Test Track Live Chat with Imagineer


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a nice change in paint and lighting. Nothing special about this refurb. But then again, there's so much that's not happening with the ride that maybe in 5-7 years it won't be that big of a deal to actually do a real overhaul.

I don't think it would be that much of a deal to do a major overhaul, but now that they have hyped this one us as they have it is likely to be another 10 years, at least, before it is even discussed by Disney again. That is where a lot of my frustration from this comes from. They had such a real chance to do something different with this ride and they didn't. But I guess it isn't even Disney's fault. Chevrolet is in charge of the redesign so the blame falls to them here. (**WARNING** Opinion eminent....) They should have taken it back to the WoM days. However, I guess the rumor that they were thinking of going that route was a little too much. I could be wrong, but I don't think Disney will ever repeat something in an attraction. That is why we'll likely never see Dreamfinder or the Adventurer's Club again. :(


Well-Known Member
hell, i'd settle for a turtle crawl at gurgling suitcase before the started measuring the alcohol!

no problemo. thanks for the kind words in both of these posts! PR can be a waste land of hackery, but if done right, it can be a fairly effective form of communication. unfortunately, most people don't know when they're being subjected to it. and that makes a big difference.

on a similar note, i've been dabbling with the idea of starting a WDW blog. basically try to be lutz-esque (read: attention getter), but making a full disclosure that i will NOT accept any kind of media credential or perk from disney. still mulling...

Don't waste your time. Seriously. Not worth it. That would just make you another Kevin Yee.

I'm dabbling with another project (actually multiple) but the one concerning this group is compiling actual data and physical trails as to what Disney is paying these people in. I have a very good feeling about this.

(anyone who can help, feel free to drop a note, if your stuff is good and real, the Spirit will take care of you!)


Well-Known Member
Their are a lot more changes in store than your simplistic description. You however will have to wait and see for yourself. It will be a much different ride than before, yes you will be traveling the same direction, but that is the extent of the similarities. But hey if you want to insist on having tunnel vision about this project then it will be your loss of what will be a great attraction with some incredible tech and scenery.

Why don't you tell us all of the amazing things we'll be seeing ... because that's not what I'm hearing ... hell, one of the reasons people at TDO don't want RSRs at WDW is because TT is so (strangely) popular and that ride will murder it and EPCOT's attendance. Only so much food and booze you can sell to rubes at those price points.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you tell us all of the amazing things we'll be seeing ... because that's not what I'm hearing ... hell, one of the reasons people at TDO don't want RSRs at WDW is because TT is so (strangely) popular and that ride will murder it and EPCOT's attendance. Only so much food and booze you can sell to rubes at those price points.

All Disney Parks in FL seem need for Extreme Makeover:Theme Park Editions 2, 3 and 4. Probably the only one where you don't have to fix thematic issues currently is Animal Kingdom - but even then it could possibly to with one in DinoLand USA as well as adding more to do.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you tell us all of the amazing things we'll be seeing ... because that's not what I'm hearing ... hell, one of the reasons people at TDO don't want RSRs at WDW is because TT is so (strangely) popular and that ride will murder it and EPCOT's attendance. Only so much food and booze you can sell to rubes at those price points.

I grew up in Detroit and I still live in the area ... and our company has shot a ton if not all of the footage you will see as part of the re-imagined test track.

However ... You of all people should know the value of anonimity :D ... If I, like you, were to tell everything I knew about a project then it's quite possible either of us, or our contacts would still be employed once we did ... the "tron' overlay is just basic a theme to the overall overhaul. Without reiterating what I said when I initially posted about WDI's first visit to Design last year ... A few additional things that I have heard in and around the halls at design that I dont think have been mentioned here before are that each car is (possibly) being upgraded with a new soundsystem for a new audio score, windtunnel testing will be added, and some new VR tech that GM designed for pre-vis testing it's vehicles that will be integrated into the overall show (which is very cool tech if you ever have the opportubity to see it). Visually the new upgrades will be very impressive, a lot of eye candy for you to take in as you travel thru the pavilion, but an old school attraction with AA's and Omnimovers this will not be. These are a few little things (in addition to everything else) that when combined should make for a much better and much upgraded experience. I dont claim this will be the messiah of theme park rides, but to dismiss it as just being some paint and lighting isn't really fair.

TDO doesnt want RSR on property becaue of the cost, plain and simple, will it impact TT's numbers? If it ever happens then I hope so. Because by that logic it should spur them into increasing attractions in what once was a headliner park that wasnt driven by festivals for attendance.

