It does kind of complicated, doesn't it?
"Commoners are kings and kings are commoners." --Walt Disney
What ever happened to that? In some ways, you can't really say Disneyland or WDW have ever really been like that. But it does seem that quality of experience now is directly proportional to how much money you are willing to spend. I just can't decide if I feel there's anything wrong with that.
In some ways, Disney sends a message like "The Place Where More of Your Dreams Come True If You Can Pay More Money". I mean, the family who's making their 1st trip to WDW on a shoestring budget which they may not be able to afford but, dammit, they want their family to truly share an experience together, why are they less entitled to all that Disney has to offer b/c they can't afford it?
On the flip side, if I'm staying at Grand Floridian, why shouldn't the $400+/night entitle me to extra benefits?
On the flip side again, I mean in any other hotel, you pay more per night because of the HOTEL, because of the room, the view, the service... but it's all about the HOTEL. So should you really get anything else just b/c you chose to pay more b/c you wanted to stay at Grand Floridian?? You chose to stay at Grand Floridian - you could have stayed at Pop Century - but you chose GF knowing the rates they charge. So why should you get anything more?
Flipping again, you know what WOULD be nice - is if, while staying at a Deluxe Resort, I didn't have to friggin' share a bus with 4 other resorts. I mean come on - Deluxe's can't have a friggin' bus per resort?? What's the route? Swan/Dolphin/Yacht/Beach/Boardwalk? That's semi-ridiculous. Staying at Beach, at the end of a night, I hated coming back on a bus. And Fort Wilderness/Wilderness/Poly/Grand?? Wow, that's quite the circuit. And yet then there's All Star and Pop which have buses all to themselves.
But I digress...