You are probably correct, but, think about this, if people stopped spending massive amounts of money to obtain those Masters Degree's then companies would have to move you up without it and would judge you by your performance in the real world not a piece of paper that in and of itself is not worth as much as the frame it sits in.
I understand the importance of a good education, but it has gone off the rails, out of control. There doesn't appear to be an end to it in the near future, it is a 600 pound Gorilla in our living rooms. We know it's there but, we are afraid to shove it away. In the dark ages when I was in school, an Associates Degree got your foot in the door and management was in your future. Then it was the Bachelors Degree that opened all those doors. Now it is turning into a Masters, soon it will be a Doctorate. It will have to end, soon unless someone dreams up a Degree higher then that. There are many very smart, very talented people with many skills and abilities that are discounted out because they don't have that piece of paper. It is just plain stupid. If we read the news we can see that some of the wealthy are buying those educations, many holders of them are worthless. It's been that way for a long time and it is clear that a lot of those people are dumber then a box of rocks.