My whole initial point was that a certain poster used the debochery of a 'Live Chat' interview on a Disney funded blog site to base their opinion on and I didnt think that was warranted.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in Detroit and I still live in the area ... and our company has shot a ton if not all of the footage you will see as part of the re-imagined test track.

However ... You of all people should know the value of anonimity :D ... If I, like you, were to tell everything I knew about a project then it's quite possible either of us, or our contacts would still be employed once we did ... the "tron' overlay is just basic a theme to the overall overhaul. Without reiterating what I said when I initially posted about WDI's first visit to Design last year ... A few additional things that I have heard in and around the halls at design that I dont think have been mentioned here before are that each car is (possibly) being upgraded with a new soundsystem for a new audio score, windtunnel testing will be added, and some new VR tech that GM designed for pre-vis testing it's vehicles that will be integrated into the overall show (which is very cool tech if you ever have the opportubity to see it). Visually the new upgrades will be very impressive, a lot of eye candy for you to take in as you travel thru the pavilion, but an old school attraction with AA's and Omnimovers this will not be. These are a few little things (in addition to everything else) that when combined should make for a much better and much upgraded experience. I dont claim this will be the messiah of theme park rides, but to dismiss it as just being some paint and lighting isn't really fair.

TDO doesnt want RSR on property becaue of the cost, plain and simple, will it impact TT's numbers? If it ever happens then I hope so. Because by that logic it should spur them into increasing attractions in what once was a headliner park that wasnt driven by festivals for attendance.

My whole initial point was that a certain poster used the debochery of a 'Live Chat' interview on a Disney funded blog site to base their opinion on and I didnt think that was warranted.

I'll base my opinion on what I want to. Thanks. ;) And how is it being a Disney funded blog site a problem? It is a Disney ride we are talking about. What? Is it the fact that it was on a Disney site that is contributing to some sort of bias? It's a Disney ride, in a Disney theme park! LOL Of course their going to talk about it there. Where would you like for them to talk about it? ESPN's blog site?

You are truly a gem. I love reading your posts. This one was exceptionally arrogant. "I work at the company that did the video work for TT." "I hear privileged things at work." "I know things none of you know." "I know the real reason RSR is not coming to WDW." "People should believe what I believe." LOL :D Nice work.

And its spelled debauchery. ;)

Jim Possible

Active Member
Why don't you tell us all of the amazing things we'll be seeing ... because that's not what I'm hearing ... hell, one of the reasons people at TDO don't want RSRs at WDW is because TT is so (strangely) popular and that ride will murder it and EPCOT's attendance. Only so much food and booze you can sell to rubes at those price points.

Then TDO will really need to step up what EPCOT has to offer, right?


Sorry. Almost shot milk out my nose. Please continue.


Well-Known Member
You are truly a gem. I love reading your posts.

WOW. Nice work Dad ... I really hope your better in person and not the bull like tool you appear to be in this discussion.

Oh and thanks for the compliment and for the spelling lesson .. coming from you that really means a lot to me. I was simply explaining to 74' where I was basing my comments on ... of course, you took it to be arrogant, but why wouldn't you?

I never said I knew the real reason RSR was or was not coming to WDW. Rather that was my opinion, which is what this whole thing is ... my opinion, thats what a forum is all about, where people can come and discuss their differences of opinion.

As for the Disney Parks Blog ... if you don't think its all PR spin, fluff and hype then I feel for you.



Well-Known Member
WOW. Nice work Dad ... I really hope your better in person and not the bull like tool you appear to be in this discussion.

Oh and thanks for the compliment and for the spelling lesson .. coming from you that really means a lot to me. I was simply explaining to 74' where I was basing my comments on ... of course, you took it to be arrogant, but why wouldn't you?

I never said I knew the real reason RSR was or was not coming to WDW. Rather that was my opinion, which is what this whole thing is ... my opinion, thats what a forum is all about, where people can come and discuss their differences of opinion.

As for the Disney Parks Blog ... if you don't think its all PR spin, fluff and hype then I feel for you.


No problem. Always here to help. ;) As for the arrogance... you're the one all of a sudden telling everyone that you work where the whole TT thing is being redone at. LOL Sure. And thanks for the lesson on opinions. Now if you could have just taken your own advice we'd not be discussing this right now. ;)


Well-Known Member
Actually I have been talking about this refit since November of last year, when I got word from a friend that the team from WDI was coming to the Design Center in Warren ... it's called a search ... and I don't recall ever mentioning where I worked, only that I had some firsthand knowledge of the project and that we have shot some films and vignettes that will be used in the final product.

