Test Track refurb???


Well-Known Member
No the design does not change the physical ride experience, but does display scores on screens throughout the ride.
Is there a faster line? Maybe a line where you can just skip the design process and get right on the line? I don't think designing a car holds any appeal for my family, we'd rather just get on and get going. Is fastpass allowing this to speed you along?


Is there a faster line? Maybe a line where you can just skip the design process and get right on the line? I don't think designing a car holds any appeal for my family, we'd rather just get on and get going. Is fastpass allowing this to speed you along?
Yes the only way tho is by using Fastpass or Single Rider. You'll still go to a kiosk to select a pre designed car if you wish. But most likely you can just let the CM know you don't wish to do that and you can just proceed to the boarding area!

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
Test Track is one of the attractions at WDW that I have never felt is for my family in any way. But, I have no interest in designing a car. Surprisingly, my husband who loves cars does not like this attraction either. He feels the car-designing portion is too long and makes no sense because it's not like it affects the ride at all.

But not every attraction is for my family.

We probably only ride Test Track every three or four, maybe even every five years. We'll probably check it out when we are down there in May...and then might not ride it again for many years. It's just not an attraction that is a "must do" for my family.


Oh yay Enchantâmes is back in another thread smacking people in the mouths over their innocent comments. :rolleyes: We have a ride through video, we have comments from those that have been on the ride that do not like it and those that do. People are allowed their opinion of the ride even if they have not been there in person. You come in here and start griping about people not liking the new additions just because they haven't seen them in person. Wow. Guess what, I've never been to Korea's Demilitarized Zone, but from what I hear I'd rather not visit. Does the fact that I have not been there make my opinion "unfounded negativity"?

Yes, it does. A picture( video in this case) says a thousand is a bunch of crap. Go ride the ride ,then make your comment. I recently went to a attraction that had very positive reviews but I felt it wasn't worth the money, so did I have " unfounded positivity". I would have to say yes.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it does. A picture( video in this case) says a thousand is a bunch of crap. Go ride the ride ,then make your comment. I recently went to a attraction that had very positive reviews but I felt it wasn't worth the money, so did I have " unfounded positivity". I would have to say yes.

No. That's okay. I can usually tell if I am not going to like it before I go from pictures. Thanks.

However, I have been wrong before. I may like it after I go and see it in person. Who knows. My problem with Enchantâmes (and the other 4 or 5 people that do this) is that they cannot stand anyone having an opinion that differs from theirs. Even that attitude is okay, but it is in how they word their disagreements. They always flame people for an opposing view. That is my point that I was trying to make. You may be right, we could love it once we see it. But as for right now, I am allowed to not like what I see.


New Member
I have a question....do you have to make your own car? Is it skippable to move the process along or is it a room you must stay in for a specified amount of time? Just wondering because I'm totally not interested in designing my own car but I would want to ride the ride.


Well-Known Member
I'm really not liking the sound of all this. I have no interest whatsoever in cars and their design, I just like the ride. I hope it isn't too boring for the likes of me, the old pre-show was bad enough.

I am typically not one who enjoys interactive elements and usually prefer to just enjoy an attraction. Initially I was not excited about building a car at all, and sort of rolled my eyes when I first heard about it. After experiencing it I am very suprised at how fun it was to create the sim car and have it follow you through to the end. In fact, I think it is one of the few attractions that I wont get a fastpass for. It is something you will have to experience yourself. The fun of the interactive elements definitely was a suprise to me. It may suprise you as well. Then again it may not, but either way I look forward to your report.

I have a question....do you have to make your own car? Is it skippable to move the process along or is it a room you must stay in for a specified amount of time? Just wondering because I'm totally not interested in designing my own car but I would want to ride the ride.

If you are in the stand by line I suppose you do not "have" to design your car, but you will be stuck in a room with a huge screen in front of you for about 9 minutes or so. You can choose to play with the screen or watch others play with their screens during that time.


Well-Known Member
I have a question....do you have to make your own car? Is it skippable to move the process along or is it a room you must stay in for a specified amount of time? Just wondering because I'm totally not interested in designing my own car but I would want to ride the ride.

As Odyssey said, if you want to play with it, cool, if not, cool too. Unlike what Justinj2 said, you cannot skip it. It's meant to be a holding area.

