Strongly Considering a Trip to WDW: Please Help me plan or talk me out of it

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
What’s Disney’s plan with removing Magical Express? Seems like it will be a lot more inconvenient to get to WDW for families like mine with two young kids that require car seats.
Magical Express will continue as is until the end of this year.
So if you still plan on visiting in 2021, no worries.....the service will still be operating for Resort Hotel Guests.

After that time, I assume Mears ( who operate Magical Express under contract with Disney ) will resume it's prior state of business at MCO.
Mears operated bus services to and from WDW Property before Magical Express exsisted.

The service is being discontinued for several reasons, the two primary ones being -
The Mears contract to operate Magical Express is up for renewal at the start of 2022, and Disney decided not to renew.
It's also been implied that the impact of increased ride share services ( Uber / Lyft ) is effecting the service and its intended purpose to help keep Resort Hotel Guests ' trapped' on Disney Property.


Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Speaking of, @mickEblu, Gatorland comes very highly recommended from me.

Gatorland is a lot of fun, and a slice of vintage 'old school' Florida.

It's where I learned that alligators love to eat marshmallows.
No joke - when I would visit as a kid in the early 1980s, they sold sandwich bags full of large marshmallows for $3 so you could feed the gators!
You would toss em' in the water and they went wild for them.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Magical Express will continue as is until the end of this year.
So if you still plan on visiting in 2021, no worries.....the service will still be operating for Resort Hotel Guests.

After that time, I assume Mears ( who operate Magical Express under contract with Disney ) will resume it's prior state of business at MCO.
Mears operated bus services to and from WDW Property before Magical Express exsisted.

The service is being discontinued for several reasons, the two primary ones being -
The Mears contract to operate Magical Express is up for renewal at the start of 2022, and Disney decided not to renew.
It's also been implied that the impact of increased ride share services ( Uber / Lyft ) is effecting the service and its intended purpose to help keep Resort Hotel Guests ' trapped' on Disney Property.


Oh good to hear that Mears may continue providing the service...for a cost of course.
So before Magical Express, Mears buses were taking people from the airport directly to their WDW hotel? Was it just as convenient with the luggage handling etc?

If my kids didn’t require car seats the answer would obviously be an Uber. Regardless people seem to be up in arms about this and it does add a few more hundred dollars to any given trip, require even more planning on the guests behalf and Just adds another inconvenience. It also (seemingly) gives guests one more reason not to stay on property.
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Well-Known Member
Haha wow really ?
LOL LOL .... I will say this - gator land is more true to itself than universal is. Can you spend as much time there? Definitely not , but universal is a poor copy for Disney offerings when you wipe off the lipstick. Will it stay that way with lex Luthor at the helm of Disney ... TBD

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Oh good to hear that Mears may continue providing the service...for a cost of course.
So before Magical Express, Mears buses were taking people from the airport directly to their WDW hotel? Was it just as convenient with the luggage handling etc?

If my kids didn’t require car seats the answer would obviously be an Uber. Regardless people seem to be up in arms about this and it does add a few more hundred dollars to any given trip, require even more planning on the guests behalf and Just adds another inconvenience. It also (seemingly) gives guests one more reason not to stay on property.
AS I recall from 25 years ago, Mears did take you directly to your resort--sort of. Like Magical Express, bus routes were divided by zones and you would likely make a few stops before you got to your resort. I don't think that routine changed much between Mears and ME.
One trip we did a limo service--guy waiting for us at the baggage carousel with our name on a card. Also, you could arrange for the limo to make a 30 minute grocery store stop--again--far more convenient that trying to figure out a delivery.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Oh good to hear that Mears may continue providing the service...for a cost of course.
So before Magical Express, Mears buses were taking people from the airport directly to their WDW hotel? Was it just as convenient with the luggage handling etc?

If my kids didn’t require car seats the answer would obviously be an Uber. Regardless people seem to be up in arms about this and it does add a few more hundred dollars to any given trip, require even more planning on the guests behalf and Just adds another inconvenience.

Yes, Mears provided round trip bus service for a fee that you booked before arrival.
Similar to booking any ride or shuttle service, but back then you called on a telephone!

I used the Mears service a few times before the introduction of Disney's Magical Express.
It's pretty much the same, except unlike the Magical Express service you will need to fetch your own bags from the luggage carousel BEFORE boarding your bus.

