Terri Schiavo has passed.....

Boo's Mom

New Member
tmcherok said:
As far as Michael having another woman and moving on with his life, If you were 25 and your spouse was going to be a vegatable for the rest of their life, wouldn't you want to greave and move on? And don't you think that your spouse would want the same thing? And the money, I won't believe that 15 years of care in hospitals, hospice, whereever else she was, only cost $100,000! Anyone who ever went to the hospital for anything knows that if that is the case, then that is the cheapest medical care ever! I don't know what I think about him not letting her parents in while she died, but they have known for 13 days, that she was going to pass away, so if it meant that much to them, they should have stayed in the room until the end.

as far as the $100,000 goes that was all that was reported as being used for her care out of the settlement. 15 years of hospice care would definitely cost much more than that. I wish medical care was that cheap

Boo's Mom

New Member
TAC said:
Here is an interesting link that seems to be non-biased and has a lot of information regarding the history of the entire case, including the wording of all the court decisions.


thats a good site.I'll have to read it later when I can sit down and read it to its entirity....one passage that got me was:

Michael has continued to care for her and to visit her all these years. He has never divorced her

He couldn't divorce her even if he wanted to. From my understanding, as long as she is living, he couldn't divorce her because of her state. She couldn't agree to the divorce so therefore a divorce couldn't be granted.

As far as her wanting to live with feeding tube or not, If she was so worried about her appearance in the first place, do you honestly think she would want to live with a tube in her with her mouth wide open and drooling like she has been for the last 15 years


New Member
Without going through and reading each and every post as there are so many this may have already been mentioned if so I am sorry.

This TYPE OF THING happens everyday and there are no protesters, no media circus period. You ask what I am talking about?

Anyone who is taken off of any type of life support is exactly the same as this. Which is worse, starving to death or dying from lack of air when you vent. is turned off.

The big problem in this case was when her brain shut down it didn't shut down the area the controls the heart and lungs. If that would have been the case then the past 15 years would have been very different.

I know from what is it like to have someone you love 'die' and be kept alive by machine, it happened to a friend of mine who was badly hurt in a car wreck by a drunk driver. She was on life support full life support with a feeding tube when everything was pulled it was less than 24 hours latter she pass from lack of air and not lack of food.

Instead of complaining about this her parents should praise the extra time they had with their daughter, I know I would have love to have 1 more day as 4 days does not compare to 15 years...


Well-Known Member
Boo's Mom said:
thats a good site.I'll have to read it later when I can sit down and read it to its entirity....one passage that got me was:

Michael has continued to care for her and to visit her all these years. He has never divorced her

He couldn't divorce her even if he wanted to. From my understanding, as long as she is living, he couldn't divorce her because of her state. She couldn't agree to the divorce so therefore a divorce couldn't be granted.

As far as her wanting to live with feeding tube or not, If she was so worried about her appearance in the first place, do you honestly think she would want to live with a tube in her with her mouth wide open and drooling like she has been for the last 15 years

While I believe it is true that Terri could not divorce Michael (in fact, her parents attempted to do so in Terri's name and were denied) because of her mental state. I find it very hard to believe that the law would not allow him to divorce Terri. Can anyone shed some legal light on this?


Well-Known Member
Wow lots of posts in 3 hours :lol:

I don't have anything to add except congrats on letting this go as far as it has without getting TOO heated :wave:


New Member
LiveItUp21 said:
Today, is a very tragic day in our great nation. Terri Schiavo has peen pronounced dead at 41 years of age today. Personally, I think this may be the biggest tragedy since 9/11. To deny a person food and water is absolutely rediculous. I mean, assisted suicide is so looked down upon in our culture, and yet how is this situation not assisted suicide?

Another thing that really angers me about this whole situation is accroding to the lawyer of the Schiavo's, Terri Schiavo's husband has had an on going relationship with a another women after Terri was injured. And he was the one who gave the consent to pull the feeding toube!! REDICULOUS!

This was a homicide in my book. In no way could this death be justified as anything else.

