Stupid cast members at WDW!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkt
that's the union for you.. the problem is that Disney wants to fight against the union, rather than work with them.

a bit off topic....

why do I keep seeing old threads resurface... like this one? Let sleeping dogs lie

Funny, seems to be the same person rehatching these old threads..... So it seems anyhow.


New Member
Originally posted by bsandersjr
Just think of it this way, The worst cast member at Disney is 600 times better than any cast mamber/employee at Six Flags here in Nawlins. I sometimes wonder if speaking proper english is a requirement for some other thrill parks in the country.


I'm not trying to be mean about this, but there are many people at WDW that can't speak proper English.


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
I'm not trying to be mean about this, but there are many people at WDW that can't speak proper English.

I know many English people born and bred who can't speak proper English :lol:
I was at Pleasure Island 2 weeks ago and was approached by a CM at the entrance and asked if I would like to participate in a Disney Survey... I had the time and like to give proper feedback so I agreed. All she needed to do was to ask for my e-mail address which they used to send me the link to the questionnaire. Ok, all she was hired to do was to approach people and write down their e-mail address. When she asked me my address I said "Imagineer @ (Provider).net" She said spell imagineer, I thought that was odd from a CM but it's not a common word, so no problem... I then spelled it to her and noticed what she had written on the sheet... it was "imagineerat(Provider).net" If my only job was to write down e-mail addresses I would certainly know that the "@" is required in every e-mail address... When I then brought that to her attention and mentioned I was going to report her name in my survey and her lack of basic knowledge required to perform her simple duty, she said that's ok it's not my real name anyway, and then told me her real name instead... This just floored me... :veryconfu I did just that when I replied to my e-mail. Again, I am also one of these people who would just love to me a CM myself and have been denied the opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JerrySchauer
When I then brought that to her attention and mentioned I was going to report her name in my survey and her lack of basic knowledge required to perform her simple duty, she said that's ok it's not my real name anyway, and then told me her real name instead... This just floored me... :veryconfu I did just that when I replied to my e-mail. Again, I am also one of these people who would just love to me a CM myself and have been denied the opportunity.

You seem to take pride in telling her that your going to report her for her lack of knowledge. This Cast Member could have been new. I don't know all the facts, but it disturbs me when I see guest try to threaten Cast Members. Now i'm not saying that this Cast Members actions were right. I'm just saying that telling someone you plan to report them is a little over the top. How would you like that if someone said that to you. Everyone has there off days. You mention Simple duty. At Disney no role is a small one. We need everyone for the show to be a success. :)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
she could also have been an extra hours hotline CM..

as for the email address comment. You know very well what Disney pays.. some CM's just can't afford to pay for internet, much less have an email address... they could VERY easily not know the context of an email address.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Originally posted by JerrySchauer
I was at Pleasure Island 2 weeks ago and was approached by a CM at the entrance and asked if I would like to participate in a Disney Survey... I had the time and like to give proper feedback so I agreed. All she needed to do was to ask for my e-mail address which they used to send me the link to the questionnaire. Ok, all she was hired to do was to approach people and write down their e-mail address. When she asked me my address I said "Imagineer @ (Provider).net" She said spell imagineer, I thought that was odd from a CM but it's not a common word, so no problem... I then spelled it to her and noticed what she had written on the sheet... it was "imagineerat(Provider).net" If my only job was to write down e-mail addresses I would certainly know that the "@" is required in every e-mail address... When I then brought that to her attention and mentioned I was going to report her name in my survey and her lack of basic knowledge required to perform her simple duty, she said that's ok it's not my real name anyway, and then told me her real name instead... This just floored me... :veryconfu I did just that when I replied to my e-mail. Again, I am also one of these people who would just love to me a CM myself and have been denied the opportunity.
*rubs hands together*

Ok sweety check the avatar. In one week I will be a research Cast Member. First and formost please do not simplify my job or hers. Collecting e-mails, zip codes, and such are actually just a small part of a researcher's job. As far as spelling imagineer, first people spell any word any which way they please now a days, especially with e-mail addresses. She has probably seen about a million funky spellings of every word possible. Second, if she did not know imagineer, you can;t blame her. Our basic introduction to the company is now only 4 hours, only about 2 of those hours actually deal with history and culture of the company and imagineers are usually no tpart of it. Sad and disgraceful, but not her fault. In regards to the at problem, I have not been trained yet, officially, so I have not worked on the little PDA tablets yet. There is a slight chance that the at in the address would download to proper format. If it was a spelling, typing mistake on her part, forgive her. I do believe we all make mistakes. I am sorry if this situation frustrated you, and it does seem as if she did not handle the situation properly. However, I feel that you may not have taken into consideration any possibility as to why things went the way they did. I am sorry that you may have experienced a rude CM, and I hope that was the only time you experienced a rude CM.