Mears drivers will handle your luggage in regards to stowing it for the ride once you pick it up after getting off of your flight.
But there would be no full 'magical luggage service' where you tag your bags at home with Disney's special luggage IDs and never see them again once you drop them off at the airport and then open the door to your WDW Resort hotel room.
That was Disney's service contracted through Bags Inc., who handled the luggage transport and delivery services that were included with the Magical Express service.
Mears wouldn't be providing this.

And yes, the discontinuation of Disney's Magical Express is disappointing for many.
This was one of what were once many real perks for staying 'On Property' at WDW.
Unlike at Disneyland , where the Disney owned hotels offer very little.
The Magical Express service made arrivals.....well....'magical' for many families.
It also made departures memorable and darn near emotional for many over the years.
I'm sorry to see it go....but we still have THIS year to enjoy it one last time!



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yes, Mears provided round trip bus service for a fee that you booked before arrival.
Similar to booking any ride or shuttle service, but back then you called on a telephone!

I used the Mears service a few times before the introduction of Disney's Magical Express.
It's pretty much the same, except unlike the Magical Express service you will need to fetch your own bags from the luggage carousel BEFORE boarding your bus.

Mears drivers will handle your luggage in regards to stowing it for the ride once you pick it up after getting off f your flight.
But there would be no full 'magical luggage service' where you tag your bags at home with Disney's special luggage IDs and never see them again once you drop them off at the airport and then open the door to your WDW Resort hotel room.
That was Disney's service contracted through Bags Inc., who handled the luggage transport and delivery services that were included with the Magical Express service.
Mears wouldn't be providing this.

And yes, the discontinuation of Disney's Magical Express is disappointing for many.
This was one of what were once many real perks for staying 'On Property' at WDW.
Unlike at Disneyland , where the Disney owned hotels offer very little.
The Magical Express service made arrivals.....well....'magical' for many families.
It also made departures memorable and darn near emotional for many over the years.
I'm sorry to see it go....but we still have THIS year to enjoy it one last time!


Oh ok cool. I can deal without the luggage handling although that sounds so nice/ convenient with two young kids. Seems like this is big loss for many. Even for someone like me who has never used Magical Express but was already trying to figure out just what the perks of staying on property were especially right now without FP+, extra magic hours etc. Stay at Disney Springs and rent a car or stay at Caribbean beach and rely on Disney transportation? The loss of magical express makes it harder to justify staying on property for many. Or does a family just say “I’ll wait til the kids are older so I don’t have to deal with the car seat hassle.” With that said maybe that’s easier for me to say living right next to Disneyland.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Oh ok cool. I can deal without the luggage handling although that sounds so nice/ convenient with two young kids. Seems like this is big loss for many. Even for someone like me who has never used Magical Express but was already trying to figure out just what the perks of staying on property were especially right now without FP+, extra magic hours etc. Stay at Disney Springs and rent a car or stay at Caribbean beach and rely on Disney transportation? The loss of magical express makes it harder to justify staying on property for many. Or does a family just say “I’ll wait til the kids are older so I don’t have to deal with the car seat hassle.” With that said maybe that’s easier for me to say living right next to Disneyland.

I personally discourage taking small children to Walt Disney World, especially toddlers.
If you wait until they are older, they can ride more Attractions and experience things that they will solidly remember.
They will also be able to ride the 'big thrills' with you, together, which adds to the experience for many parents.

Only a parent knows their own kid / kids and their tolerance / stamina level...but visiting WDW can be a very overwhelming and complicated experience for BOTH parents and little ones.

The Property is absolutely massive and over the last 20 or so years WDW has unnessesarily made visiting far more complex for visitors when it comes to Guests' desires to ride Attractions, dine, or other activities.
Guests are pressured to reserve so much in advance, that what was supposed to be a vacation turns into a series of apointments and 'schedules'.

I've seen far too many stressed out young parents with children far too young have complete meltdowns by the end of a evening.
Too many people try to do too much in too short a space of time, and that need to do so has increased for many due to the high prices involved for a WDW visit.

Just except now, right now, that you will not be able to do and see everything you wish to this visit and you will have taken a positive step forward in your planning.
Don't stress yourself out about 'doing it all' as I am going to tell you right now, you can NOT 'do it all' in just one trip.
Choose the things you most want to experience, and leave time for just exploring and relaxing.
Very important to the health and well being of not only you and your family, but also for the financial expense of the trip!
Know your limits, and don't push the little ones over their limits.
Remember folks, it's not about doing as much as you can ...aka 'Commando Touring'.
It's about enjoying the things that you DO get to do!
That is the key to happiness for visiting WDW.

