it because it takes even longer to try to explain to them that they have to get in line. It's faster just to let them cut and get rid of them so you can get back to the line.I have had several occasions when I was near or in line with Brazilians. I personally never had an issue. Yes, they were a group of young people having a good time with their friends, but never noticed any problem on the rides or during shows. Maybe I was just lucky, but I have run into them in WDW and Universal and I never saw any line cutting or chanting outside of queue lines and walking along. It never bothered me, in fact I felt a little jealous that I wasn't able to just let loose and enjoy myself. Generally Americans, at home, are way to uptight.
The only time I ever got upset by a group of people at WDW was in the Country Bear show. When people all started to sing along loudly and stomp their feet so loudly that I couldn't hear the actual show. I guess I had happened get in the same show as the Country Bears Cult. All non-Brazilians.
I prefer Pepsi Max (their version of zero) over coke zero, but I'll drink either one. The thing with diet soda is that the sweetening agent goes bad after a couple of months and it tastes like carbonated water. I haven't ever had coke zero or pepsi max that was passed date, so I don't know if it's the same. But diet soda really does go bad. It's NASTY when it's passed date, so I can understand why they would be wary of it. But I would have tasted it before refusing to drink it based on the date.I discovered something new last week. I usually keep diet Coke in the fridge for company. All my family except one grandson and myself drink only Diet Coke. I was always a high test Pepsi fan before I decided that Iced Tea was my thing and he just likes regular Coke. Anyway, I had about 8 of the small bottles of Coke Zero for a couple of months or more and it appears that my family are connoisseurs of fine Coca-Cola and felt that it was to far past the "best by" date and wouldn't drink it. I was pressed for something different to drink so I thought I would try it. If it was "flat" I'd just dump it. Turns out it wasn't flat at all and I found that it had no aftertaste like reg. Diet Coke does and that I actually liked it. So now I have left high test Pepsi (even though I did that already) for the no sugar Coke Zero. It's true, you can teach an old dog new tricks. When I get brave I will test out Pepsi Zero and see how it compares.
its a cultural difference because everyone does it in Mex.Yeah no, not here. Females have fought long and hard not to be ’touched’ by men unless they it is consensual. (At time reverse men/women or man/man etc) Never ever between an under aged person and an adult. Let alone a person of authority over the minor. We are working towards being a keep you hands and other part off of other people unless it is spoken to be consensual. #MeToo
Same here. Covered up my clematis just in case.It has had to struggle to get to 56 here today. They are calling for a frost tomorrow morning.
What a cute cake! He says thank you!
Same here. Covered up my clematis just in case.
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