Well-Known Member
I actually have two answers for you!
1 - Yes, you picked up on that perfectly! It would make all the difference in the world. The very essence of my criticism is thematic mismatch. If the rest of the land is themed likewise, then this objection becomes moot.
2 - No! Because I dislike by default the cartoonification of the MK. I think it is a mistake. One that diminishes the magic. Magic is to enter a 'real world', one inhabited by humans, but where magical things happen. Where flowers sing, birds talk, princesses walk the streets.
In a cartoon environment, the magic is a given, normal, to be expected. So not magical at all. Who is surpised by a talking bird in a fairytale?
Something similar, in a slightly more brutal way, happens with violence (perhaps the opposite of Disney Magic): in a human setting, say a live-action movie, violence is shocking, emotional, an outrage. In a cartoon world, it is normal (Tom and Jerry). This is the same effect as magic being normal in a cartoon world, but something extraordinary in a real-live environment.
FL's new Storybook look makes FL less fairytale-like, instead of more. This, incidentally, is also why I think the FLE feels so flat, so emotionally uninvolving. And not lack of rides.
Nailed it. On all points. I never quite thought of it that way, but you are absolutely correct.