I'm with you, somewhat. I don't mind the third trilogy. It completes the Skywalker saga, which, depending on which version of history you want to go with, is what Lucas originally intended.
What I just cannot get behind is every flipping popular non-Skywalker character getting their own movie, or trilogy of movies. It's overkill. Personally, I don't need or want a Han Solo movie, or trilogy. I don't need or want a Boba Fett movie. An Obi-Wan Kenobi movie?? Come on... Do they have plans for a Palpatine movie? What about Chewbacca? General Veers? Grand Moff Tarkin? IG-88? Bossk? The Rancor? I saw Rogue One, but my life as a Star Wars fan would still have been complete if I hadn't. It was a movie based on a singular event that didn't have anything come out of it. The phrase "Some stories don't need to be told" is a phrase that is verboten within the walls of TWDC, it seems. If there's money to be made, they're gonna do it.
I'm also not a fan of SW merchandise being everywhere in the parks. Again - Overkill. What's available in stores is bad enough. I guess I'm a fan of the "less can be more" approach, but since that doesn't make Disney any money...
I'm certain there are a lot of people who will happily open their wallets for those movies, and that's perfectly fine. I simply won't be one of them.