Terri Schiavo has passed.....


Well-Known Member
Off-topic, but it's strange how the whole Terry Schiavo thing came about while my grandmother was recuperating from her open heart surgery. She just got off her own feeding tube a few weeks ago. In the beginning she had it going through the nose (like the Pope now). For the past couple of months or so they inserted it in her stomach just like Terry Schiavo. Before all this I wasn't an "expert" on the feeding tube. Sure am now.


Well-Known Member
Though I do agree it does seem rather cruel that she effectively starved to death, looking at it from a legal standpoint, that was the only real option at this time. The feeding tube is a form of medical treatment. So the removal of the tube is classified as refusal of medical treatment. If they were to have given her an injection, that would be euthenasia(sp?) and therefore illegal. Anyone participating in that act would have to be arrested and prosecuted. Since the doctors treating her gave the indication that she was in a complete vegetative state, then she wouldn't be capable of feeling it at all, so therefore the only real difference between killing her and just cutting off the food supply, from a standpoint of how painful it was for her, is the length of time it took for her to die and not the amount of suffering she endured from it.


Laura22 said:
I also don't understand why the man didn't just get a divorce so he could move on with his life and let Teri's parent's take on the full responsibility. I highly doubt that in this country you are "forced" to remain married to someone forever under these circumstances.

My real gripe is that she starved to death. I find that to be truly inhumane. Here's what I don't understand. When they removed the feeding tube everyone KNEW she was going to die. Humans can only be deprived of food and water for so long. So why such a terrible, painful death? I think once the decision was made to basically "kill" Teri, they should have done it humanely. If your beloved pet becomes very ill do you just let it starve to death? No, because that would be cruel. So why do it to a human being? It would have been more humane to shoot her in the head than it was to let her starve like that.

So my stance is - I think that euthanasia should be an option for people who end up in permanent vegetative states and such, so long as it was requested in their living will. But denying someone food and water is just awful.

With Teri I would have to side with the parents - since Teri didn't have a living will she should have been provided with food and water until she died a natural death, regardless of what she discussed with her husband. And I feel terrible for her poor parents who had to go the last several days knowing that their daughter was suffering.

But the bottom line is, its none of my business. But I am glad there is now a widespread awareness of the importance of a living will.

I agree 100%.


Well-Known Member
I surprisingly find myself siding with the husband. And the doctors. Given the brain damage that Schiavo received, she was in fact not the same person any more, and the husband's view that Terri as a person was already dead is accurate from a scientific perspective. I don't really view the removal of the feeding tube as homicide. That tube was keeping her alive, and it was a machine, and I think it should always be one's prerogative whether or not they want a machine that is keeping them alive turned on and off. Given the Terri could not verbalize that decision, it was the husband, and not the parents', legal decision to make.

Regardless, I do agree w/ some that Terri was clearly exploited throughout this process, and I was truly disgusted at how much of her they showed. After such a horrific injury, it would have been nice to allow her to at least retain dignity and have news stories be a tribute to her life and not simply the constant visuals of damaged body...such a sad story made worse by the media.


I don't really view the removal of the feeding tube as homicide. That tube was keeping her alive

The "feeding tube" was her food. Of course it was keeping her alive. Food is what keeps ALL of us alive. And it IS a crime to deprive a person of food without their legal consent in a will (which she never gave).

she was in fact not the same person any more
EXACTLY - maybe the old Teri might have said "please put me out of my misery" but this is a new Teri. Whose to say what the new Teri would have wanted? Maybe the new Teri was actually happy inside. No one knows. I think the husband's decision was based soley on what the old Teri would have wanted, without taking into consideration that she was now a completely new person.


Slade said:
Only one way for home videos to be put on TV, the owners (her parents) took a lot of money by the news companies. So if anyone is to blame, it is her parents. And I have seen plenty of photos of her before it happened, which would have to be bought too. So again, her parents got a helluva lot (way too much, probably) of money for them.

Right, that's why I said earlier that I'd hope my husband and my family would have more respect for me than that.


Well-Known Member
LiveItUp21 said:
I mean, assisted suicide is so looked down upon in our culture, and yet how is this situation not assisted suicide?
Firstly its not suicide (assisted or not) as she took no part in her own death.
While you have to feel sorry for her parents losing a daughter , the questions which MUST be asked are -
What quality of life did she have = None
Would she have wanted to remain alive in this state = ???

Boo's Mom

New Member
taken from an article on cnn:
Images of Terri Schiavo in her hospice room have been relentlessly flashed across television screens during the last few weeks.

"The hardest part has been watching Terri's dignity just get ripped out of her, because she would have been totally ripped up, just heartbroken, if she had seen all these pictures of her.

"She was a very proud person. When she went out in public, she liked to look nice, and her appearance was everything to her," he said. "If she had seen the pictures and the videos, she would have been crushed."

If she was so worried about her appearance, I highly doubt that she would have wanted to live in the condition that she was in...

article from cnn

Boo's Mom

New Member
Boo's Mom said:
taken from an article on cnn:
Images of Terri Schiavo in her hospice room have been relentlessly flashed across television screens during the last few weeks.

"The hardest part has been watching Terri's dignity just get ripped out of her, because she would have been totally ripped up, just heartbroken, if she had seen all these pictures of her.

"She was a very proud person. When she went out in public, she liked to look nice, and her appearance was everything to her," he said. "If she had seen the pictures and the videos, she would have been crushed."

If she was so worried about her appearance, I highly doubt that she would have wanted to live in the condition that she was in...

article from cnn

As far as divorcing her, he took a vow when he got married: In sickness and in health, till death due us part just because she "got sick" doesn't mean he could divorce her. He took the vows and he had to deal with her being sick. She couldn't defend herself if he wanted a divorce so a divorce couldn't be granted. I feel sorry for everybody involved, her parents for losing their firstborn; the husband for loosing his wife, having to go through all of these court battles to uphold her alleged wishes; and for his kids and girlfriend for having to deal with his emotional problems and their own from this whole ordeal. Terri is in a better place now where nobody can hurt her, she is free and happy. This was a lose-lose situation all around.

EDIT: oopsy, I clicked the wrong button and quoted myself...dumbass :hammer:

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