Disney Irish
Premium Member
I don't think anyone is actually getting "offended". Its a discussion, and there is differing opinions.It's weird how people are getting offended when you bring up actual numbers about Californians leaving.
It's like they have a personal commitment to California's population or something.
I think the major cities are overcrowded, overpriced, and crime is rising. It absolutely makes sense to me why people would want to move.
Also honestly I don't think this data is really all that indicative of anything that some think it is. Its talking points, that is all. All states have crime, all states are seeing their prices go up, all states have homeless issues, large metro areas are overcrowded that is why they are metro areas.
But this less than 0.007% of the entire state population leaving is not a mass exodus. Now if you tell me California is losing 25-50% of its population over the course of a few years and never has new population come in, well then we might have something to really talk about.
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