Test Track Live Chat with Imagineer


Well-Known Member
You win ... I have no inside knowledge ... except for these post last September.


But if you would ever take the time to go back and read what I had posted ... last year, you would see that I might know what I am talking about ...but if you fail to see the connection now, I can't help you.

What is your hangup bud? Are you upset that someone has actually been able to backup their claims on a message board or are you just jealous because you got picked last?

I remember your post quite well and unfortunately you're just going to run into some that want to pick a fight around here. I know that I appreciate when people that actually get legitimate information about the future of the parks take the time to post them here. Thanks for posting what you did last fall and it'll be interesting to see how the new version of Test Track looks like.


Well-Known Member
I remember your post quite well and unfortunately you're just going to run into some that want to pick a fight around here. I know that I appreciate when people that actually get legitimate information about the future of the parks take the time to post them here. Thanks for posting what you did last fall and it'll be interesting to see how the new version of Test Track looks like.

Thanks for the kind words. Appreciate it. Unfortunately, yes ... you always run into people like that in every area of life. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
You win ... I have no inside knowledge ... except for these post last September.


But if you would ever take the time to go back and read what I had posted ... last year, you would see that I might know what I am talking about ...but if you fail to see the connection now, I can't help you.

What is your hangup bud? Are you upset that someone has actually been able to backup their claims on a message board or are you just jealous because you got picked last?


Well-Known Member
All that's cute. You all actually think I started this argument. Go back and read the posts. ;)

Oh, and try posting photos where people can see them. ;)


Well-Known Member
Ahhh. Fixed it did you? LOL Nice. I got served did I? What are you, 10? I doubt I got "served". What I did get was another mess of off topic garbage from him trying to divert the issue I originally addressed. I give my opinion on something and he gets all upset over it and starts mouthing off. (http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/test-track-live-chat-with-imagineer.845745/page-10#post-5100360) So, I never said anything about his crap from posts past, only on this thread. So take your crap somewhere else to someone who actually respects your views. Thanks. :)

Try to work your way out.


Well-Known Member
It was never meant to be an argument. I was trying to say you might want to hold off passing judgement until you experience the attraction in person once the re-fit is finished ... The 'Live Chat' session was vauge and left out quite a bit of what is being done ... but if you don't like test track to begin with then thats fine. I was a fan of World of Motion back in the day too ... but I doubt we will ever see an attraction like it again ... but I hope to be proven wrong.


Well-Known Member
It was never meant to be an argument. I was trying to say you might want to hold off passing judgement until you experience the attraction in person once the re-fit is finished ... The 'Live Chat' session was vauge and left out quite a bit of what is being done ... but if you don't like test track to begin with then thats fine. I was a fan of World of Motion back in the day too ... but I doubt we will ever see an attraction like it again ... but I hope to be proven wrong.

No, no, no, don't try to downplay this either. You got smart and told me to hold off on my sarcasm. If I want to be sarcastic, I will. I never once said that anyone else should skip the ride. So where was your problem with my post? Scratch that. I don't care anymore. I'll take my own signature's advice. Thanks, and good day! :D


Well-Known Member
Downplay what?

Initially it was toung and cheek ... however being as agressive (as you always are most of the time) you immediately took it as an insult to you and ran off at the mouth (or keyboard).

Even when someone offers you a way to end it amicably you screw it up.

I don't know who I should feel worse for ... your kids or your wife.


Well-Known Member
You take a stab at my family and I'm aggressive? LOL Man, you need to go back to school. I am not an aggressive person, at all. I just hate bossy, know-it-all, and rude people. Nothing with you is "tongue in cheek" (Spelled tongue. Again, go back to school.) and is dripping with the sarcasm you accused me of, as well as disdain for anyone who calls you on your BS.

Look, you cannot seem to stick with an train of thought here since you seem to love going off on tangents about things that were not originally discussed. Stick with what you are good at, photography.

Once more. I am not planning on riding the redone TT. Period. Let's see a show of hands from those who care. (crickets chirping....) Alrighty then. Issue solved.


Well-Known Member
No, princess ... I took a stab at you. I said I felt sorry for them, if thats taking a stab at them to you then wow ... your in a different world all together ... Thanks again for the spelling lesson, and really?!? was that actually a compliment in all that mess ... I am impressed, your stock just went up a bit, and yes, that was sarcastic.

Know it all ... ? I really have no idea where you are basing that ... nothing in my posting style has ever indicated that ... you however have a clear history of aggression and some definate anger issues ... or did you just miss your nap time?

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