Test Track refurb???


Well-Known Member
Should be an option, like how the haunted mansion has the option of either going through the interactive que or just going straight to the door. I like how they did that.

They need to get rid of the "design your own car" section and those horrible loading rooms. Just make the queue longer with more to look at and then let us get on the actual ride. I promise at least 75% of the people in line just want to ride the damn ride.


Well-Known Member
If it was half option that would clog the attraction even more because every few minutes there would be design studio doors opening up to let people out, if a large chunk of people are just walking to the ride(75 percent hypothetically as someone just claimed) it would be insanely ugly.

Also, the Haunted Mansion is no longer becoming optional. That queue being optional was temporary while they change up the new version of fastpass.

Clyde Birdbrain

Unknown Member
I rode TT2 for the first time yesterday morning and there were quite a few problems:
  • In the area before the Design Studio, where groups have to stand on colored numbers, about a dozen numbers were 'greyed out' with carpet circles because the terminals were broken.
  • We stood on a number for a few minutes, and then a panicked person came in and 3 groups in our line were moved to another line. More carpet circles were put over those numbers.
  • Inside the Design Studio we started on our car, but after about a minute the screen froze. A CM told us to use another screen, on which we could finish our car. The countdown clock kept jumping around and didn't seem right though.
  • Once in the attraction we didn't see our car on the screen, even though there was just 1 other group in our car that designed just one more car, so I would guess that only our two cars should be on the screen, right?
  • After the ride we tried to make a commercial on one of the screens, but it froze when we tried to pick the narrator. We went to another screen and were able to finish. I emailed the video to myself, but I am just checking it and the video doesn't play. It is just black and the video won't start.
  • Moving on I tried to do one of the racing games, but my card wouldn't take and the car never appeared. I went to the next one and that game seemed to go on forever. I was in the lead, but when it finally ended it restarted without any ranking or showing that I won.
  • Then we moved on to the area with the Chevy cars and we tried to take pictures at one of the four photo areas. You can see yourself standing in front of the screen and a counter counts down to take 3 pictures. The first two pictures were completely black, and the third picture was taken when the counter was still at 11 seconds.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
The wonderful world of Fastpass
Yep. Remember that if Fastpass did not exist, and there was only one line, it would move at an even faster pace than the current Fastpass lines.
They need to get rid of the "design your own car" section and those horrible loading rooms. Just make the queue longer with more to look at and then let us get on the actual ride. I promise at least 75% of the people in line just want to ride the damn ride.
To be fair, unless the ride is a walk-on, the time spent designing your car isn't making your wait time any longer, you're just waiting in the design studio rather than in one continuous line. Same thing with every pre-show/briefing room. RnRc for example - you could bypass the pre-show, but you'd still be waiting the exact same amount of time in the parking garage.

That said, I posted about this in the main TT2.0 thread, and I can definitely see the whole design process not going over well with the average guest.


Well-Known Member
Folks, we're just having a lot of growing pains when it comes to the design studios/merge area right now. It's only been 2 whole days that we've been open with the heavy amount of guests we've been having (on a normal/more than normal basis). Our merge area is also different compared to most attractions so that's another challenge we have to deal with.

Yes it's true that normally soft openings is the way to figure out these issues - however, we never had lines of 90-120 minutes AND we never had to deal with FP and Single Rider. Lastly, we had a specific set of guidelines how to do certain procedures, especially when it comes to the design studio. Obviously, you can only make certain things happen as almost pure guesswork until guests come into the building. Now that we have all factors involved, we can truly see what works and what doesn't work.

In other words...if you're getting frustrated, we're just as much, if not more, than you are.


Well-Known Member
I rode twice last night. I have to say it is a huge improvement over TT 1.0, and embodies the original spirit of Epcot. The scale of the update is not done justice by veiwing the videos. The things done with projection throughout the attraction are quite impressive. It is really like visiting a new world that is highly immersive and aesthetically different than anything that I have ever experienced or could experience anywhere else. Again I restate that the videos do not measure up to the actual experience.

It makes TT1.0 seem incredibly tame almost to the point that the only thing I miss about the original is that it had sort of a relaxed vibe about it while in the warehouse area. My only complaints are that the attraction was too loud, and not everything was working. However, being too loud is a highly subjective thing. I can best compare it to Dinosaur. When I was very young I really enjoyed how loud an in your face Dinosaur was. Now that I am approaching 30 in about 15 days (young still I know), I often complain about it being to noisy, and often skip the attraction. TT 2.0 is equally as noisy as dinosaur, but I wont be skipping the attraction because the benefit of the experience TT 2.0 outweighs the negative it being too noisy.