Do single riders get a special ticket or something? How do they stop a group of 3 single riders from becoming a party of 3 at the loading area?
We've dealt with that problem even with TT1....let's just say we have our own way of dealing with that. :)


No. That's okay. I can usually tell if I am not going to like it before I go from pictures. Thanks.

However, I have been wrong before. I may like it after I go and see it in person. Who knows. My problem with Enchantâmes (and the other 4 or 5 people that do this) is that they cannot stand anyone having an opinion that differs from theirs. Even that attitude is okay, but it is in how they word their disagreements. They always flame people for an opposing view. That is my point that I was trying to make. You may be right, we could love it once we see it. But as for right now, I am allowed to not like what I see.

I would agree with a lot of that. Whining and not liking pictures, I feel are two different things. I only visit these forums once every few weeks anymore due to the negativity. I feel too many of the regulars don't even realize what is negative and what is opinion anymore. Hence why I do give some defense to enchantamas, but everyone should be entitled to opinion. To have a strong opinion without actually doing it, is unwise IMO. To bash someone simply because their opinion is different is unwise also.

I'm too simple and continue to look at Disney as a whole, there is too much good stuff there to even take time to discuss what is crappy. It's not a utopia even though we all want what we want.


I'm really not liking the sound of all this. I have no interest whatsoever in cars and their design, I just like the ride. I hope it isn't too boring for the likes of me, the old pre-show was bad enough.
Even if you don't like cars, I think you'd find the design process on the touch screens to be interesting. Seeing how your vehicle stacks up to the others' vehicles in the car is kind of cool. Heck, I don't have any interest in 3D carnival games, but I enjoy Toy Story Midway Mania.
Also, you can always just choose to skip the process entirely and go for the Fastpass or Single Rider lines. You just choose a pre-designed car and you don't even have to spend more than a minute looking for one on the screen.

To those who are saying the effects (i.e. lightning bolts, etc.) are cheesy, they're supposed to look that way because you're on the "SIM Track" in a Tron computer-like environment.


Well-Known Member
I would agree with a lot of that. Whining and not liking pictures, I feel are two different things. I only visit these forums once every few weeks anymore due to the negativity. I feel too many of the regulars don't even realize what is negative and what is opinion anymore. Hence why I do give some defense to enchantamas, but everyone should be entitled to opinion. To have a strong opinion without actually doing it, is unwise IMO. To bash someone simply because their opinion is different is unwise also.

I'm too simple and continue to look at Disney as a whole, there is too much good stuff there to even take time to discuss what is crappy. It's not a utopia even though we all want what we want.

I agree with that. My ultimate problem with Enchantames (and the handful of others that act the same way) is the way they disagree with others. Self-absorbed, haughty, narcissistic, and plain mean. I completely agree with the disagreeing on a forum. It is what they are all about. However, they way in which they disagree is the issue. Putting things the way you did is great. Even disagreeing with someone sternly is okay, but I have seen far too many times someone like them come into a thread and start getting down right snotty with someone. Even so far as to immediately start name calling the other person. Then, when that person responds to them (of course negatively) they sit back and say that the person they attacked is the one who started the argument.

I wish everyone could simply deal with the fact that other people have opinions that differ from theirs.

And you think it is unwise for me to not like TT2 simply based on the thorough ride video. That is okay. I still plan on riding it at least once to see if I truly do not like it. But honestly, having seen all the "tron" crap, I doubt my opinion will change. If it does, then I will be back on these boards that night recanting my statements.


Well-Known Member
Road this twice via stand by line and once via fast pass. First standby attempt was soft open and we had waaaaaay too much time in design. But, when were released into the final queue area, we could barely get out because the line came all the way to the design studs. Second standby attempt (today) we had way too little time (about 2-3 minutes). Once out, we nearly walked onto the ride, no line queued at all. It was at park open, amazing what happens when fast pass isn't creating a line.

So, they definitely control your design time based on queue length and wait time. Maybe it doesn't impact the ride, but its something more exciting to do than stare at a concept car for 20 minutes. That's the point, make the line feel shorter. Like the games in Soarin'.


Well-Known Member
If you are heading over to Epcot tomorrow (11 December 2012) to check out the brand new Test Track you might want to wait until the afternoon. The attraction is going having a delayed opening, and is planned to not open until at least 11am. That is from WDWMagic! I don't know what happend to the new Test Track can some one tell me what is going on to the new test track why is delayed?:confused:

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