Not trying to discourage you, just know full well that visiting WDW is not like visiting Disneyland.
Both are completely different beasts.
The beautiful simplicity, spontaneous, compact and laid back state of visiting the California Parks is in stark contrast to the processed, scheduled, spread out, and sometimes overly complicated state of visiting the Florida Parks.
Thus why I personally prefer the Disneyland experience ...but BOTH properties have their plusses and minuses and I do enjoy both for different reasons.

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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
And in regards to what benefits are still left for staying on WDW Property -
As of now...

Disney's Magical Express , which is nice for transport to and from MCO.
Full 'magical' luggage service associated with it however was suspended when the Parks reopened and is currently not availible.
So you are receiving a partial service now.

Guest Package Delivery Services -
Currently you cannot have items sent back to your Resort hotel, but can have purchases sent to the front of the Park for pickup before leaving for the day / evening.
Direct shipping to your home is still available for a fee if you request it with the cashier.
Shipping costs were reasonable as of three months ago.
I had a large box sent back to the Northeastern U.S for $7.50.

Disney Transporation ( Property wide )
Use of all WDW Transporation options to travel to and from the Parks and Disney Springs.
WDW Monorail, various ferry boats and launches, Skyliner gondola, WDW Bus services, etc.

The only other benefit currently is being able to say you stayed at whatever Resort hotel you chose.
Some are quite nice and offer 'bragging rights' , while others are mediocre and not at all worth it for the price being asked for.
Your mileage may vary...

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I personally discourage taking small children to Walt Disney World, especially toddlers.
If you wait until they are older, they can ride more Attractions and experience things that they will solidly remember.
They will also be able to ride the 'big thrills' with you, together, which adds to the experience for many parents.

Only a parent knows their own kid / kids and their tolerance / stamina level...but visiting WDW can be a very overwhelming and complicated experience for BOTH parents and little ones.

The Property is absolutely massive and over the last 20 or so years WDW has unnessesarily made visiting far more complex for visitors when it comes to Guests' desires to ride Attractions, dine, or other activities.
Guests are pressured to reserve so much in advance, that what was supposed to be a vacation turns into a series of apointments and 'schedules'.

I've seen far too many stressed out young parents with children far too young have complete meltdowns by the end of a evening.
Too many people try to do too much in too short a space of time, and that need to do so has increased for many due to the high prices involved for a WDW visit.

Just except now, right now, that you will not be able to do and see everything you wish to this visit and you will have taken a positive step forward in your planning.
Don't stress yourself out about 'doing it all' as I am going to tell you right now, you can NOT 'do it all' in just one trip.
Choose the things you most want to experience, and leave time for just exploring and relaxing.
Very important to the health and well being of not only you and your family, but also for the financial expense of the trip!
Know your limits, and don't push the little ones over their limits.
Remember folks, it's not about doing as much as you can ...aka 'Commando Touring'.
It's about enjoying the things that you DO get to do!
That is the key to happiness for visiting WDW.

Not trying to discourage you, just know full well that visiting WDW is not like visiting Disneyland.
Both are completely different beasts.
The beautiful simplicity, spontaneous, compact and laid back state of visiting the California Parks is in stark contrast to the processed, scheduled, spread out, and sometimes overly complicated state of visiting the Florida Parks.
Thus why I personally prefer the Disneyland experience ...but BOTH properties have their plusses and minuses and I do enjoy both for different reasons.


Yeah I totally hear what you re saying. I Would have never considered going to WDW with my 5 year old and 5 month old if it wasn’t for the breaking point I’ve hit. It’s amazing how we take for granted all the little things that keep your mental health in check. With that said, I’ve considered everything you mentioned and still have some serious cold feet. If it wasn’t for the current cancellation policy I probably wouldn’t have booked in the first place. I’ll go back and forth from thinking I’m crazy and this is going to be a waste of money and not the escape I need to saying “screw it! Just make the best of it and whatever happens happens.” Changes depending what mood I’m in.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have a simple solution if someone else has not already suggested it. Just leave all your payments and reservations in place and have them put MY name on the reservation in place of yours. I will gladly send you photos of the trip. ;) ;) ;)

Lol. If I could this that would make me extremely happy as it would mean that I have a serious amount of disposable income


Well-Known Member
The one nice thing about the 30 min early entry change is that the resort guests will not disproportionately crowd one or two parks a day and they'll be more evenly spread out between all four. And it's still better than Tokyo's "Happy 15" I guess? Otherwise, definitely a downgrade.

