News Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge - Historical Construction/Impressions


Park History nut
Premium Member
Like so many of us here, I absolutely revere @marni1971 and his endless contributions to the fan community. Many a rainy night I've sat and watched his excellent Epcot Center videos!

But I'm honestly not sure what it is he could clear up. He's established that the two E Tickets will be identical, which I've never doubted personally. But there are now very noticeable spatial and land use differences between the two lands. The differences are most noticeable right now on the "left flank" around the Battle Escape ride, with a big chunk of land missing from the DHS version and the Battle ride building jammed right up against MuppetVision.

There also appear to be similar differences taking shape on the opposite side of the land, around the "village" area in front of the Falcon ride. But I'll save that until aerial photos of more advanced construction come in from both coasts over the next year.

Again, how does @marni1971 in all his fabulousness, override a hi-res aerial photo that clearly shows what we all can see now?

No one (that I know of) is debating that the two E Ticket attractions won't be identical, especially once you step inside their buildings. But the square footage around those two buildings has a growing aerial photograph evidence that there is a lot more land and space to work with over in the Disneyland version. That's notable, at least on a Disney fan message board in the off-season. :D

It's been said all along there will be minor deviations in exterior / overflow queue placement. Particularly for Alcatraz. And of course DHS will only have two entries into the land.


Well-Known Member
It's been said all along there will be minor deviations in exterior / overflow queue placement. Particularly for Alcatraz. And of course DHS will only have two entries into the land.

Sure, minor deviations were expected. But the differences seen in recent aerial photos no longer seem that minor.

There's big chunks of land missing at DHS. Not that those chunks would contain fabulous extra rides or some Star Wars Day Spa or something at Disneyland, but particularly on the left flank leading from MuppetVision and Critter Country, the differences in land use and square footage look anything but minor.

It will be very interesting to watch these aerial photographs develop each month during 2018, and then see the finished products in 2019!


Well-Known Member
In DL, the area is too thin for Battle Escape to fit closer to Critter Country. In DHS, the area is wide enough for it to fit right up against Grand Park. You can see this in aerials right now. This was a choice on DHS's part and a necessity on DL's, not the other way around. And DHS will have significant extra room on every other side of SWL. If you can't see this yet, future aerials will prove it.

I just caught this. You say that as if the Imagineers poured over the Blue Sky model and demanded that the Battle ride be jammed up against MuppetVision because that's what George Lucas and Darth Vader and Chewbacca's Mom would all want. But darnit, for the Disneyland version MuppetVision is over in the other park and so we'll just have to settle for some open space and winding trails leading to some cool landing pads for X-wings. Doh! If only there was a pink MuppetVision warehouse closer to Star Wars Land! Stupid Anaheim! :mad:

But something tells me the Imagineers actually wish they could work with some more open space instead of a pink MuppetVision warehouse.



Park History nut
Premium Member
, but particularly on the left flank leading from MuppetVision and Critter Country, the differences in land use and square footage look anything but minor.!
This is the area I believe will have the biggest change. Virtually the same content, but arranged differently.

Plus in DHS you'll enter the land from the right. Anaheim it's more right / below. As it were.


Well-Known Member
Sure, minor deviations were expected. But the differences seen in recent aerial photos no longer seem that minor.

There's big chunks of land missing at DHS. Not that those chunks would contain fabulous extra rides or some Star Wars Day Spa or something at Disneyland, but particularly on the left flank leading from MuppetVision and Critter Country, the differences in land use and square footage look anything but minor.

It will be very interesting to watch these aerial photographs develop each month during 2018, and then see the finished products in 2019!

Man, I love reading your stuff! The way you destroy your critics in the most gentlemanly fashion. It's savage, really.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's just funny to me that you can't admit that there are little design details that will enhance the DL version. You come across as try hard in your defense. Instead of being like, "yea that's cool the transitions will be better at DL, but it will still be an incredible land at DHS." You would sound more credible rather than the, they are both identical in every way no matter the truth bombs that TP2000 drops on me.

I feel bad as I'd like this to be a welcoming thread and you are new, so welcome!

I don't think you understood the contents of my post, missed the joke, nor know my posting history very well. I am firmly both more excited and of the belief DL's version will be more up my alley. I was taking a moderate perspective, because at the same time I can acknowledge that these will both be world class lands with variations due to their existing infrastructure or lack-thereof.

The laugh was because I’ve never disagreed with @TP2000. I think I pointed out the differences well before your time and have more than been a critic in the past of the decision to not develop a land to fulfill DHS’s needs.

I do want to caution that this thread is not for inflammatory fanboy battles. @egg was also quite right, every time this gets brought up by @TP2000 the immature responses to his point escalates. So let’s nip this one in the bud because it’s heading in a negative direction.
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Well-Known Member
I feel bad as I'd like this to be a welcoming thread and you are new, so welcome!

I don't think you understood the contents of my post, missed the joke, nor know my posting history very well. I am firmly both more excited and of the belief DL's version will be more up my alley. I was taking a moderate perspective, because at the same time I can acknowledge that these will both be world class lands with variations due to their existing infrastructure or lack-thereof.

The laugh was because I’ve never disagreed with @TP2000. I think I pointed out the differences well before your time and have more than been a critic in the past of the decision to not develop a land to fulfill DHS’s needs.

