Stupid cast members at WDW!


New Member
It makes me very sad to hear about peoples experiences. It has been my experience that most people who complain about others should really look in a mirror. They may not like what is reflected back!! If you approach someone with a frown you are asking them to come down to you. If you give them a smile they will lift you up. I have seen too much of this the past few weeks with our store closing. People are actually getting upset with us!!!! They need to take a moment to remember... Your child may not be able to get a "treat" everytime they are at the mall and I am sorry to hear that but, We are loosing our jobs!!!!! (sorry, had to get that out) Please be kind...You may be pleasantly suprised.

soon to be former cast member

Pixie Duster

New Member
I went through the same exact thing, Ergens....

I remember a woman who was yelling her head off at me. I stopped her, "It touches me that this store means so much to you that you would come out here to tell me your feeling in this manner. Trust me I am more upset than you are, this is my home, these CMs that I take care of are my family and I am losing that...."

she looked at me and started to cry and then so did I. She was just upset and only knew to yell in order to express herself until I slowed her down.


Well-Known Member
Most Guests Don't Care

Plain and simple. Most of them wouldn't know courtesy if it walked up and bit them in the rear-end.

Good Quality People Can't afford to Work for Disney

Of course this is a problem with most low wage jobs in the state of Florida and there are a lot of them. Recent census data shows a huge influx of immigrants willing to work in these positions for low wages while other people move out of state because there are better opportunities elsewhere.

No One Wants to pay the Price

First, DIsney has every right to make as much money as they currently do. If people who visit the parks want the old service to return, they need to be willing to pay higher prices. Unfortunately, the walmartization of America makes price increases seem like a serious taboo.

I personally would love to see the disney service of old. I also would like to see the guests act like they are civilized people. Unfortunatley based on my experiences, the latter isnt going to happen anytime soon and the former cuts into profit the company rightfully should enjoy.

Finally, I don't blame Eisner or shareholders or any of the other more traditional groups we like to point fingers at when things change. Instead, I blame each and everyone one of us. We have all allowed our ideals and morals to be compromised in order to meet some fleeting ideas of success and a good life.


New Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
It's hard to maintain positivity when people start generalizing over one or two people.

I didn't read it as generalizing, s/he gave two specific instances where s/he felt a CM should have known a pretty basic fact. They then asked a manager who told them the correct info. I don't think anyone is going to read that and assume that every CM is a moron, its just a snapshot of this person's time in WDW.

I really think it is wrong of you to think CMs are stupid and unworthy of your time based on a trivia question. I don't think it's fair that these CMs are viewed in sucha negative light in your mind.

They were engaged in a private conversation with their brother and a CM interjected and corrected what they were talking about with wrong information taboot. Had the CM told them the correct information i don't think this would have even stayed in the posters mind, but if a stranger is going to interject into a conversation i'm having, correct what i've said, and is off-base in doing it, they're a moron in my book.

But when there 55,000 jobs to fill you can't go around looking for each one of those CMs to be 100% interested in Disney. As long as they are nice and accomadating.

I'm sure its one of the first things taught at Traditions, regardless, its taught. I don't expect CM's to know what years movies debuted and the character names etc., but things like where the restrooms are, parade times, restaurant recommendations and even when the parks opened shouldn't be too much for any on stage CM to know. You don't have to have a booth at Disneyana to know when the MK opened. :D

The bottom line is that its tough to find people that should be making much more, to fill positions at these pay scales. As a result, a fair percentage of these 50,000 wouldn't have made it past the interview in the 1980's. Grizz's Lonnie story seems to illustrate that pretty well.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Look I am not happy about the fact that two CMs do not know the opening date of MK, however, I do feel the first instance the CM was referring to Epcot, chances are that CM only caught part of the conversation.

The truth is I fee bad that those CMs do not know the year MK opened, but there are far worse things to be upset ovver.


New Member
Stupid GUESTS at WDW!

Originally posted by WDWfan2209
On a recent trip we were buying a t-shirt at Epcot that had the number 71 on it. When my brother asked what does the 71 stand for, I said thats the year the MK opened. A cast member overheard and said no it isn't. It opened in the 80's!!! We decided we weren't going to buy the shirt from that store. We then were getting a drink at the outpost when I asked a castmember when the MK opened and he said the 30's!!! Finally we asked for a manger and asked what year the MK opened, he finally said 1971. Don't CMs go througha brief tutorial about the history of the parks??? Anyways, CMs really need to know their facts about where they're working!

I don't think anyone's opinions should be suppressed in these forums. If someone has a bad experience with a CM and feels compelled to talk about it, fine. But let's keep things in perspective and, certainly, keep the discussion civil. The fact that you met a single employee who may not know everything an expert like you knows about Disney, doesn't warrant the title of this thread!

I've encountered 100s of super dumb guests at the parks and, frankly, I don't know how the CMs restrain themselves from telling more of these morons off. On a few occasions, I've told obnoxious people to 'back off' the CM because it was obvious the CM did not want to engage the rude and demanding guest in an argument.

