Test Track Live Chat with Imagineer


Premium Member
"here in Buffalo"?.... a fellow Buffalonian!?!

Disney really needs to poach the whole Wegmans marketing team; heck, just buy the whole company. They are what Disney used to be, except in the grocery business: premium prices for premium products.

Ironically here.. they are the most affordable chain. By a wide margin on most of the traditional grocery portion. They are cheaper than Safeway, Giant, and Harris Teeter by 10-30%. Given their presentation and wide variety, they would look like a premium (like Whole Foods, etc) but they are really the most affordable. I have to drive through tough traffic to get to ours, but I'll drive past 6 other grocery stores just to get to Wegmans because of the price delta :)

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
So....... Test Track is not being re-imagined. Wow. What a shocker. :rolleyes: I knew all they were going to do is change the queue, and slap on a fresh coat of paint. :( I want World of Motion back! I was so excited by the rumors (yes, I know that they were just rumors) of a WoM / TT merge. This is still the same ride as before from each brick you run over, every hairpin turn, etc... The only difference is the queue line may be a bit quieter and you will not have John Michael Higgins talking to you throughout the ride. OH!! Wait, I forgot all about the lame "custom ride" interaction. :rolleyes:

I'll be skipping TT on our future trips. It will make more room for others. ;)
Um, its still going to be vastly different than before. Have you even read anything?


Well-Known Member
Good to see Goofydad is back and saying he will boycott a ride without knowing anything about what it will actually be like. LOL.

I don't even know who you are. So don't even act like you know me. Yeah you're right that's exactly what I do. Every time I come on here I post a comment about boycotting a ride. Grow up and stop trying to act like that's what I do every single time I post on the boards. I don't even remember the last time I talked about boycotting a ride.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Why would I want to wait and see? They're using the same track, the same vehicles with a slight difference in the overlay. It is basically the same ride.
We've known it would be the same track and vehicles for months now, yet you're acting like this is surprising news to you. Its not just a slight difference in the overlay, either. The entire ride has been gutted except the track. To write it off as something not even worth checking out is ridiculous.


Premium Member
We've known it would be the same track and vehicles for months now, yet you're acting like this is surprising news to you. Its not just a slight difference in the overlay, either. The entire ride has been gutted except the track. To write it off as something not even worth checking out is ridiculous.

Sounds to me like some of the scenes will just be repurposed and redecorated... 'gutted' may be an overstatement.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Well, that's to be expected, given that the shape of the inside track was formed specifically for the previous scenes.

What I'm curious is, for instance, will the vehicles still go through the ABS off/on section of the track at the same speed? Its unlikely that section will still be related to ABS, but changing it would throw off the timing of the whole ride's cycle.


Well-Known Member
Tried to read through as much of the thread as possible (chat-recap/etc). Does anyone know an estimated time that the ride will re-open?

I'm guessing there is no firm date right now, but I remain hopeful for an estimate.

All they are saying right now is "late fall," so take that with a grain of salt. I'd imagine they would want to have it open by Thanksgiving, but sounds more like mid-december is likely. "Late Fall" can go all the way to Dec. 20, I guess...


Well-Known Member
All they are saying right now is "late fall," so take that with a grain of salt. I'd imagine they would want to have it open by Thanksgiving, but sounds more like mid-december is likely. "Late Fall" can go all the way to Dec. 20, I guess...

Poop - I guess I will NOT be riding Test Track when I'm there in October (early Fall). Ah well, that's more time spent in Mexico drinking tequila

Thanks for your response!


Well-Known Member
We've known it would be the same track and vehicles for months now, yet you're acting like this is surprising news to you. Its not just a slight difference in the overlay, either. The entire ride has been gutted except the track. To write it off as something not even worth checking out is ridiculous.

Well then count me as ridiculous then. Many here who do not even know me seem to make assumptions about me. :rolleyes:

What I find riculous is that I said that I do not like the ideas for the new TT, that I am planning on skipping it, and that it just seems to me that they are doing minimalistic work on a ride that I feel should be taken back to the WoM days, yet everyone here seems to have taken it as a personal attack and has gone on the offensive. I never once said that we should boycott the ride, and those words were put in my mouth. I cannot remember the last time I said I was going to skip a ride, yet apparently (according to one genius here) I say it all the time. Also, I apparently seem to have been telling everyone that the ride is not worth their time. Not true. All I did do was put out my opinion and got flamed for it. LOL Typical though. :rolleyes:

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
You keep insisting that they're doing what appears to you to be minimalistic work, but what are you basing that off of? A minimalistic refurbishment/makeover is what was done to Space Mountain. This is a complete redesign, comparable to Star Tours II.


Premium Member
Well, that's to be expected, given that the shape of the inside track was formed specifically for the previous scenes.

Look at the concept art.. doesn't that 'swipe you with lasers' scene look aweful familar??

What I'm curious is, for instance, will the vehicles still go through the ABS off/on section of the track at the same speed? Its unlikely that section will still be related to ABS, but changing it would throw off the timing of the whole ride's cycle.

