Stupid cast members at WDW!


New Member
Re: Re: Stupid cast members at WDW!

Originally posted by The_CEO
That just shows you only the upper managment know stuff about the company, and that the CM's * for the most part *, dont know the companie's history..

I wont bash anymore. Tis sad.

Hmm... I know managers that know squat about anything other than their work location.

I know CM that know lots and lots of stuff about everything. I spent 15 minutes today just talking to 1 couple about the parks.


Originally posted by One Lil Spark
This thread has really inspired me. When I'm down @ WDW in March, I'm going to make it a point to get the names of CMs who make the magic happen for me. I'll get the names of people that go just a bit farther than everyone else and I'll make sure someone is notified via email, or directly to their manager or head.

Everyone deserves to know that they are greatly appreciated. Disney World is no exception. I will not point out the negatives in my trip if at all neccessary, but I will put forth the effort to make some CMs day just as magical as mine.

Thank You for the inspiration!
Good idea. I am going to try to do the same.


New Member
As for my times with the CM's, I think they are all very kind and helpful.

The only time I didn't feel this way, was a woman working at a food stand. I had bought a popcorn, and given her a larger bill, and expected change. I don't remember what the exact amount was, but she gave me the wrong amount back. I alerted her to this, but she argued with me, and said I was wrong. I was by myself (my parents were sitting on a bench nearby), and she obviously wouldn't listen to an 11 year old. I had to bring my parents over for her to give me the correct change.


Originally posted by DisneyJill
I wasn't aware that my intelligence as an employee of the Disney Company was based on my avatar. :rolleyes:

Ummm, ..... that was a joke. That's why I included the laughing head so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding. Sorry, didn't mean to offend.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by johnvree
Ummm, ..... that was a joke. That's why I included the laughing head so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding. Sorry, didn't mean to offend.

As was I (joking), hence the rolly-eyes man. I don't put smilies of any sort when I'm mad. :)


Originally posted by DisneyJill
As was I (joking), hence the rolly-eyes man. I don't put smilies of any sort when I'm mad. :)
But just so you know, I am reporting you for rolling your eyes at me.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figgyfan
I did have a cm at Epcot ask my daughters who the little purple dragon stuffed animal they were proudly carrying around was. You don't know who Figment is??? They replied incredulously.
I think that some cm's....not all .....need a Disney course before they go work in the public eye.

was the CM really clueless or was she just humoring the kids to see what what your daughters would say...I don't know if you get me but sometimes I go to my little cousin "Melanie, who's that on your shirt" (knowing exactly who it is) and she answers me with "Pooh" or "Sleeping Beauty" or whatever.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Two years ago Traditions, our intro to the World of Disney in the eyes of a cast member, was 3 days long. I did not know it was now 4 hours, when I went through it 5 months ago it was 8 and all teh facilitators were fantastic. I am told that it was cut is because of that wonderful thing called money.


About two years, ago in the MK, we (a group of 7) stopped at a cart for Ice cream. The girl working there just kept going about her business filling the cart with product from boxes. She did not look up once or even say I'll be with you in minute. As a CM myself I found this to be extemely unacceptable. I reported her to guest relations. There are some of us who really love working for Disney. As for those who don't, you can get min. wage at one of the outlet stores-stay out of the parks.


New Member
It is very difficult to put a price on polite, caring, detail orriented people who enjoy their job and spread "pixie dust" to others without prompting. Disney is losing these people at an alarming rate. In the end it will be just another company that WAS great.


New Member
Traditions is indeed now only 4 hrs. It seems like you are trying to fly through all the material too.


General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
THAT IS SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exactly my point. This is why my nephew was disgruntled.

Bad management = bad casting = bad cast = upset Grizz




Well-Known Member
I actually wished that traditions whould have been longer. I absolutly love learing more about the company than i had already known...


New Member
I want to make sure that everyone that touches me will be touched also. It'll be one big touching, loving, magical fest. :lol: :drevil: [/B][/QUOTE]

Would this be why you are called lil spark????

:lol: :goodnevil


Active Member
yow... I missed this one totally...

the Traditions course I took in September was 8 hours long. I would have perferred it as the original course as that material can be rough sledding at times.

as for CMs not knowing anything about the park they're in.... it's sad, but true. really the "tour the park" training session is supposed to be for those people, but the class is way too short to get much done.

you'll actually find a good number of people working at WDW who do know a lot about the parks and the company. the problem is that those who don't make it obvious when they're put in a spot. just the other day I was talking with a guest about the FL animation dept. situation. and I do make an effort to help other CMs who don't have as firm a background in that kind of thing.

I mean, you're always gonna run into CMs who don't know the Haunted Mansion from Splash Mt.

this actually was brought up by several CMs in a meeting the other day. if you're full time, you're not given any chance to go into the park on your own, so how would you know? my MK training class didn't go into Adventureland or Fronteirland.

and, trust me, I've seen the suggestion box -- we complain about things like peeling paint and blown out lights as much as you guys do.

the parks are making progress. honest. Splash Mt. currently looks like some sort of disaster zone, but it's being addressed. I honestly think that today many of the attractions are running at quality control levels higher than they were in, say, 1998. there are exceptions, yes, but it is being addressed.

any frequent visitors notice how much fresh paint, structural repair, replacement and outright refurbishmemt has been going on recently? all at once? I think they've been meaning to do this sort of thing for years.


New Member
Honestly, if I were to come back from a beloved trip to WDW and dwell on a single moment that might be construed as negative or perhaps made me angry or disappointed, I'd take a serious look at my own priorities. Frankly, if that one single moment (or two or three) truly ruined my entire vacation, then I obviously have to second guess my own priorities.

However, the reality of it is, life is too short to worry about what one cast member may have said or done. My money and time are far too precious to let me get upset over a paint chip.

No, I'm not settling for less than stellar customer service. I am settling for reality and won't waste my time whining and moaning about the state of matching lightbulbs on a building facade or whether a cast member didn't give me a million dollar smile while throwing his/her body over me to protect my hair from rain.

Walt Disney World is growing up and it's growing old folks. They TRY to satisfy everyone but no matter what they do, there will always be someone who thinks they're just not trying hard enough. The easiest fix for those high maintenance, incredibly picky people is pretty simply. Stay home.

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