Not at all, I don't think we ever should have shut down our economy in the first place.
I am simply pointing out the metrics don't match what they should have and that the timing seems more than coincendental. Would be nice if people learned to understand the difference between pointing out hypocrisy and complaining.
So why not cheer the reopening of some businesses (or, more accurately, one small aspect of some businesses, since restaurants were never actually forced to close), instead of complain and launch into conspiracy theories?
You made up a bunch of bogus claims about Disney suing the governor and all the restrictions being lifted in October. None of that was based in reality at all.
Yep, I probably should have said inauguration but nonetheless, there were many people stating they felt changes would hit at some point after the election. I was one that said if it happened immediately, it would be suspect. It's fine that the surge has lessened as we hoped it would and I don't feel that opening up hair salons and restaurants for outdoor seating will cause another surge. I, like many, believe they are tied to holiday family gatherings.
I know people have been saying this for a while. That after Biden takes over things would magically get better. What would there be to gain from Democrats doing this? What dots am I not connecting?
You also have to put yourself into the mind of a business owner. California has changed policy and tactic on this countless times in the last six months. I mean, my gosh, the rules for leaving the Stay-At-Home Order are only seven weeks old! And Sacramento just threw that seven week old rulebook out the window! Poof, it's gone.
How does a business plan for that type of erratic behavior from our elected leaders and their bureaucrat staffs?
What are the rules going to be 4 weeks from now, once all those CM's are brought back from furlough? If the vaccine rollout in California continues to rank among the very bottom of all 50 states, will more restrictions be put in place? If ICU capacity remains at 0.0% for the next three weeks, will we return to a Stay-At-Home Order?
Will the Purple Tier be made more strict? I hope they brand it as Purple+!!!
This type of constantly changing rules and constantly moving goalposts are nearly impossible to plan a business around. I wouldn't blame TDA for holding off just a bit to see if this latest rulebook change actually sticks around longer than two or three weeks.
The reality is that Newsom is so far out of his depth on this and it shows time and time again. He's wildly reacting from one extreme to another.
Glad they started to lift the restrictions again and hope people can be responsible, wear their masks, and find the right balance on things. That's really important here, but as we continue to see from DC, there is no rush on getting anything done and I'm just about over it all. Since DC won't do anything, then we have no other option then to at least ease up on restrictions and figure out the right balance.
You made up a bunch of bogus claims about Disney suing the governor and all the restrictions being lifted in October. None of that was based in reality at all.
Don’t worry folks. Things are going to start to open up real soon. You can already see some of the blue states starting to allow some indoor dining.. it won’t be long now...
Seems like an appropriate time to once again point out that Newsom isn't dictating public health policy. That's the job of the Secretary of California Health and Human Services, Dr. Ghaly.
Glad they started to lift the restrictions again and hope people can be responsible, wear their masks, and find the right balance on things. That's really important here, but as we continue to see from DC, there is no rush on getting anything done and I'm just about over it all.
I mean, my gosh, the rules for leaving the Stay-At-Home Order are only seven weeks old! And Sacramento just threw that seven week old rulebook out the window!
Glad they started to lift the restrictions again and hope people can be responsible, wear their masks, and find the right balance on things. That's really important here, but as we continue to see from DC, there is no rush on getting anything done and I'm just about over it all. Since DC won't do anything, then we have no other option then to at least ease up on restrictions and figure out the right balance.
How is, in half a week, instituting consistent rules across federal property, consistent messaging, starting to develop a vaccine distribution plan, working to increase vaccine, PPE and test production, increased variant surveillance and having a full-time team handling pandemic issues doing nothing?
How is, in half a week, instituting consistent rules across federal property, consistent messaging, starting to develop a vaccine distribution plan, working to increase vaccine, PPE and test production, increased variant surveillance and having a full-time team handling pandemic issues doing nothing?
Those are all good things, but there are people hurting right now economically. All of this has to happen PLUS money to people if you want an effective Stay-at-home program.
Seems like an appropriate time to once again point out that Newsom isn't dictating public health policy. That's the job of the Secretary of California Health and Human Services, Dr. Ghaly.
We will absolutely get through this. Just a matter of time.
Federal property? That's a tiny fraction of the USA, and like any other government building or your local Target, it already had mask mandates. Except the Bidens forgot that the Lincoln Memorial was Federal property and they wandered around on Federal property with their masks off on last week's visit after he made that rule.
The Biden family poses maskless on Federal property on January 20th, several hours after Joe Biden (fifth from left) signed an executive order mandating masks be worn on all Federal property at all times. Oops!
Sadly, Hunter Biden isn't pictured because he couldn't make the 2 hour drive to DC for all the festivities. Hunter had to stay home in Delaware and watch it on TV, for some reason.
From who? Biden hasn't given any meaningful press interviews. Jen Psaki is getting treated with kid gloves by an adoring press. Is that a message, or is it Talking Points that must not be questioned by anyone?
Millions and millions of doses of vaccine are being distributed to the states weekly. In the past week California has received over 1.5 Million more doses. California now has received 4.9 Million doses, and we have administered 2.4 Million shots into arms as of Monday, January 25th. That's 2.5 Million unused doses sitting in freezers across California, with more supply arriving weekly from the Feds.
In the last seven days (Biden has been President for four of those days), the USA has averaged 1.25 Millionshots per day into the arms of Americans.
This is a federal vaccine supply system that was set up months ago, and has been in operation for weeks before Biden took office last Wednesday. The Feds give the states free vaccine, the states get shots into arms. Simple!
Great. But Pfizer, Johnson&Johnson and other pharmaceutical companies already had a plan for that. They weren't waiting around for a phone call from Biden to start up their factories. What vaccine? Now? For how many?
Yeah, because there's not a display of tacky face masks for sale at every WalMart checkout lane in America. And the USA is administering millions of Covid tests per day, and has been for a long time now. Today in California alone we performed 403,193 Covid tests.
I'm amused that the new variants of Covid are being called by their place of origin in the media. We have the "UK variant" and now the "South Africa variant". 10 months ago if you dared mention that the original variant came from China you were called a racist, to amusing effect. But now it's okay to call out the country of origin for these new variants? Fascinating!
As for a "full-time team", I'm sure they'll do great work, while hilariously implying the Trump administration only had a couple of part-time interns working on this Covid thing. Isn't politics fun?!
Even though the vast majority of this stuff is handled by the states. Just keep delivering millions of doses of vaccine to the states per week, and they'll take it from there. But let's hope you live in West Virginia or Texas instead of California.
Okay, now it's your turn. Tell us all how those basic statements of fact, easily researched hard data, plus an un-doctored photograph of the Biden family on Federal property is all a big conspiracy theory I cooked up over a glass of Scotch now that Bob Iger had a great career and Zenia paid me off?
I caught COVID-19 two days after Christmas. I didn't need hospitalization and for the most part I'm doing fine, but my smell has yet to fully return and I get these headache flashes almost every day, where a wave of pain will hit a certain area of my head.