In fairness in circa 1970 Quebec was fighting for some form of independence from English domination of French Speaking people in Quebec. There were kidnappings, killings in Montreal, letter box bombs, the works. I can remember going there (for those of you that don't know, my wife was from Montreal) and we would stand in line at coffee shops, snack bars and other places while French speaking were served and everyone just walked around us. It was pretty tense up there. I think it was called the Parti Québécois. My wife's family was as British as possible. Her Father was born in London. They all thought it was silly and in some respects it was. They passed a sovereignty resolution that included the general idea that Quebec wanted to be independent from the rest of Canada, but that they would still share the same benefits afforded all Canadian Citizens. Governmental child bonus's, health care and currency, etc. It was laughable if it hadn't been so violent. Here was going to be a sovereign French speaking country completely surrounded by English speaking Provence's and the U.S. that were insisting that business be operated in French, but not lose any business and still have the nation of Canada support them financially. Sweet deal! It all ended up in a compromise where the French population were afforded the ability to run their own Provence with bilingualism an official part of Canada. It's pretty calm now and I doubt that many people today are even aware of what went on there during that time. To me now, Montreal is a place were I feel safe walking around. It's friendly and industrious.I had a great uncle and aunt who lived in Montreal. When I went to visit them once, my aunt told me not to speak English on a bus. She said they didn't like English spoken there.
Brazilian tour groups like them or not are a big force when they come to Orlando mainly in the summer. One part of International Drive is regarded as Little Brazil where hotels, restaurants and outlet shopping cater to the Brazilians. In the late 1990s I was at DHS. For the first time I saw an evening show at Indiana Jones advertised as the show is in Portugese. The ones standing in line to enter were hundreds of guests from the tour groups.I never had any problems with Brazilian groups at Disney either, but my friend was a CM for a while and she said they are horrible about line cutting, and table stealing. Like, someone will be sitting at a table at a counter service restaurant, and she said a Brazilian group will just come over and sit down at the table with you and take all the chairs, and then not understand (or pretend not to) when you try to tell them those seats are taken. (That did happen to us in 2010 at Universal, but I don't remember if it was a Brazilian group. And if I remember correctly, there was a Brazilian family who cut in front of us to get a picture with the Hogwarts express on that same day. We waited patiently for our turn and then a family walked up as the group before us was finishing, and they just went right up and ignored the line.) CMs will just go with it because it takes even longer to try to explain to them that they have to get in line. It's faster just to let them cut and get rid of them so you can get back to the line.
Same here, only because I've seen a few reports with doctors advising to do this. It's a nuisance, though.
I'm afraid that I have weighed my options and found out that living has a definite effort ceiling. That would all be way to much effort and since it is such a strong virus and tiny missed spot could be as deadly and the entire thing being affected. I'm taking what I consider to be reasonable steps to avoid contact, but I don't remember anyone, be it wanna be medical experts or actual doctors, say anything about washing every item we come in contact with. If you did, well why wouldn't our favorite actual WH doctor have mentioned it. He's into OCD hand washing, which makes sense, but handling every item to clean them, to me, seems like way more exposure then necessary. I don't own rubber cloves or face masks, nor do I know how to make them and have never owned hand sanitizer. Besides isn't hand sanitizer for bacteria and not effective on a virus?
Since I had the only post that addressed your statement I can only assume that you are referring to me. I am really concerned that you think that I think that you are a "jerk" for doing that. It is no business of mine, but I don't think that some of the stuff that we are "suggested" we do necessarily makes any sense. Nothing personal, just my opinion.Please disregard if no interest. (Realize that some have their own reasons not to clean containers, and are doing what's best for them.) No problem with differences of opinion, just prefer that someone not insinuate that I'm a jerk.
Article/(brief video) below is from Dr. Sanjay Gupta regarding cleaning grocery containers.
Here's how Dr. Sanjay Gupta says to properly disinfect your groceries
Trips to the grocery store are inevitable for many Americans during the coronavirus outbreak, but Dr. Sanjay Gupta has some tips on how to properly disinfect your groceries and prevent the virus from spreading to surfaces within your home. The virus can live on steel and plastic for up to
I think he was actually agreeing with you that the way that guy acted was inappropriate and not part of their culture. Like, yes, Latin American culture is known for being warm, welcoming, and even affectionate, but there's a difference between that and what that teacher did. There are boundaries even in cultures that are more touchy-feely, and that teacher crossed them.Yeah no, not here. Females have fought long and hard not to be ’touched’ by men unless they it is consensual. (At time reverse men/women or man/man etc) Never ever between an under aged person and an adult. Let alone a person of authority over the minor. We are working towards being a keep you hands and other part off of other people unless it is spoken to be consensual. #MeToo
Please disregard if no interest. (Realize that some have their own reasons not to clean containers, and are doing what's best for them.) No problem with differences of opinion, just prefer that someone not insinuate that I'm a jerk.