As far as broken effects goes, the first time experienced the attraction my in car screen was broken (not that I would have time to view it anyway). That reminded me of TT 1.0 because the screen was usually broken in the later years about 50% of the time. Also my sim car ranking did not appear at the end of any of the test, and the sim car rankings is a very important part of the experience. Although I do have to say it was cool to see how my car ranked overall in the post show. Especially seeing how it compared to the best rated sim car made that day. Equally cool was that my sim car followed me though the enitre post show. I got to make a commercial for it, and I got to race it against 8 other cars.

In conclusion, I do think the ride will be most popular with the younger crowd. As we were exiting the building and starting the high speed loops the three teenage girls behind us were screaming that was SO COOL! This was before the highlight of TT 1.0 even occured (high speed curve). Admittedly though one of the girls was very confused as to why we were outside. She repeated twice "why are we outside" of course this was before the exillaration of reaching 65 mph.

Overall the experience is vastly superior to TT 1.0 (IMO).


Well-Known Member
How user friendly is it for non-techy people? There are still a lot of people out there that don't have computer skills imprinted on their DNA. We really enjoy the Test Track ride, in fact it is our favorite attraction in Epcot. My Hubby will soon be 70 and has very few tech skills, but energy wise and mechanical/construction ability wise he can run circles around any 35 year old, so he will miss the old queue, as will I. So hopefully we can "get" the new queue.


Well-Known Member
9 minutes? I dunno about that. Maybe 4 or 5.

Interesting to know that the FP and single rider designs will not rank highly. Makes sense and is fair.

9 minutes seemed to be about the norm for designing the car both times I rode it. The screen originally starts with a 5 minute time limit, but as you move to different stages the time limit increases. This speeds up guest decisions because you initially feel rushed by seeing the clock tick down, and locks a few of the beginning aspects of designing when you go over the initial 5:00 minutes. Meaning you cant go back an optimize the shape of the car (first design phase) after the first 5 minutes is up, but you can still accessorise it (last phase of design).


Premium Member
They need to get rid of the "design your own car" section and those horrible loading rooms. Just make the queue longer with more to look at and then let us get on the actual ride. I promise at least 75% of the people in line just want to ride the damn ride.


Really? Just remove it entirely for you? I can understand having two options but why remove the new thing that ties the entire attraction together?


Well-Known Member
I finally got to try it this morning, and i have to say that we as a family enjoyed it quite a bit. The design you car part was way more fun than I thought it would be and surprisingly detailed. The changes to the ride are very good for the most part (although that lightning bolt is pretty cheesy). The post show where you make a commercial and/or race your car was a blast especially for my little ones. All in all, its a great update and is definitely worth seeing. But dont sell yourself short by doing fastpass or single rider, the design process is worth the wait, even if it has very little to do with the ride portion itself. I hope to see more attractions of this caliber in the parks.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I see that, where the video from the test people used to be. Unsure if that's been working yet or not.

'Swerves to avoid the lightning strike.. that alone makes you chuckle. Can anyone read that with a straight face? :)

I know they tried to make it work.. but those seem weaker than the previous ones. To me the Indy vs dinosaur analogy rings true. indy gives you far more 'reason' behind your EMV's movements that you can tie in visually into your senses. It just 'makes more sense' to the rider without thinking about it. Dinosaur basically just throws you around in the dark, and uses loud noise and an audio track to justify the EMV's movements. It doesn't work nearly as well. Even tho Dinosaur has the same capabilities - its no where near as impactful. I worry the same loss will happen to TT's ride system in the eyes of the guest. It gets lost because of the poor stimulus continuity. I guess time will tell.. and we see what resonates with guests.

Not true, the CTX/Dinosaur vehicle reacts to different show elements throughout the ride, but just because a lot of show elements are turned off or removed that most guests thinks it is just bouncing around in the dark. I hope that doesn't happen to Test Track also when they have show problems they will just continue running the ride with major show elements not working or turned off.


Premium Member
I am willing to bet that the throughput of the pre-shows was set up to be like it was in the old attraction...same amount of approximate people per room and same approximate time in the room (7 mins for the old pre-show sounds about right)


Premium Member
Should be an option, like how the haunted mansion has the option of either going through the interactive que or just going straight to the door. I like how they did that.

I had to say something after like the 3rd post...Que is not a word. Cue is a indicator or prompt

What you are trying to use is Queue


Premium Member
By the way, I also think that its important to mention the other side of this that no one has talked about.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if GM is taking at least a bit of the user input from these car designs and data mining the results (favorite color, most time interacting with their chosen design, etc.)

In fact, it was surprising to me exactly HOW abstract/sci-fi some of the design options were and wonder if those will be moved to more conventional layouts later on.

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