Starbucks in Disney?


Well-Known Member
It is amazing how posts pile up on the most inane subjects ... of course, some of us do like our coffee. And Starbucks is universes better than the swill they serve at WDW.

The only places I have had good coffee at WDW in the last decade have been Jiko/Boma at DAK Lodge, Kona Cafe at Poly and, yeah, Starbucks at Swan/Dolphin.

Nescafe tastes like something that was brewed through socks worn for two weeks.

Starbucks already has a regular location at Disney Village at DLP. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they open at DD's in Anaheim and Orlando.

It's a good change.


Well-Known Member
Starbucks is vile garbage as far as I'm concerned,

Starbucks doesn't know how to make a decent cup of coffee. Anything served in WDW today may noit be the greatest, but it is far batter than anything that has ever come out of a Starbucks cup.

Yes - I've tried what Starbucks passes off as coffee. It's awful. Threw it out after a couple sips, and went to McDonald's...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Original Poster
Well, I'm a big fan of Green Mountain Coffee myself, but trust me, Starbucks far surpasses the NesCafe sludge in the parks now...

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Starbucks doesn't know how to make a decent cup of coffee. Anything served in WDW today may noit be the greatest, but it is far batter than anything that has ever come out of a Starbucks cup.

Yes - I've tried what Starbucks passes off as coffee. It's awful. Threw it out after a couple sips, and went to McDonald's...

Agreed. For coffee based drinks, Starbucks has some pretty good offerings. For a straight cup of coffee, it really is quite terrible. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
Agreed. For coffee based drinks, Starbucks has some pretty good offerings. For a straight cup of coffee, it really is quite terrible. :hurl:

If there was a really nice place to have coffee at WDW and some appropriate snackage I wouldn't care what brand of upscale coffee they got. (personally I vote for Barnie's a fantastic local Florida brand)

How about the old Swan Boat landing modified and expanded. A nice place to sit, drink coffee, people watch, fireworks and talk to strangers. Currently this location is empty and unloved - "Hey Disney bean counters it could generate money!" That will get'em going.



New Member
Starbucks doesn't know how to make a decent cup of coffee. Anything served in WDW today may noit be the greatest, but it is far batter than anything that has ever come out of a Starbucks cup.

Yes - I've tried what Starbucks passes off as coffee. It's awful. Threw it out after a couple sips, and went to McDonald's...



Well-Known Member
I'd fathom a guess that a vast majority of coffee drinkers would prefer Starbucks to the swill Disney serves now. And I'm pretty sure the chance to make more money on coffee sales is why Disney is smart enough to make the switch.


I don't drink coffee, so I really don't have a dog in this hunt.
However, I do need to vent on one Starbucks related issue....the sizes.
I refuse to use their stupid, pretentious ordering lingo.
Venti...grande.....nope. I won't say it. I say small, medium or large.
Love it when they give me "that look"....:drevil:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I don't drink coffee, so I really don't have a dog in this hunt.
However, I do need to vent on one Starbucks related issue....the sizes.
I refuse to use their stupid, pretentious ordering lingo.
Venti...grande.....nope. I won't say it. I say small, medium or large.
Love it when they give me "that look"....:drevil:

Didn't I see that in a movie somewhere? :lookaroun

Oh yeah...Role Models


New Member
I don't drink coffee, so I really don't have a dog in this hunt.
However, I do need to vent on one Starbucks related issue....the sizes.
I refuse to use their stupid, pretentious ordering lingo.
Venti...grande.....nope. I won't say it. I say small, medium or large.
Love it when they give me "that look"....:drevil:

Agreed besides their coffee tasting like it was filtered through a jock strap I refuse to use their lingo as well.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Really? It's in a movie?
Cool....somebody owes me some royalties!:lol:

found it

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
Didn't I see that in a movie somewhere? :lookaroun

Oh yeah...Role Models

I love it. I had no idea that was in a movie.

I do that in Starbucks as well, sort of. I don't correct the "barrista" but I do order a "Large black coffee" and they go "Oh, a venti Americano" - whatever. (Americano is not straight black coffee either, but thats a different story)

I rarely go to Starbucks. Burnt coffee (not strong coffee, not dark roasted, but burnt - there is a difference) is somthing I get too often there. When it's mixed with soy, cream, flavoring, ice, syrup, and chocolate shavings, it tastes fine - but then so would motor oil. For "plain" coffee, I pass on Starbucks.

However. as little as I like Starbucks coffee, it is still head and shoulders above the hot water and coffee syrup mix they serve at WDW- bleah.

They should put in a coffee spot over in the African Outpost in EPCOT (I think as I reach over for today cup - Kenyan Peaberry (no "brand", it comes in green in bulk sacks to the market, where they roast it out on the sales floor, offer samples, and then I buy bags of whatever tastes good)



Active Member
Woot! I just hope this comes to pass and Starbucks appears at WDW. :sohappy:

I can't stomach the Nescafe, but I do love Starbucks.

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