I'm expecting it to be darn close :)


Well-Known Member
You keep insisting that they're doing what appears to you to be minimalistic work, but what are you basing that off of? A minimalistic refurbishment/makeover is what was done to Space Mountain. This is a complete redesign, comparable to Star Tours II.

So they change some background scenes and that's a whole new ride? LOL. I have an idea... how about you ride it if you want and I won't. And we'll just call it a day. Then you stop being so obsessed with how I feel about a ride? Sounds pretty good to me.


Well-Known Member
Their are a lot more changes in store than your simplistic description. You however will have to wait and see for yourself. It will be a much different ride than before, yes you will be traveling the same direction, but that is the extent of the similarities. But hey if you want to insist on having tunnel vision about this project then it will be your loss of what will be a great attraction with some incredible tech and scenery.


Premium Member
So they change some background scenes and that's a whole new ride? LOL. I have an idea... how about you ride it if you want and I won't. And we'll just call it a day. Then you stop being so obsessed with how I feel about a ride? Sounds pretty good to me.

If you had Wings and Dreamflight fit your description, heck, so does Buzz Lightyear except for the guns. All of them were exactly the same ride track, same setup, same layout, but different scenery.


Well-Known Member
Their are a lot more changes in store than your simplistic description. You however will have to wait and see for yourself. It will be a much different ride than before, yes you will be traveling the same direction, but that is the extent of the similarities. But hey if you want to insist on having tunnel vision about this project then it will be your loss of what will be a great attraction with some incredible tech and scenery.

If you had Wings and Dreamflight fit your description, heck, so does Buzz Lightyear except for the guns. All of them were exactly the same ride track, same setup, same layout, but different scenery.

I am in complete amazement that my personal opinion on this matter means this much to everyone. Really. I'm impressed. ;) But here's the thing... my riding the ride, or not, should not factor into anyone else's day. Period. I gave my two cents, others gave theirs. End of story. Apparently my lack of enthusiasm at a much hyped, yet actually not so much, complete overhaul of a ride has touched a nerve with some here. According to the people participating in the Disney Parks Blog that are working on the project, (yes, see, I didn't just pull details from thin air. I actually read what the people in charge of the attraction overhaul said they are doing to the ride. ;) ) they are only changing the scenery, ride queue, and vehicle exterior. Oh yeah, and adding in a small plus in the form of limited ride interaction. This is not a complete overhaul of the ride.

Now, can those of you that claim to not care what others think please stop berating me for my opinions? Thanks. You don't see me claiming that you are blind sheep and are happy with whatever gets tossed your way do you? No. :D

Now, on with people's opinions. (unless that is too much for others to handle on a forum?)

According to Melissa Jesselnick:
**The queue space will be used to introduce guests to Chevrolet’s Automotive Design process and how it starts with a line and ends with the cars you can buy on the showroom floor. There will be actual sketches, cars, models from GM that have never been seen before by anyone outside the Chevrolet family.

Albeit a quieter queue line I suppose.

**There will be four show scenes. Capability is where your car is tested for rough road and weather conditions. Efficiency tests your car design's environmental footprint. The Responsiveness phase tests maneuverability, and finally, Speed is tested.

Same track, same obstacles. Just named something different.

**The track layout will remain the same as the original Test Track.

No complete overhaul. Just new scenes, new paint.

See. I did read about it. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a nice change in paint and lighting. Nothing special about this refurb. But then again, there's so much that's not happening with the ride that maybe in 5-7 years it won't be that big of a deal to actually do a real overhaul.


Well-Known Member

Listen Nancy ... In reality you opinion matters little to me regarding this refit ... My point was dont be little an attraction that you haven't yet seen or experienced just because one interim low level imagineer (if she really is ... no one has ever heard of her before the 'live chat' ... in reality she was never in any of the meetings in Detroit with the head imagineer on the project) on a Disney funded site gives scripted answers as to the progression and extent of the refit, hell if you believe everything you read on the internet ... well, you know how the saying goes. Some of us were actually present during the pitch, know the extent of the tech that is being used, and are very excited at what this ride will actually look like when completed.


Well-Known Member

Listen Nancy ... In reality you opinion matters little to me regarding this refit ... My point was dont be little an attraction that you haven't yet seen or experienced just because one interim low level imagineer (if she really is ... no one has ever heard of her before the 'live chat' ... in reality she was never in any of the meetings in Detroit with the head imagineer on the project) on a Disney funded site gives scripted answers as to the progression and extent of the refit, hell if you believe everything you read on the internet ... well, you know how the saying goes. Some of us were actually present during the pitch, know the extent of the tech that is being used, and are very excited at what this ride will actually look like when completed.

Okay Janice..... Thanks for setting me straight. I'll never begrudge your favorite ride again. It has to be your favorite because I have hard time believing anyone would waste this much time arguing about something that does not need to be argued. I was already getting tired of TT to begin with, and this little redo doesn't change that, for me. So get down off your cross, someone else needs the wood. ;)

Go ahead. Your turn. Argue some more and prove that my opinion doesn't matter to you. :D

You realize that at this point your comments have just become a source of comic relief for me right? ;) You're arguing with me to get me to change my opinion. LOL

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