Survivor: Kaôh Rōng


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
FYI - I had read, prior to the start of the season, that there were three med-evacs this season, with Caleb being the first.
If my FB spoiler/discussion group is correct, there's one more to go.

Please be Jason. Please be Jason.


Well-Known Member
FYI - I had read, prior to the start of the season, that there were three med-evacs this season, with Caleb being the first.
If my FB spoiler/discussion group is correct, there's one more to go.

Please be Jason. Please be Jason.
We'll see how Aubry does with her antibiotics, but I didn't get the sense that the doctor (Doctor Rupert? Is Doctor Joe gone?) was really concerned with it enough to pull her in the near future.

One of the most unfortunate med-evacs - Erik from his Caramoan season. I believe he was top 5, and pretty much just felt dizzy and light headed walking back from Tribal (?). He had a legitimate shot at winning, and I think all he really needed was water and rest. But I could have the facts wrong.


Well-Known Member
Exciting episode! Much to talk about.

First let's start with the reward challenge. I just kept thinking that the losing team should have tried to pull what Parvati did in Micronesia (I think it was Parvati in Micronesia) and just carry the person across the water on a single beam.

As for the immunity challenge, it looked like one of the most painful endurance challenges I've seen. Definitely a good one! I was hoping Cydney was going to win it, but I like Tai, too.

Let's get to the strategy.

Nick is not a great player. He has good thoughts, but he's too arrogant for the game. He never expected anything but his plan. That's Survivor 101. I think Cydney had a phenomenal episode. She stepped forward for the first time, and took out one of the leaders of the alliance. I think they should have gone for Jason, but Nick would have been my second pick.

I also found it interesting how Jason got the "nice guy" edit early on in the episode, then it switched to the arrogant edit later. Could they be trying to downplay his arrogance for a potential winner edit? Or maybe he will be med-evac'd and they're trying to give him some sympathy. It's like they're trying to make him the villain of Russell Hantz while trying to be sympathetic towards him.

Looking forward to next week... it looks like Jason and Scot are going to pull a Russell Hantz and try to sabotage their own tribe. It's a dirty way to play, but Jason doesn't have the charm to make it work. I think it will only backfire.

I think Jason could be paranoid and play his idol next week. And I'm not sure if Tai would put his idol towards anything other than saving himself. He's not a foolish player, but he did say foolish things at Tribal Council. However, it looked like he was trying to distance himself from Jason, Scot and Nick because he was the one who voted for Jason. I'm not sure if he sensed a blindside coming, or if it was a last second switch, or what. Interesting to say the least.

Now onto my power rankings!

1. Joe - I think Joe is in a "goat" position. He's not going to be targeted, and he's getting the edit of someone who will float to the finals without having earned it.
2. Debbie - This vote took the target off her back and put it on the backs of the other women.
3. Aubry - Much like Debbie, the target has been taken off her back.
4. Michelle - I think Michelle is quiet enough to fade into the background while others take the blame for the flip.
5. Tai - Tai has great social awareness. He's not in the core group with Jason and Scot, but he's associated with them on a certain level. Plus he has an idol.
6. Jason - He'll be targeted sooner than later, but he has an idol, and I don't think he'll be afraid to use it.
7. Cydney - Cydney is starting to get a winner's edit, but she's put a target on her back. I imagine Jason will be gunning for her, and that scares me. However, I think Cydney is smart enough to outwit Jason.
8. Julia - Julia seems wishy-washy, which was shown in the previews for next week. She seems to easily be persuaded, and that could cause her to become a liability to both sides. She could be targeted.
9. Scot - Scot has no idol, and his alliance crumbled this week. He's a physical threat, and he doesn't seem to want to abandon Jason, which seems like a good way to get out of the bottom. However, if the idol is used correctly, Scot could end up back in a great spot.

And after this episode, here is my list of potential winners: Cydney, Aubry, Tai, Jason, Scot. I've previously had Michelle as my dark horse, but she hasn't been shown enough to lead me to believe she can win. She might pull a Natalie from San Juan del Sur, but those are rare edits.


Well-Known Member

Could not STAND Nick. Glad he's gone.

I like Cydney but she mumbles a lot and I really want to hear what she has to say! I kept rewinding her comments to hear them!

