I saw the film again this weekend. From the comfort of a couch. A friend has a (totally legit) screener. I really thought - okay, now that I've seen it and I know what to expect, maybe I'll start to like what is there more.
The truth is, the second viewing is where the cracks really started to show. Totally forgetting Rey's past, Snoke, etc. - man, that film just has some problems.
The Finn/Rose subplot is just terrible. It is so long, so boring, and so pointless. They were stuck with ticking off some checkboxes - give Finn something to do, bring another female character in to muck with the 'shipping tango (someone who is Asian to boot, appealing to that region of the world - two birds, one stone), bring back Phasma (criminally wasted...again), and pull in a name guest star (Del Torro, who's little occasional stutter is about his only character trait he has). It's amazing how isolated that entire sub-plot is - you literally could erase every scene of Finn in the film up until the battle of Crait and not miss it whatsoever. And it drags on soooo long.
Then you have the logical inconsistencies, often made worse by bad dialogue. (And yes, before someone says "lots of Star Wars has bad dialogue" - I reject that as an excuse - that's because George Lucas is a crap writer, they had every resource to do better.) I mean, when Poe and Finn briefly meet up for a moment near the beginning - "I'm sure you have a thousand questions!" Yeah, a thousand questions about WHAT? Like two days have passed. "Rey won the fight, we picked up your body, and here we are, still fighting the first order."
Snokes death scene was just silly - he was narrating his own death and it is just so trite. And the saber / martial arts battle that follows it really isn't that impressive. It was a big toy selling scene - notice how each of the guards has their own slightly different outfit and the varied weapons - it's because one thing action figure collectors love are "army builders" and this gave them an excuse to have a myriad of different designs to be able to sell. Not to mention, the set is just awful. Looks like a film who ran out of budget to finish it's FX. Since it literally seems to be red sheets that get taken away, it's like - what the hell was the point of covering the windows with cloth/paper/whatever? Other than "I want to be different than the Emperor's throne room" because apparently they couldn't come up with anything more clever.
There is a lot more, but my biggest disapointment was that what I initially thought was one of the cooler parts of the film makes no freaking sense whatsoever now. That was the death of Holdo. What a silly, empty death. It was watching it a second time that really drove it home - and it's the films own dang fault when you watch it again (though it would have not stood up to more critical thinking anyway). The scene where you realize what is going to happen, and Holdo and Leia say their goodbyes, fricking C-3PO is standing right behind Leia during the discussion.
Leia's lifelong friend dies so she can sit there and push a lever. They didn't even bother to do one of those sci-fi sacrifice tropes ("someone has to manually do X and couldn't possibly survive"). All she did is throw the thing into hyperdrive. If for whatever reason they couldn't do it remotely, why couldn't they have left a droid to do it? It also leaves a bit of a plot hole because on the other ship, they say "there is no one on that ship" when there is a life form aboard it - Holdo - and we know the technology exists to detect life forms (they scanned the pod in the very first film that 3PO and R2 were on).
I'm sure some would call this all nitpicky but seriously - it just makes...no....sense. Where in hell was Lawrence Kasdan and why didn't he work on this film? Well, I could speculate the answer to that would be that because it basically crapped on TFA so much, it was probably mutually agreed.
Now I'm really perplexed as to what film people saw that was so amazing - I wish they would point out what it was that was so dang impressive, because the more I think about it the less I can find that people could possibly think as just so brilliant.