Perhaps some of us don't think the quality of the CM training is up to the standard we once knew, but declaring a CM is stupid over this type of trivialty insults every decent, hard-working Cast Member that breaks their a$$ trying to make YOUR visit magical.


Well-Known Member
Re: Stupid GUESTS at WDW!

Originally posted by Tramp
I don't think anyone's opinions should be suppressed in these forums. If someone has a bad experience with a CM and feels compelled to talk about it, fine. But let's keep things in perspective and, certainly, keep the discussion civil. The fact that you met a single employee who may not know everything an expert like you knows about Disney, doesn't warrant the title of this thread!

I've encountered 100s of super dumb guests at the parks and, frankly, I don't know how the CMs restrain themselves from telling more of these morons off. On a few occasions, I've told obnoxious people to 'back off' the CM because it was obvious the CM did not want to engage the rude and demanding guest in an argument.

Perhaps some of us don't think the quality of the CM training is up to the standard we once knew, but declaring a CM is stupid over this type of trivialty insults every decent, hard-working Cast Member that breaks their a$$ trying to make YOUR visit magical.

Well said. I'm not saying that there aren't any poor quality CM's out there. I too, have encountered them. I'm just asking to not be lumped into that category. I know when the MK opened. And Epcot and the Studios and AK. But does that mean that I will or won't be able to check in guests properly? Not really. We've only been told one story about this CM. Maybe it was a bad day. Maybe, other than not knowing trivial things, he's a great employee. Maybe earlier that day he made a little kid smile and gave someone great directions. Sheesh. Give the guy a break.


Well-Known Member
You know its funny how you can tell who really wnats to be there and then others who dont want o be there. ON th e college program iti was the best thign I did adn now being seasonal i love it even more. Disney is for some people, while for others it is not.

General Grizz

New Member
While comic, I do agree with the majority that the Cast Member isn't "stupid" for being unsure of a date. If I were to go so far, our WONDERFUL Keys to the Kingdom tour guide insisted that Thurl Ravenscroft narrated the Haunted Mansion, when in reality I argued he was the lead singing bust.

Needless to say, I won a free 'Quoteable Walt Disney' book.

There is MUCH worse, so perhaps it should be a small shift in focus for "true" stupid things (i.e. the Lonnie story).


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
fret not, for alas... I have returned to the hallowed grounds of Lake Buena Vista, FL and Bay Lake, FL to set things right....

¡Viva La Revolución!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I take no prisoners...

plus, I have 5 years of experience over you in fighting the good battle from within Disney.


New Member
Just thought I'd say that I for one am totally excited to work for the Disney Company!! Even as "cheap labor". And I do know some WDW info ;-) It is sad that there aren't more CM's like the ones on the boards. I have noticed a decline in good quality CM's. I noticed even more in December. I wish there was a way to get all the CM's excited about their role.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWfan2209
On a recent trip we were buying a t-shirt at Epcot that had the number 71 on it. When my brother asked what does the 71 stand for, I said thats the year the MK opened. A cast member overheard and said no it isn't. It opened in the 80's!!! We decided we weren't going to buy the shirt from that store. We then were getting a drink at the outpost when I asked a castmember when the MK opened and he said the 30's!!! Finally we asked for a manger and asked what year the MK opened, he finally said 1971. Don't CMs go througha brief tutorial about the history of the parks??? Anyways, CMs really need to know their facts about where they're working!

This example would cite a lack of knowledge rather than stupidity. This could be down to Traditions having been somewhat curtailed.

I have never met a stupid cast member at WDW – Six Flags yes, but WDW never.


New Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
It is a reality. i.e. Walt Disney World Information. It's hard as HECK to understand many of the Cast Members because of their dialect. I just don't get it. Is it cheaper labor? I can never get the direct answer most of the times.

Is “Walt Disney World Information” a telephone support line? If so, you may be experiencing what is happening in the UK call centre industry, where the suits have discovered they can bolster their personal earnings by laying off the staff at UK call centres and replacing them with significantly cheaper labour in India.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Once again we do hire a lot of South Americans during Dec - Jan because we have a big influx of SOuth American tourists since it is their summer, we do this so those guests will feel welcomed and not alone.


New Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Is “Walt Disney World Information” a telephone support line? If so, you may be experiencing what is happening in the UK call centre industry, where the suits have discovered they can bolster their personal earnings by laying off the staff at UK call centres and replacing them with significantly cheaper labour in India.

Yeah, I've called WDWInformation (407) 824-4321, and I get a lot of people who can't understand me or my question:

Kinda like, "Can you tell me the operation hours of Timekeeper?"
Cast Member: "What? Is that a ride?"
"No, it's a 360 show in Tomorrowland."
"Is it at EPCOT?"
"No, it's at the Magic Kingdom."
"Let me look it up."

. . . about five minutes later . . .

"It says seasonal."

(Well, it WAS open, and I just wanted the hours...oh well, right? :lol: )

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