Tai is exhausted. I think he completely slipped with the idol comment and tried his best to downplay it but I think exhaustion clouded his thoughts.

I thought Tai should have climbed onto the poles and I agree the Parvarti technique would have worked very well with someone small like him on the pole.

Aubrey's infection looks really bad. Several times in the episode it was visible and VERY red and swollen. Yuck.

Very fun episode - is it Wednesday again yet?

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
Lessons learned from this week:

Don't tell your opponent your plan. No matter how "unbeatable" you think it is, any information they have opens up options.

Splitting the vote may be more risk than it's worth. Idols are played rarely, and splitting the vote allowed another group to outmaneuver.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
A day late and a dollar short, but here are my thoughts.
- That was delicious! I love a good blindside.
- Cydney has the best facial expressions. You don't need to try to decipher her mumblings, her face says it all.
- Nick is absolute proof that beauty fades, but dumb is forever.
- I like Scot, sans Jason. The sooner Mr. Bounty Hunter goes, the better it will be for Mr. NBA.
- My feelings for Debby are all over the place. I have to wonder how much she is getting the "quirky" edit. She seems to have a really good heart underneath all that bluff and bluster.
- When Jeff applauded Cydney and Tai for their valiant effort, I literally teared up a bit.

And finally, I just can't help wondering how differently things would have played out if Caleb were still in the game.

Dalton Ross' recap:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Rumors that it will be another all star season seem robe getting stronger... And Redmond revealed on his site some former players that got the call back. Not that this will be the cast, but that they are in contention.
Redmond knows his stuff somehow :P I don't know how, but he does. He revealed the second chance shortlist back in March last year, so I'm sure this has some solid basis.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Rumors that it will be another all star season seem robe getting stronger... And Redmond revealed on his site some former players that got the call back. Not that this will be the cast, but that they are in contention.
Redmond knows his stuff somehow :p I don't know how, but he does. He revealed the second chance shortlist back in March last year, so I'm sure this has some solid basis.
Interesting. There are certainly a few players I personally need never see again, but I sure would like to see Caleb back.


Well-Known Member
My take: if they are going to include ANY winners they should do an ALL winners season so there isn't anyone with an automatic target on their back. Not sure they can find 18 winners willing to come back. Maybe do a shortened 12 person straight to merge individual immunity season? Doubt they'd want to do half a season although it would be a nice summer fill in between seasons.


Well-Known Member
My take: if they are going to include ANY winners they should do an ALL winners season so there isn't anyone with an automatic target on their back. Not sure they can find 18 winners willing to come back. Maybe do a shortened 12 person straight to merge individual immunity season? Doubt they'd want to do half a season although it would be a nice summer fill in between seasons.
I don't really think that's an issue. Sandra and Parvati both made final 3, and in BvW Tina and Aras didn't have any issues. I haven't seen any other returnee seasons, but I think it'll probably be fine.


Well-Known Member
I don't really think that's an issue. Sandra and Parvati both made final 3, and in BvW Tina and Aras didn't have any issues. I haven't seen any other returnee seasons, but I think it'll probably be fine.
Season 8 All-Stars the winner who made it farthest didn't (or maybe be barely) made the merge. Tina was voted off early because she had already won. Richard Hatch and Ethan were close to follow. However, I agree that as the seasons pass, being a winner is less of a threat because nobody cared what you did before. It matters what you do in that season.


Well-Known Member
My take: if they are going to include ANY winners they should do an ALL winners season so there isn't anyone with an automatic target on their back. Not sure they can find 18 winners willing to come back. Maybe do a shortened 12 person straight to merge individual immunity season? Doubt they'd want to do half a season although it would be a nice summer fill in between seasons.
I shared a 40 or so minute video not too long ago in this thread where Jeff, Stephen Fishbach and Parvati answered questions. One was about an all-winners season. Jeff said they've been talking about it for a while, but they don't have enough cast members of both genders willing to return. And he said some of the earlier winners would have never been cast today, pretty much saying he wouldn't want them back. Then there are players like Parvati who said they don't really want to come back. But Jeff said they are getting close to having enough cast members for an all-winners season.

PS - I personally think Parvati should be a two-time winner, and not Sandra.

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