Test Track refurb???


Active Member
Was looking really good until I got to the picture of the vehicle in the ride, which with the road signs and guard rails, looks a lot like what we had before. Not too thrilled about that...

Love the other concept work though, and that they tried to do something futuristic and optimistic, but I hope some of that ends up in the ride itself. A slick pre- and post-show can't/shouldn't be the main draw for an attraction.
You are aware that is a picture from before this re-design and they just photo shopped in the new looking car and some different elements. Those road signs will be gone.


Active Member
It may be too early to judge, but it once again seems like all glitter and no substance. And minimalistic glitter at that. Might as well have put Carsland in there while they're at it. And why does everyone looks so bummed in that WDI/GM photo? LOL


Well-Known Member
I hope that's not the actually lighting look. Still looks like a warehouse to me. They need it darker and use spotlights and not the massive flood of light that is pictured


Well-Known Member
I hope that's not the actually lighting look. Still looks like a warehouse to me. They need it darker and use spotlights and not the massive flood of light that is pictured

Yeah the original concept art showed lots of dark rooms and neon surroundings, what happened? this looks like one big open warehouse space flooded with hanging stage structure lights and blank curving walls....surely there is more to it or did all the budget go to the pre/post areas and not the ride.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the original concept art showed lots of dark rooms and neon surroundings, what happened? this looks like one big open warehouse space flooded with hanging stage structure lights and blank curving walls....surely there is more to it or did all the budget go to the pre/post areas and not the ride.
I believe that the concepts shown are early photoshop renderings.


Well-Known Member
You are aware that is a picture from before this re-design and they just photo shopped in the new looking car and some different elements. Those road signs will be gone.

Actually all concept renderings point to those signs actually being there. So unless you designed the thing yourself we can only go by the concept art. Also, take notice that the signs in that image have a different look to them. They are now outlined in a glowing light as well as a glowing trail on the path of the ride vehicle. If I had to guess something of fiber optic nature.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Reserve judgment and criticism until you actually ride it.
Why not reserve judgement until the ride has got past its always difficult twist-and-tweak opening weeks?
Why not reserve judgement until we've seen how the ride holds up during the year's busiest week of Christmas/New Year?
Why not reserve judgment to see if the ride's effects will last more than one summer, unlike Everest?
Why not reserve judgement until the ride has shown it can hold the public imagination once the hype has worn off?
Why not reserve judgement until we have seen whether the ride can stand the test of time and has become one of those Disney classics that are passed on from one generation to the next?


Well-Known Member
Why not reserve judgement until the ride has got past its always difficult twist-and-tweak opening weeks?
Why not reserve judgement until we've seen how the ride holds up during the year's busiest week of Christmas/New Year?
Why not reserve judgment to see if the ride's effects will last more than one summer, unlike Everest?
Why not reserve judgement until the ride has shown it can hold the public imagination once the hype has worn off?
Why not reserve judgement until we have seen whether the ride can stand the test of time and has become one of those Disney classics that are passed on from one generation to the next?

Those are different reasons, each logical in their own way and ones I can answer in terms of my viewpoint on said subject but that's not the point I was making.

The point I was making is that some of you are ripping it into pieces, declaring that it's a failure when you're only looking at it through concept art.

Would you buy a house just because of how it looks in pictures or is described to be without seeing it for yourself? Judge a book by it's cover? Judge someone because of how they act? THAT is the point I was trying to make.

When one sees concept art like this and it's plentiful and we always get construction updates, inside or out (like New FL), one can make those types of statements but on a project they've kept such a HUGE lid on for months on end, opening December 6th yet we STILL don't know full concrete details? There's no room TO assume. Nothing concrete to base it off of but skepticism and guesswork.


New Member
Does anyone know how likely they are to actually get this open by Thanksgiving. I had heard they were shooting to have TT open by Nov. 21. How's the progress coming now that it is crunch time.


Well-Known Member
I'm intrigued by this project. It has gotten very little press for being such a complete thematic overhaul of an attraction. I normally would be expecting TDO to try and milk this thing for publicity. I am skeptical as to the quality of it though. I like the feel of the signage and all of the concept art we've seen thematically. It seems as if it's a step back toward the real Epcot we know, love, and miss. Rather than being themed to current testing technology, it is more focused on futuristic design concepts. I do get the unsettling impression that this will feel like another case of Disney taking a ride that is currently themed with tangible objects and three dimensional spaces, throwing black tarps over all of the sets (ahem, SSE), and slapping up video screens alongside the track. If that is indeed the case, I expect to hear a lot of justified complaining from the wdwmagic community.

I honestly am torn. Part of me is like "Yes! this project appears to appeal thematically more closely to good old Epcot", but the other half says "TDO is going to blow this by spending little time, effort, and most likely a small amount of GM's money." (Aren't they broke again anyway?? How much of our money could they possibly be able to afford to spend on marketing through a theme park attraction?)


Well-Known Member
Take a look at the board of design concepts

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