This is a sad day in American history. It amazes me, supposively our society has "come so far" and yet we still haven't learned anything!

Very sad, yes but until you walk a mile in someone's shoes. My father died of ALS and it was decided that putting him on a feeding tube was not the right or humane thing to do. That is no quality of life and she tried to starve herself to death and that's why she was put on a feeding tube in the first place. I truly feel sorry for her husband and her family because death is never easy but watching a love one in such distress with no hope of ever being normal again is so very painful. I had to watch my father lose all ability to walk, speak and move. Let's not pass judgement on anyone. Unless you are in a situation like that you can not pass judgement and let's not go overboard and compare this tragedy to 9/11. No terriorist came in and murdered Terri. Terri was not "injured" she was not in a terrible accident or the victim of abuse or a random act of violence. She made a conscious decision not to eat and let her body wither down to nothing as an anoxeric. Unfortunately, the wrong decisions were made and she ended up in the situation she is in now. Can you imagine how painful it is to watch someone you love turn into someone that is unrecognizable? Well I can, I saw it in my father and unless you are in a similar situation, please, please, please do not pass judgement. :cry:
Terri is in a better place now where you is happy and healthy. Being in a hospital bed is no quality of life. She can now run and talk and eat! She is now the once beautiful woman she was and is a peace. Let's all pray for her family now.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
DisneyJill said:
This is your opinion, and that's fine, but you need to consider that your opinion isn't fact and to blantantly say that Mr. Schiavo is a murderer is wrong. You don't know what it's like to be in his shoes and it is my sincerest hope that you never do. This man has been dealing with this for FIFTEEN years. That's a long time to watch someone that you care about suffer. The bottom line is, LiveItUp21, you don't know what his (or her) life has been like for the last 15 years. You didn't have to go thru that grief and heartache and battle. You didn't hear her say what she did or didn't want. So, that doesn't really give you the right to judge someone that you don't know much about, does it?

See thats the thing, no one really knows what Schiavo would have really wanted! I know, they were going through a difficult time for a very long period of time! But, you can't say that she wanted to die! And I'm not judging anyone. All I'm saying that in my opinon it was a wrongful death and the family should have had some say in it.

And all of a sudden you know what their life was like?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Theres a lot of talk about right wrong blame etc. But next to nothing about what constitutes life.

To me life is more than being present in the physical sense. and I hope Im never in the position where Ill be starved to death.

If you did that to an animal or pet youd be arrested for cruelty, but surprise surprise humans are not offered the same consideration.


New Member
And all of a sudden you know what their life was like?[/QUOTE]

And you do? Wrongful death?!!??? Are you nuts??!!???

Have you ever had to make a decision like that? Well, I have 3 times, my father, father-in-law and grandfather. So why don't you just stop :fork:


Well-Known Member
I am trying to think how this got soo much news.... (then onto National News..)

As a Tampa resident I have heard this on and off for about 2 years now...

May her family try to be tahnkful for the time they have spent with her.... and mabey the obtopsy will show something... if anything important.. and of course new laws passed to prevent this type of action from happening......


I am very sad that this has happened. I don't think she would have wanted it this way either way they decided. I hope that where ever she is she happy at the way it turned out. I will be grieving with the parents.


Well-Known Member
Figment1986 said:
I am trying to think how this got soo much news.... (then onto National News..)

As a Tampa resident I have heard this on and off for about 2 years now...

May her family try to be tahnkful for the time they have spent with her.... and mabey the obtopsy will show something... if anything important.. and of course new laws passed to prevent this type of action from happening......
obtopsy??? :brick: It's autopsy!

:p Just messing with you. That's the future English teacher in me that checks for spelling errors and such :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Well in the Uk its called a Post Mortem.

Thats just the Scot in me trying to educate you colonials :dazzle:
LMAO! Thanks!

Well, technically my heritage goes back to Nicaragua, not the U.S. I may have been born in the U.S. but my parents and most of my family are from Nicaragua :cool:

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