Premium Member
In the opening crawl of The Force Awakens - it's explained that the Republic supports General Leia and her 'Resistance'. The Republic is located in the Hosnian System.
Later in the film, Starkiller base destroys the Hosnian System
The capital of the New Republic, housing the Galactic Senate and the Starfleet, as well as the surrounding planets, were all destroyed in one shot.
Without a Republic...without support and funding...the Resistance is dwindled down significantly, yet gets an underdog win against Starkiller Base, destroying it, but even that is a small victory as they are now a rogue operation.
And at the beginning of Episode 8, their secret base is discovered by the First Order...and Poe's reckless hero ball...destroys basically their bomber fleet.
Leaving them with the large ship (forget the name of it) they are using throughout The Last Jedi to escape the First Order.... until Holdo rams it through the Destroyer at lightspeed...and the remaining Resistance band escapes to Crait...and is essentially dwindled down to only the people remaining on the Millennium Falcon at the end of the film.
All of that is in novels or offscreen...
Who knows what the planet was even called?
And they practically are shooting at tanks with BB guns...
Bastardized b-wings (just wrong) as "salt skippers"?
And mon cala is not a "outer rim ally"...they got one ship left?
You did a brilliant job in piecing together the geek stuff...I'm interested in that. The rest of the universe is largely NOT!!
Is there no interest in new fans? If so...this crap has to make sense ON the screen. I invite you to go back to the original trilogy and find something not explained both in the scroll AND in the story...
That plot hole nonsense is a prequel thing...where we need not tread again...