Test Track refurb???


Premium Member
There is quite a bit of adjustment that they can make in the design area with timings. I would expect this to take a while for them to work out what works best. I can realistically see the design time cut down to a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps Kevin meant Radiator Springs Racers rather than CarsLAND when having to choose between that or TT 2.0. I'll admit that besides some pretty sets/rockwork, there's very little else I dig about Carsland besides RSR's. Maybe he see's it that way too. Either way I can't wait to check out TT 2.0 in May hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the design time is too short right now and needs to be lengthened if the area is full after designing.

When I previewed it and the place was empty I already felt too rushed to design my car and that was pointless because after that there was no line to get on the ride. They really should slow it down and let people enjoy the design process. No need to rush it if the line is clogged up afterwards


Well-Known Member
Tip top club, I can't speak for any other time but it's been open pretty much every day since last Saturday when I got here. Today was my third day riding it.

Let me be clear, I'm not bashing the ride at all. I like the entire make over, the que, the videos, the theme, everything. I was just posting what I over heard.

WDWBrayn- I took between 12-14 minutes to design my car. You have a 5:00 limit for 2 sections and 4:00 for another one


Active Member
There is quite a bit of adjustment that they can make in the design area with timings. I would expect this to take a while for them to work out what works best. I can realistically see the design time cut down to a few minutes.

Wife and I just the other evening watched the WDW video of the new TT. We liked what we saw. BUT the design phase I can see being a problem. I wonder if it actually does anything to the way the TT Vehicle performs on the track?

Either way we can't wait will May2013 to ride it and try it ourselves.

Thanks for the great walk thru ride video!


Premium Member
Wife and I just the other evening watched the WDW video of the new TT. We liked what we saw. BUT the design phase I can see being a problem. I wonder if it actually does anything to the way the TT Vehicle performs on the track?

Either way we can't wait will May2013 to ride it and try it ourselves.

Thanks for the great walk thru ride video!
No the design does not change the physical ride experience, but does display scores on screens throughout the ride.


I got to ride it 3 times yesterday... I have to say it's an amazing improvement from the first version! The videos do not do it justice, you have to experience it yourself.
There were "technical difficulties" for a minute or two when we were waiting in the pre-show room (before entering the design studios), but the problem was solved quickly.


Well-Known Member
There were "technical difficulties" for a minute or two when we were waiting in the pre-show room (before entering the design studios), but the problem was solved quickly.
Something you always see from a ride that's just been opened/reopened in Disneyworld.


Well-Known Member
A Screamscape reader sent in an interesting tidbit to crunch on regarding the new Test Track experience. According to our source, those who choose to take the FastPass or Single Rider line will not be given the opportunity to fully design your own SimCar as you would when waiting in the normal (Stand-By) queue. Instead Fast-Pass and Single Rider guests are offered a chance to select one of few pre-built models, however I’m told that none of these pre-built models are designed to get high rankings in the test results at the end of the ride.
Since the average guest in the Stand-By line spends approximately 9 minutes designing their custom SimCars, there simply isn’t time in the shorter lines. So if you want the full experience of designing your own SimCar, you will have to wait in the Stand-By line.

This is from Screamscape!

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
9 minutes? I dunno about that. Maybe 4 or 5.

Interesting to know that the FP and single rider designs will not rank highly. Makes sense and is fair.


Well-Known Member
A Screamscape reader sent in an interesting tidbit to crunch on regarding the new Test Track experience. According to our source, those who choose to take the FastPass or Single Rider line will not be given the opportunity to fully design your own SimCar as you would when waiting in the normal (Stand-By) queue. Instead Fast-Pass and Single Rider guests are offered a chance to select one of few pre-built models, however I’m told that none of these pre-built models are designed to get high rankings in the test results at the end of the ride.
Since the average guest in the Stand-By line spends approximately 9 minutes designing their custom SimCars, there simply isn’t time in the shorter lines. So if you want the full experience of designing your own SimCar, you will have to wait in the Stand-By line.

This is from Screamscape!

Thanks but we've known this for a while :)


The FastPass experience to me was not fun when I tried it once during soft opening. Basically you have less then a minute to use the kiosk by choosing a pre designed car which they are not all that great looking. I definitely say if possible choose the full experience!

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