Well-Known Member
Oh...I love it when people make "empty threats!!!" Reporting a person for not writing what YOU want it to be? How petty do you sound? It's not like she was rude to you....she just wrote @ differently. For you to even make a threat about it (and if you did actually report her about it), just shows how pathetic and what an angry person. When people like you snap over the inane things, shows that you have serious anger issues with yourself that you cannot control so you decided to take your agression out on others.

Personally, I don't care if a CM doesn't know retentive thing about WDW, but as long as they are poliet and helpful...that's all I care about.

Customers expect now to have everything handed to them now and's ridiculous.


A Comparison?

Originally posted by niteobsrvr
Most Guests Don't Care

(Edit . . .)

No One Wants to pay the Price

First, DIsney has every right to make as much money as they currently do. If people who visit the parks want the old service to return, they need to be willing to pay higher prices. Unfortunately, the walmartization of America makes price increases seem like a serious taboo.

Disney should only wish to deliver what Wal-Mart delivers for the dollar spent.
wdw castmembers AND guests can be stupid

all people make mistakes: fact.
nobody knows everything: fact.

there is a certain element of the guest community who expect nothing but the best from wdw and it's cast members. it is those folks who are in desperate need to get a life and need to let the folks who are trying to make your wdw expirience magical do their job.
Well, I seem to have hit a nerve here... I am not bothered or frustrated... If it is someone’s job to ask me my opinion of my experience while at a Disney Park, I’m pretty sure they have heard a lot more words from irritated guest; I am not going to simply blow them off. Feedback is integral tool to a position and clearly you learn a lot more from the negative responses than the positive ones. I never received any rudeness from her what so ever, nor did I give her any threatening connotation. I smiled and she smiled back and acknowledged the differences and made corrections and she was sweet the entire time. I am a structural engineer in the US Air Force my job is very important to me and my success and failures are measured each and every day, the only way I can get better is by knowing my faults and goals. I have taken the managing for Creativity & Innovation, Leadership, Customer Loyalty and people management, and quality Service Programs that where offered by the Disney Institute. At $4k a pop for each of these courses taught straight from the top leaders in the successful Disney management style. I respect and appreciate the level of excellence the Cast Members are held to… I’m sure training doesn’t come cheap but I felt that a supervisor could have spent a few more minutes giving her a couple of tips she needs to help perform her task. And have no vengeance against anyone; I was merely making comments in efforts to make other guests experiences the best they can possibly be.


New Member
Originally posted by JerrySchauer
I was at Pleasure Island 2 weeks ago and was approached by a CM at the entrance and asked if I would like to participate in a Disney Survey... I had the time and like to give proper feedback so I agreed. All she needed to do was to ask for my e-mail address which they used to send me the link to the questionnaire. Ok, all she was hired to do was to approach people and write down their e-mail address. When she asked me my address I said "Imagineer @ (Provider).net" She said spell imagineer, I thought that was odd from a CM but it's not a common word, so no problem... I then spelled it to her and noticed what she had written on the sheet... it was "imagineerat(Provider).net" If my only job was to write down e-mail addresses I would certainly know that the "@" is required in every e-mail address... When I then brought that to her attention and mentioned I was going to report her name in my survey and her lack of basic knowledge required to perform her simple duty, she said that's ok it's not my real name anyway, and then told me her real name instead... This just floored me... :veryconfu I did just that when I replied to my e-mail. Again, I am also one of these people who would just love to me a CM myself and have been denied the opportunity.

Hey – you misspelled the word “be”! I’m going to report you to the WDW Magic moderators. :lol:

Pixie Duster

New Member
Ok Jerry, well next time please be sure to convey your experience more accurately. Using the words "floored me" doesn't exactly convey a sense of understanding or calmness towards the situation.

And I certainly wish they would spend more money on training, but they won't. This is why I am going to audition for the Traditions Team so that I can at least help ensure more new CMs grasp the basic of Disney culture.
re: JerrySchauer's CM Bashing

there is a difference between the training given when you are paying $4,000 for it and when you are getting paid $6 - $7 an hour for it.

as someone who has taken these expensive classes, don't you think that maybe pointing out a cm's mistake and then telling her that you are going to rat her out was maybe an ineffective way to rectify the situation?

by the way, i think your statement, "Ok, all she was hired to do was to approach people and write down their e-mail address" was just a little bit unfair. that's a bit like saying that all you were hired to do was build things to protect our nation from attack and you blew it!



New Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
I have not been trained yet, officially, so I have not worked on the little PDA tablets yet.

Sorry to pick out just this to reply to, but I just wanted to point out that a 10 pound pack is definatly not a "little PDA"!