But ... hey ... you know how the saying goes, give a monkey a screwdriver and he will stab himself in the eye ... let me know if you need any recommends for a good Optometrist. ;)

I will say I am flattered that I have you responding to my posts ... it's ... cute.

And finally it's confidence, not arrogance ... but it's a fine line and clearly one you can't comprehend. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Actually I have been talking about this refit since November of last year, when I got word from a friend that the team from WDI was coming to the Design Center in Warren ... it's called a search ... and I don't recall ever mentioning where I worked, only that I had some firsthand knowledge of the project and that we have shot some films and vignettes that will be used in the final product.

If I had a nickel for every time someone said "I have firsthand knowledge...." or "I have privileged information on....", well I'd be filthy stinking rich. Nice try. We're all sure that you're "in the know" with this project. By the way, I'm lead designer on the new FLE. ;)

But ... hey ... you know how the saying goes, give a monkey a screwdriver and he will stab himself in the eye ... let me know if you need any recommends for a good Optometrist. ;)

Witty. :rolleyes:

I will say I am flattered that I have you responding to my posts ... it's ... cute.

Nice. Repeat what I have said about you. Again, showing that wit. ;)

And finally it's confidence, not arrogance ... but it's a fine line and clearly one you can't comprehend. :rolleyes:

No.... I don't think anyone is confusing your arrogance with confidence. Nice try with the Jedi mind trick though. :D

Give it up. You came in here spouting off, and hitting someone for an opinion of theirs and now you're getting smacked back for it. Deal with it and move on. And to quote you... "give a monkey a screwdriver and he will stab himself in the eye".


Well-Known Member
You win ... I have no inside knowledge ... except for these post last September.


I can confirm that there is a team from WDI currently visiting the Design Center of General Motors in Warren, MI. They were there yesterday and they are there today, I have the list of attendees and there positions, but the biggest name on the list appears to be Trevor Bryant from WDI.

I've been getting bits and pieces of information regarding this project from inside friends and here is what I know (some of which has already been elluded to by formum members):

Complete overhaul of the pre and post show areas, new videos, kiosks, ect.
Complete overhaul of the ride itself, the track layout will remain the same, however the vignettes, or show sequences will be reworked or replaced entirely. It was hinted that a tron like look with futuristic lights and design could be one of these new vignettes. Expect Chevy to have a much stronger presence or be the only presence on the ride. The ride theme will change from vehicle testing to something along the lines of 'from concept to reality' (from what I was told this is still somewhat influx).

According to my source GM will be producing or providing the shells for the cars as well as some of the electronics like video screens and tech inside the ride vehicles and inside the ride itself as opposed to WDI which is apparently a little break from the norm (not sure, perhaps Lee or Martin has a little more knowledge on how that works in terms of sponsors providing these types of working show elements) it does make sense to me considering the ride vehicle is a car and they are car manufacturers.

I know they have a budget signed and approved by GM and from what I have been told it is a substantial one for this refurb, I was also told that GM is set to ink a 10 year deal to continue to sponsor the pavilion through 2022.

I do not know when they will be starting this refurb, or how long it would take, but based on what I have been told so far I would think it would at the very least be 6 months or more.

While I cannot confirm 100% that all these things will happen, I do trust this person and they are in a position within the company that would provide them access to this knowledge. Perhaps some of our more senior members can validate a few of these claims.

But if you would ever take the time to go back and read what I had posted ... last year, you would see that I might know what I am talking about ...but if you fail to see the connection now, I can't help you.

What is your hangup bud? Are you upset that someone has actually been able to backup their claims on a message board or are you just jealous because you got picked last?


Premium Member
Give it up. You came in here spouting off, and hitting someone for an opinion of theirs and now you're getting smacked back for it. Deal with it and move on. And to quote you... "give a monkey a screwdriver and he will stab himself in the eye".

From the sidelines.. I think you got the roles reversed...


Well-Known Member
You win ... I have no inside knowledge ... except for these post last September.


But if you would ever take the time to go back and read what I had posted ... last year, you would see that I might know what I am talking about ...but if you fail to see the connection now, I can't help you.

What is your hangup bud? Are you upset that someone has actually been able to backup their claims on a message board or are you just jealous because you got picked last?

Picked last? For what? And what backing up of claims? Make sense or go away.

I get it. You're the God Almighty of Disney insider info. Got it. And I'm Mickey Mouse. ;)

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