Took a while... But here are my thoughts on the episode!
-One of the best in recent memory, and probably one of the top ten most exciting tribals ever. I can't believe Scot and Jason missed the opportunity to "tie" at the Rock Paper Scissors, and
then give the idol to "Tai"
-Right now I kind of love everyone as a character, except maybe Michelle who's just kind of there. Even Joe who may not have the best strategy I think is kind of fun to watch and is a fun part of the season. Right now my favorites are Julia and Tai and would love for one of them to win.
-And, am I a bad person for being on team Jason/Scot/Tai/Julia
I just love these four people as players and they are making the season really fun to watch even if some of it is villainous. What can I say, I love a good villain! Also, I really do not like Aubry/Cydney, and Michelle is just eh.
-That said, I think Aubry for sure made the wrong move. She should have flushed the boys' super idol by dumping all of the Debbie votes on Scot and letting Cydney go home, for several reasons. First, it's four-four right now. Granted, this scenario was going to happen either way, but now the other side has a super idol. And even if Julia does flip over, who's to stop Scot and Jason from pulling the same stint again at the next tribal? Not to mention, the further the super idol gets in the game, the more power it has. Plus, Cydney is in every way a bigger threat than Debbie so I don't see Aubry's rationale. Honestly, she should have just bit the bullet IMO this round to try and keep as much power in the game as possible.
-That said, Tai could very well flip over with his idol. And does he technically have both idols to himself now?
Overall very strong episode and can't wait for more!