Test Track Live Chat with Imagineer


Well-Known Member
This is what she responded with to a similar question:

"We talk a lot about being in the digital space, but it's still a physical experience. We're using a lot of new technology to tell the story, but it is still a dynamic physical experience."

This is why I dont really like the Disney Parks Blog. They never give you a straight answer.

They aren't supposed to.

They are propaganda. Pure and simple.

Anyone want to ask why they pay Mommy Bloggers off? Or pick up Lou's tab wherever he goes? Or fly a psycho from NYC to Anaheim?


Premium Member
well they confirmed several things...

exact same ride layout...
removal of all testing theme, replaced by design theme...
pretty much said the major ride aspects are not changing at all (handling, environment, speed, etc)

Sounds like the major show scenes are just being rethemed and redressed... a new queue, pre and post shows. Probably some other lesser tidbits along the way.. but it sounds like the onride experience isn't going to change physically at all. Just what you are looking at and hearing..

Sounds a lot like SSE redo.. ;)

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
well they confirmed several things...

exact same ride layout...
removal of all testing theme, replaced by design theme...
pretty much said the major ride aspects are not changing at all (handling, environment, speed, etc)

Sounds like the major show scenes are just being rethemed and redressed... a new queue, pre and post shows. Probably some other lesser tidbits along the way.. but it sounds like the onride experience isn't going to change physically at all. Just what you are looking at and hearing..

Sounds a lot like SSE redo.. ;)

I see what you did there...


Well-Known Member
I can already design and ride in my own car. And if I want to, I can take it out on the highway and hit 100. Designing a car is not a big deal. I've already done that. No reason to go to a theme park for that.

I don't have to think about what the inside of a computer looks like. I already know that. I've seen the insides of computers. If she's referring to neon, I've seen that before, too. Even a cheap corner bar can afford a neon sign.

Are they going to put screens in front of each of us? Seriously? That can't be their big, new thing that we wait for.

It really sounds to me like there are going to be screens in the car and screens on the ride. To whoever asked about the screens, thank you! There should be a new rule in Imagineering: No screens! The next person who says, "Let's stick them in front of TVs" gets fired.

I don't care about my own score or anyone else's.

I have been trying so hard to stay enthused about the new TT, but this honestly sounds like something I will not enjoy. But maybe I'm wrong and I'll like it.

Epcot has so little as it is. Why did they have to screw around with something popular...something I liked? Why not go screw around with Mission Space? Oh, wait. They really can't add more screens to that, can they? No reason to call in Imagineering, then.


Well-Known Member
They aren't supposed to.

They are propaganda. Pure and simple.

Anyone want to ask why they pay Mommy Bloggers off? Or pick up Lou's tab wherever he goes? Or fly a psycho from NYC to Anaheim?

I know it's a rhetorical question, but to control the message entirely. Its kinda like some weird meta blackmail - when one of these bloggers goes dark - or promotes the competitor - does Disney use their other blogger Moopets to announce that other blogger was being paid to advertise? Anyway I thought the US introduced some kind of disclosure policy for Blogs?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Another preplanned managed PR swoop.

The biggest response seems to be nice sign, what's the blob above it?

It reminds me of the hover car from the finale of Timekeeper... Which was a Reanault.

RIP From Time to Time.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I got from this lame excuse for a "Live Chat." Test Track presented by Chevrolet will be the exact same experience as before except the lights will be turned off and there will be revolutionary flat screen TVs everywhere showing you how totally awesome Chevy cars are. Oh by the way, Chevrolet, Chevrolet, Chevrolet, Chevrolet, technology, Chevrolet, Chevrolet.


The Epcot Manifesto
Honestly, I've ridden Test Track once or twice, but I think in my last 4-5 trips, I've skipped it every time. This update will get me at least back in the door once. Doubtful it will keep me coming back, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I got from this lame excuse for a "Live Chat." Test Track presented by Chevrolet will be the exact same experience as before except the lights will be turned off and there will be revolutionary flat screen TVs everywhere showing you how totally awesome Chevy cars are. Oh by the way, Chevrolet, Chevrolet, Chevrolet, Chevrolet, technology, Chevrolet, Chevrolet.

I think you summed it up well.
It could just be a glitch with their website, but when going to park hours from the Disney World site, it shows Test Track as being closed through October 23rd. It also isn't showing full 10 days worth of hours for the parks, but in the past the opening date was November 30th. Has anyone heard if the time frame has in deed been moved forward?


Well-Known Member
Just canned ressponses, she can only answer the questions they allowed her to answer. The responses were only wriiten ahead of time and approved.

Now doesn't that make you more excited about Test Track now?

Yes, the entire thing was completely scripted. In fact, I'd be surprised if the Imagineer was even present as it would be far more efficient to have simply gameplanned the entire thing ahead of time and just had the moderator cut and paste chunks of the script as answers (or the closest thing) to the specific questions that same moderator approved.

That said, Chauncy from "Being There" could have put on a better performance. Some of the answers were no better than "as long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden" and "in the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again."


I did like the quote referencing something like ~140 people being involved in the project. Disney: where efficiency goes to die and dollars get flushed like cheap toilet paper.

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