I do want to caution that this thread is not for inflammatory fanboy battles. @egg was also quite right, every time this gets brought up by @TP2000 the immature responses to his point escalates. So let’s nip this one in the bud because it’s heading in a negative direction.

Yes, I'm a newbie so I'm not familiar with your style. As a Disney nerd, it's fun for me to get into these type of debates. Lol I'll tone it down though.

I also caused quite a ruckus on another thread when I simply stated why I thought DL Splash Mountain was better. That thread made me a bit defensive. Obviously this is a WDW site so I know stating my preference for DL will always be problematic. I do enjoy these forums though because

A. Frequent participation of posters
B. Knowledgeable insiders like TP2000, Spirit, Marnie (I was impressed how much they got right for D23)
C. Honest critiques of Disney rather than Pixie Dust


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yes, I'm a newbie so I'm not familiar with your style. As a Disney nerd, it's fun for me to get into these type of debates. Lol I'll tone it down though.

I also caused quite a ruckus on another thread when I simply stated why I thought DL Splash Mountain was better. That thread made me a bit defensive. Obviously this is a WDW site so I know stating my preference for DL will always be problematic. I do enjoy these forums though because

A. Frequent participation of posters
B. Knowledgeable insiders like TP2000, Spirit, Marnie (I was impressed how much they got right for D23)
C. Honest critiques of Disney rather than Pixie Dust

Thanks and again welcome! You'll enjoy a long happy life here. We aim for debates instead of fights. Plus like @180º said we do all like each other. :D


Well-Known Member
So, when formulating conclusions and "taking sides", let's take a step back and look at some past precedent.

Let's consider the East Coast / West Coast TOT situation. (Taking the internal attraction mechanism and content out of the equation) I think it would be safe to say that most folks consider the approach and build up to the attraction to be superior in Florida. California visitors put up with their (our) situation because they enjoy what's inside.

I think when construction is complete, we're going to have a similar situation with the (in Anaheim) "West entrance" vs. the Studios version.

I see a real parallel. Others may not (or choose not to).


Well-Known Member
I think they'll be fine. Different but fine. People will be in awe the second they see the land and will forget where they just came from. I have faith in the man leading this project. He's had some success before with this type of thing.


Well-Known Member
Man, I love reading your stuff! The way you destroy your critics in the most gentlemanly fashion. It's savage, really.

Well, thank you. I really appreciate the gentleman comment.

But there really are many gentlemen and ladies here, and we honestly know and respect and like each other after years or decades of being online. Some of us know each other from previous forums on other deceased websites that were popular in the mid 2000's or late 1990's. I date back myself, using this same TP2000 handle, to the alt.disney.disneyland Usenet days of the mid 1990's. Back when "Theme Park 2000" seemed like a cool and futuristic name to give my geeky self via a 28K dial-up modem. :rolleyes:

You are waaaay off in terms of how we treat each other here on this forum. We all rather like each other here and no one is trying to destroy anyone.

Exactly. We are talking about Disney theme parks here, not health care or tax code or nuclear proliferation treaties. We're all gonna be okay!

Thanks and again welcome! You'll enjoy a long happy life here. We aim for debates instead of fights. Plus like @180º said we do all like each other. :D

And thank you for being such a good host in this thread you started. I feel a little sheepish for starting this odd debate that has brought out some interesting emotions.

But after years of hearing these Star Wars lands were "clones" and that Disneyland's was somehow unfortunately shoehorned in and DHS's would benefit from WDW's "blessing of size" and a seemingly endless swath of swamp with which to take over, you'll have to pardon me for making mention of the growing body of evidence from aerial photographs that the exact opposite appears to be true.

The aerial photographs are not being altered or edited. The photos show exactly what is going on there on the ground, and on the ground the two projects are going to end up with noticeable differences in land use and spatial relationships. Who knew?!? :)
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Well-Known Member
The transitions are going to be different, but that doesn’t make one of them better. DHS will be like walking into Diagon Alley, and DL is going to be like walking into Pandora.

BINGO! That's exactly the point that I think all these aerial photographs show. There's a noticeable difference in the layouts and entry paths to each land, plus the way the buildings are laid out against their respective land boundaries.

These lands are not clones. The two rides will be clones, but their lands and layout will not. Disneyland has a noticeably different layout than DHS, and will have a very different experience for entering the land and coming upon the major attractions and buildings and vistas. I'm of the personal opinion that the slow reveal via a wooded environment will be better, but the "Big Wow!" moment of walking through a tunnel and immediately into the land may also be a fun way to do it at DHS.

I've said it again, but I can't wait to see the differences in person in 2019 (though I may wait for 2020 to see the WDW version in person).

No Name

Well-Known Member
One of the greatest things about this forum in particular is people's ability to get along. I've rarely seen more friendly online discussion. That's why I hate to sound argumentative, it just kills me when I know for a fact that I am correct. So, I always say this is my last comment on the topic, but this time I ain't kidding. There's nothing more to say. Until future aerials, I am silenzioso!

But before I go, I should restate that this argument is not about whether there's a difference in space, this is about why. We all agree there is a difference, but we disagree on why.

Knowledgeable insiders like TP2000

@TP2000 is not an insider. So far as we know. Nor am I.
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