Article/(brief video) below is from Dr. Sanjay Gupta regarding cleaning grocery containers.
Here's how Dr. Sanjay Gupta says to properly disinfect your groceries
Trips to the grocery store are inevitable for many Americans during the coronavirus outbreak, but Dr. Sanjay Gupta has some tips on how to properly disinfect your groceries and prevent the virus from spreading to surfaces within your home. The virus can live on steel and plastic for up to
Wow....I had no idea there was ever that kind of issue there! I knew they learn both French and English in Canada, but I didn't know the history behind that. Thanks for sharing!In fairness in circa 1970 Quebec was fighting for some form of independence from English domination of French Speaking people in Quebec. There were kidnappings, killings in Montreal, letter box bombs, the works. I can remember going there (for those of you that don't know, my wife was from Montreal) and we would stand in line at coffee shops, snack bars and other places while French speaking were served and everyone just walked around us. It was pretty tense up there. I think it was call the Parti Québécois. My wife's family was as British as possible. Her Father was born in London. They all thought it was silly and in some respects it was. They passed a sovereignty resolution that included the general idea that Quebec wanted to be independent from the rest of Canada, but that they would still share the same benefits afforded all Canadian Citizens. Governmental child bonus's, health care and currency, etc. It was laughable if it hadn't been so violent. Here was going to be a sovereign French speaking country completely surrounded by English speaking Provence's and the U.S. that were insisting that business be operated in French, but not lose any business and still have the nation of Canada support them financially. Sweet deal! It all ended up in a compromise where the French population were afforded the ability to run their own Provence with bilingualism an official part of Canada. It's pretty calm now and I doubt that many people today are even aware of what went on there during that time. To me now, Montreal is a place were I feel safe walking around. It's friendly and industrious.
Wow...I hadn't thought of that. I haven't been doing that. To be fair though, my kitchen is WAY too small. I put my groceries directly into the fridge or the cupboard because I just don't have the space to put it anywhere else. I don't have room for a clean area and a dirty area. (My dream kitchen would have an island, but I'm afraid that will have to wait until we win big in the lottery) But I do wash my hands a LOT, and I bleach my counters often.Please disregard if no interest. (Realize that some have their own reasons not to clean containers, and are doing what's best for them.) No problem with differences of opinion, just prefer that someone not insinuate that I'm a jerk.
Article/(brief video) below is from Dr. Sanjay Gupta regarding cleaning grocery containers.
Here's how Dr. Sanjay Gupta says to properly disinfect your groceries
Trips to the grocery store are inevitable for many Americans during the coronavirus outbreak, but Dr. Sanjay Gupta has some tips on how to properly disinfect your groceries and prevent the virus from spreading to surfaces within your home. The virus can live on steel and plastic for up to
I saw on the news that I want to say maybe Red Cross doctors were traveling to remote areas to warn them about the virus, because some areas didn't have access to health care except by boat, which was sometimes not accessible due to weather, time, etc. I was wondering at the time, if they are remote, how would they get the virus in the first place? It seems like more of a danger to go there to warn them and possibly bring the virus to them when they are unlikely to come into contact with someone who has it because they live so remotely.Since I had the only post that addressed your statement I can only assume that you are referring to me. I am really concerned that you think that I think that you are a "jerk" for doing that. It is no business of mine, but I don't think that some of the stuff that we are "suggested" we do necessarily makes any sense. Nothing personal, just my opinion.
I strongly feel that no one really knows what to do concerning this virus. Nobody, including me. I don't care how many of their names are prefixed with "Dr.". To me the more we handle this stuff the more apt we are to pick something up. Can you guarantee that in the process of cleaning this stuff it won't accidentally brush your clothing without you noticing. That is what I mean by sometimes the perceived cure is worse then the problem itself. Just today I read a report on how a remote group of people in the Amazon has been shown to have the virus. (However, like everything else that we read today, how do they know that if the tribe is really remote? How did they find out?) If true, how do we escape something like that? Answer, we can't! So I guess I will put of my trip to the Amazon! Damn, I hope they weren't talking about a remote corner of an Amazon warehouse.
So all we can do is what is best, like you said, for each of us. If you want to do all that, fine, but I find that their are droves of people coming out of the woodwork with their idea of what would be effective. All with no proof that their theory is anymore sound then anyone else's. Bottom line, just do what makes sense for you and allow that others may disagree, but that doesn't make them anymore right then you. It is a bad time and all of us are getting pretty much on edge.
He loves ice cream! Thank you!@93boomer , Happy Birthday to Mr. Boomer!! (I figured he had enough cakes sent to him, so here's a little scream to go along with those!)
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Good morning!Good Morning! Happy Saturday!
I just read one of my 8th graders assignments for the week and she said she was addicted to tic tok! I laughed. I'm not into it, but I can see why people fine it entertaining.
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