I don't know that I'd go so far as to say it's actually better, but I will say I liked Gatorland better than SeaWorld, Aquatica, DHS (pre-new stuff), and Legoland. ~$30 in Orlando is nothing to sneeze at. I love that they have a sense of humor too-only place that really does down there. Value for your money may be the best in the area.

Everything Figment said about traveling with young children is spot-on.


Well-Known Member
And in regards to what benefits are still left for staying on WDW Property -
As of now...

Disney's Magical Express , which is nice for transport to and from MCO.
Full luggage service. Not available. Guests must get their bags off the carousel at the airport and must take their bags with them back to the airport and check them there.

Guest Package Delivery Services
Nice if you purchase items in the Park and don't want to carry them around the rest of the day.
Items can be delivered to your WDW hotels' shop for pickup the next day....just ask for the 'Resort Delivery' option when at the cashiers counter. Not available. Guests may have items shipped to the front of the park for self pick up at the end of the day.
You can also request home shipping at time of purchase, and save room in your suitcase.
Shipping rates are reasonable, in my experiences.

Disney Transporation ( Property wide )
Use of all WDW Transporation options to travel to and from the Parks and Disney Springs.
WDW Monorail, various ferry boats and launches, Skyliner gondola, WDW Bus services, etc.

Extra Magic Hours is sadly gone, and the 'new' 30 minutes early entry for Resort hotel Guests has replaced it....
.......which is a complete joke, I'm saying it right now. This new feature debuts later this year (no date announced yet) and will not be in effect during @mickEblu trip.
WDWs EMH were very different from Disneyland's -
World gave Resort hotel Guests up to three additional hours of Park time in the evenings on select nights.
A real perk.

Another benefit for some ....
Some of the WDW Resort hotels offer you a 'free' Disney Gift Card with a dollar amount related to the number of nights of your stay if you agree to decline Mousekeeping ( room cleaning / maid services ).
They will typically ask you when you check in if you wish to do so.
If you agree to do so, they will give you a DGC with $10 or more per night of your stay.
So a seven night stay will be $60 to $70, and more for longer stays. No longer the case. If you decline housekeeping you room won’t be serviced but there will be a daily “security check.” If you don’t decline housekeeping, every other day you will receive new towels and trash will be emptied. Beds will not be made nor any other cleaning done.
Even if you decline Mousekeeping, you can still call for services if need be....but your room will not be cleaned or tidied each day.

The only other benefit currently is being able to say you stayed at whatever Resort hotel you chose.
Some are quite nice and offer 'bragging rights' , while others are mediocre and not at all worth it for the price being asked for.
Your mileage may vary...

I clarified your comments @Figments Friend since protocols have changed since the parks reopened. Whether they are permanent changes remains to be seen. 😉

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I clarified your comments @Figments Friend since protocols have changed since the parks reopened. Whether they are permanent changes remains to be seen. 😉
Thank you!

I had totally forgotten this had been suspended as of July 2020...even though I used Magical Express this past September.
I never use the bag service aspect as I always bring carry ons, thus it not registering in my brain of the recent changes when typing out the list.

I've gone back and edited my original post so as to update the info.


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Well-Known Member
Thank you!

I had totally forgotten this had been suspended as of July 2020...even though I used Magical Express this past September.
I never use the bag service aspect as I always bring carry ons, thus it not registering in my brain of the recent changes when typing out the list.

I've gone back and edited my original post so as to update the info.


Can you update the rest of your post too? (Package delivery and housekeeping ~ I posted the current status quo in the rest of your quoted post.)

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Can you update the rest of your post too? (Package delivery and housekeeping ~ I posted the current status quo in the rest of your quoted post.)

Oh man....i totally missed the rest of your updated commentary.
My bad.
Sheesh, so much has changed since i was just there at WDW three months ago !

Apologies for any confusion i may have caused mickEblu.
I have gone back and changed / deleted some of the info i had posted previously to avoid confusion.

( Thanks again, Tuvalu for the current info )

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Active Member
I love how people assume the cast members would prefer to be out of work.
Imagine, preferring to find other income (yeah, difficult but requires no ventilator or mortuary for yourself or for people you bring home a viral souvenir to). Yeah, slight risk. I'm not one who encourages others to take any risk. If your conscience says slight risk is okay; well, then, that's fine for you.

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