I don't think Disney understands how the Fast Pass system in place is so valued by tourists whether staying on or off property and has become a normal everyday part of their trip to the world.
Part of the problem is that the Fastpass system is so valued by the people that know how to use it, and it's still not a normal part of everyone's trip no matter how much Disney tries to tell people how it works. There's just lots of people that for one reason or another don't use it.
I think you're wrong. At least I hope so. I think that Disney does understand, and that's why they haven't implemented something like this (they've had the capability for a very long time) and if they do, it will be very subtle. As I said earlier, they would have to find a point at which it is perceived as added value by the resort guest, and not anger the day visitors. They understand that very, very well, and that's why I think any change will be a subtle one. If there is any at all.
Honestly I think Disney is leaning more and more towards not caring too much if they anger the day visitors as long as they can fill the Disney resorts. The offsite day guests don't spend nearly the amount of money that onsite guests do, so as long as the resorts are full, the incremental additional revenue from offsite day guests is relatively small. Thus the more Disney can "convert" offsite guests to onsite guests (EMH, Magical Express, Fastpass perks, Western Beltway expansion, Four Seasons) the more money they make. There are many many things Disney does to encourage people to stay onsite. Different levels of Fastpass perks would just be one more added to the list.
Well I hope you are right, but I don't see how guests staying at the Moderate and Value Resorts aren't going to get somewhat offended if they aren't included in any kind of fastpass perk.
I think all Disney resort guests would be included, as well as AP holders. Just different levels of perk depending on your resort. For example, only concierge guests at AKL can do the sunrise safari. Do guests at the value resorts get offended? Do regular guests at AKL get offended? I know I wish I could do it, but I am not offended that I can't. All I need to do is pony up the $$$.
Especially since more often than not guests staying at moderate and value resorts book longer stays.
Do you have any data to support this conclusion?
Imagine this scenario, which Disney could do right now, that has nothing to do with Fastpass. Call it "Extreme EMH". During slower seasons, one park per day is open
only to Disney resort guests. Sure that would upset a lot of offsite guests, but it might encourage them to stay at a Disney resort next time. It's all a balancing act - if Disney can encourage enough people to stay at a Disney resort there is a point at which the economic benefits to Disney will outweigh negative outcomes from upsetting offsite guests. Not that I necessarily agree with any of it, and it's sure not the way Walt would do it, but it's the way publicly traded companies operate in today's world.