I just auditioned for a Research role myself, supposed to know tommorow!

Okay, maybe one more thing...
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
Our basic introduction to the company is now only 4 hours

We just had a new person join us last week at the DTD Marina, and I asked them about Traditions, and they had taken the same 8 hour class I did in January. I have also had a couple people in the last month ask me a question for their 2 day Traditions course (1 day in room, 1 day going to a place on property and collecting info for a quiz).

So... I really don't know whats going on there. Maybe different roles and such are getting different training. Maybe a salaried role gets 2 days. I could see maybe folks on the International program that are here for a short perioud only getting a 4 hour class.

The section that is getting the new hire is the one who has to pay for Traditions (and subsequent traning) after all.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Alrighty so....

little is a word I use to describe a ton of things, big, little, whatever. Yes the current PDA is not small or lightweight, but we are going to be using new PDAs the size of a Palm Pilot, slightly larger than a m500.
Traditions, every single new hire I have encountered in the past month have all said it was four hours. There are variations of Traditions so it is possible that the CM you speak of experienced a slightly different Traditions, could be confused, or maybe the changed it back recently.

Good luck with the new role. I love it so far.

Also I said tablet, I was not referring to the entire unit.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JerrySchauer
Well, I seem to have hit a nerve here... I am not bothered or frustrated... If it is someone’s job to ask me my opinion of my experience while at a Disney Park, I’m pretty sure they have heard a lot more words from irritated guest; I am not going to simply blow them off. Feedback is integral tool to a position and clearly you learn a lot more from the negative responses than the positive ones.
We're not stupid. We know how communication and feedback works.

Originally posted by JerrySchauer
I never received any rudeness from her what so ever, nor did I give her any threatening connotation.
Actually, from what you stated previously, you stated that because she wrote "@" wrong, that you wanted to know her name so you can report her to her manager. That along is making a threat that you wanted to report her for something as trivial as that.

Originally posted by JerrySchauer
I smiled and she smiled back and acknowledged the differences and made corrections and she was sweet the entire time. I am a structural engineer in the US Air Force my job is very important to me and my success and failures are measured each and every day, the only way I can get better is by knowing my faults and goals. I have taken the managing for Creativity & Innovation, Leadership, Customer Loyalty and people management, and quality Service Programs that where offered by the Disney Institute. At $4k a pop for each of these courses taught straight from the top leaders in the successful Disney management style.

What does your job has anything to do with the converstation? I probably sound completely rude, but I'm the kind of person that doesn't care, but where you work, what you do, your job requirments, and how much you make has nothing to do with this converstation. It's nothing but a distraction and trying to "suger coat" your excuses will not save you from being out of line in this situation.

Originally posted by JerrySchauer
I respect and appreciate the level of excellence the Cast Members are held to… I’m sure training doesn’t come cheap but I felt that a supervisor could have spent a few more minutes giving her a couple of tips she needs to help perform her task. And have no vengeance against anyone; I was merely making comments in efforts to make other guests experiences the best they can possibly be.

If you respect the CM than you wouldn't have talked down to her and make an empty threat about reporting the CM for writing @ differently. So aparently, you didn't respect her enough.

Basically, in your original post you were acting all high-and-mighty and were just nit-picking over the inane things. Quit making excuses for yourself.

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JerrySchauer
I was at Pleasure Island 2 weeks ago and was approached by a CM at the entrance and asked if I would like to participate in a Disney Survey... I had the time and like to give proper feedback so I agreed. All she needed to do was to ask for my e-mail address which they used to send me the link to the questionnaire. Ok, all she was hired to do was to approach people and write down their e-mail address. When she asked me my address I said "Imagineer @ (Provider).net" She said spell imagineer, I thought that was odd from a CM but it's not a common word, so no problem... I then spelled it to her and noticed what she had written on the sheet... it was "imagineerat(Provider).net" If my only job was to write down e-mail addresses I would certainly know that the "@" is required in every e-mail address... When I then brought that to her attention and mentioned I was going to report her name in my survey and her lack of basic knowledge required to perform her simple duty, she said that's ok it's not my real name anyway, and then told me her real name instead... This just floored me... :veryconfu I did just that when I replied to my e-mail. Again, I am also one of these people who would just love to me a CM myself and have been denied the opportunity.

You gotta be kidding me ?? You're letting that get you bent of shape !!!! Maybe that poor girl has always wanted to work for Disney and was just doing this job too get her foot in the door. I feel bad for CM's who go out of their way to be nice or have the best of intentions and then some bozo like you get's bent out of shape over something so trivial and feels they have to run and report that person. People like you shouldnt be allowed to visit WDW. I would've had some fun with her about it. Maybe make her laugh and help her out.

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